Main villain gets killed halfway into the game

>main villain gets killed halfway into the game

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Fucking FC3

>even phasma gets killed without any character development
what a shit movie

>Lame clone of first game's stellar big bad gets killed off and replaced by cooler second in command

This video game had lots of problen but that wasn't one of them

What annoys me most is that the best scenes with that guy were shown off at E3 or in trailers. If I remember right he dies in a fucking hallucination, something which was also underplayed.

>actually thinking Phasma is dead
It's like you don't watch movies


>Guys let's have a mysterious background villain with minimal appearances in the first movie
>Oh cool, so we're going to get them interested by keeping them guessing? Build up the bad guy in the second movie and make the third about overcoming him?



>snoke just dead like its nothing
>luke dead like its nothing
>Rei's parents are nobody's
>Kylo and Rei are "linked"
>god awful "jokes" and general shitting on the series
literally who wrote this shit?
i mean, it looks good but the script is So Fucking awful

Do you know what halfway means?


I think he was never supposed to be the main villain, they didn't expect him to be the breakout character that he ended up being, probably after that they modeled most of their villains on him

Season 2 was the beginning of the end for TT stuff but damn, I didn't think they'd top choking the shit out of the stranger with one arm from season one. Kenny giving Carver the crowbar was just fantastic


the short answer to this is they didn't have an overall plan for these shitty movies, probably wanted the shekels as fast as possible. also they were fucking stupid in getting different directors writing each movies, too many fucking cooks stirring the same pot of shit. IIRC the guy who directed jurassic world is supposed to direct the next one (or was it originally to direct TLJ?) and now JJ abrams will be back for the 3rd movie, which means he's going to undo all the shit TLJ did, basically you're gonna see more inconsistencies because all these different directors are having a tug of war with the story. there is no hope for the next one, it's fucked.

>new game dev single handedly kills the series

>even boba fett gets killed without any character development
what a shit movie

Is it that difficult to pay a good director enough that he will keep coming back to make a coherent trilogy or more films? Unlike what we got now which is some sort of high budget Newgrounds animation collab...

Lucas hated Boba's character and wanted him gone. I'm not sure about what exactly is the current reasoning behind some very strange decisions for the new trilogy. It's baffling that the best new thing to come from star wars in the big screen was Rogue One.

I really enjoyed the new Star Wars movie. I mean, yeah, it had its fair share of plotholes, but it's popcorn cinema, I kinda expected that. It had some really great visuals though, the sound design was also well done, and I think it had some actual clever writing ("What did you expect me to do? Just face the entire First Order with my light saber?", something like that)
I mean, I'm not a big Star Wars fan, and I sympathize with fans who did not get what they wanted, but I think it was an enjoyable movie.

they really should have done it the way LOTR was done, get a good director, and give him a few years to develop all the shit, it took Peter Jackson and the crew years to do pre production and the quality of those movies shows, Disney and Kennedy just wanted the shekels, 1 movie every alternate year and some other shit movie in between? it's just plain old greed with these fuckers. btw that han solo movie is supposed to come out this year in a couple of months and we have zero information on that one too.

> obiwan dead like its nothing

boba fett dying like a bitch was to show off how strong luke because that a silly bounty hunter dies like a joke because of him. Snoke was just, eh I kill the big bad so my sister will join me. Like the first order is just going to okay with their leader dying, oh okay Kylo is our leader now so we can have higher stakes for the next piece of shit movie.

>Lucas hated Boba's character
>Prequel trilogy involves an army of Boba Fett's

>Ignores tutorial

Mgsv. Literaly what was the point of skullface

Luke wasn’t in the movie.
It was Jake Skywalker. Aka Luuke

Obi wan died holding off D viddy; allowing Luke and the gang to escape. Not only sacrificing himself but also facing his past.

Did you even fucking watch the movie? Fett dies because a blind Han Solo accidently sets off his jet pack which causes him to fall into a giant sand vagina.

>>snoke just dead like its nothing
What do you mean, like it's nothing? It was a pretty big deal. I welcomed that they rushed through Return of the Jedi with that scene, that means the next film can truely be its own thing now.

>complete nobody that people latched on to due to his cool armour
>vs a ridiculously marketed character that already had received backlash due to being a complete non entity previously
My almonds are activating on their own!

Didn't Luke kinda do exactly the same?

That part itself was great but I was expecting Carver to be around for a bit longer then half the season.

>everyone gives kenny shit for wanting to kill Carver, despite the guy taking one of his eyes
Good I fucking hated the group in 2.

>the next film can truely be its own thing now.

>implying Kennedy and the gang won't butcher Star Wars even further

They can't even design new aliens, ships and vehicles.

Man it must suck being a star wars fan. Us blade runner fans got the best sequel that we could possibly have last year.

>Main villian that's is hyped to be OP as fuck,gets his ass kicked left and right by the main character

>Rey's parents are nobody
>This is somehow a problem

Phasma was supposed to be like a new boba fett. But Boba was a badass in empire who even Vader respected, and who managed to capture and take Han away, while Phasma is a loser who does nothing and dies like a bitch

He died pointlessly to “inspire” a grand total of 30 people, if that.
Despite already publicly having a Death Star and most powerful dark lord of the Sith who ever lived under his belt

>Cairo Len
Snoke was lame but Jewfro is just silly looking.

>Loses hand

you mean justice league?

looked for mansplaining because i dont know what it means and found a bunch of feminist shit.
not surprised

Why does the rest of the galaxy not give a shit about wiping the First Order out when they returned to their planet destroying ways and killed the citizens of dozens different races? They're at a fraction of the power of the old Empire and nobody thinks it is a good idea to put together a decent fleet to wreck them before they get out of hand again?

That death star died due to its own shitty engineering, and I don't know what Sith you are talking about.

don't forget
>Leia not actually dying

are you dense? The last scene of the film is about the kids of the galaxy being inspired by his tale

>>main villain gets killed halfway into the game
Then it's not the main villain you troglodyte

Because Mon Mothma thinks it was such a good idea to demilitarize The New Republic


>Qui Gon dies in Episode 1
>Obi Wan dies in Episode 4
>Luke escapes fate in Ep. 7 but dies in Ep. 8

How did you retards not see this coming?

it is when she is some kind of Super Prodigy

>general shitting on the series
I agree with this phrase most of all, but I still enjoyed them. Right before the credits it says "based on characters and story by George Lucas" and I think that that's the best way to think of the movie. The lightspeed ram scene was ridiculous and would not be canon in any self-respecting sci-if but it was still worth it and was my favorite part of the film.

>Implying anyone will be inspired by such an unbelievable story when told by 30 butthurt rebellion splinter survivors

Retard, he bought them enough time to escape.

Evil Within 2

MGSV was one final "fuck you" to the series. It devalued the entire series in one fell swoop.

>MGS3 was not your work at all, Big Boss is a child that needed to be picked up after
>Everyone from Peace Walker either dies or is written off, not even as important characters
>Big Boss is only Big Boss in MG2, MG1 is actually Venom
>Miller was a blind, crippled old man who wanted to fuck off, no seeming hostility for Big Boss (MG1+2 & MGS)
>Skull Face actually tampered with the AIs, making them evil, instead of a nuanced critique of the internet/those who wish to control it. (MGS2)
>"lol Zero did nothing wrong" (MGS4)

>Ocelot was working for Big Boss the ENTIRE TIME, no longer a rogue agent out for his own interest

People theorized that Snoke was projecting himself like Luke was.

well he looks pretty cool when he wears the mask. Even though he only wears it because it is literally his Darth Vader fan cosplay

Even Lucas had a backup plan when Star Wars didn't do well

it's literally the ending scene of the movie user

Are you?
Why the fuck did Luke Skywalker need to do anything else to inspire people?
How did the people on the falcon tell anyone about it? The movie implies people already know.
Why would anyone believe it? The Jedi seem to already have fallen back into legend, and thirty people aren’t very convincing and would be able to spread it very far

The message was a fucking mess

>toxic masculinity
>Condemnation of Mansplaining
I like how all anyone ever praises this movie for is how diverse it is and "STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMEN" and similar shit, meanwhile bladerunner gets accused of being sexist.

What was wrong with the lightspeed ram? Was pretty much the only decent part of the movie to me.

They only actually started looking for exits partway through his fight.
If they hadn’t been retarded it wouldn’t be necessary

>idiot think

Two more years of fan theories

okay user

>why isn't everything overexplained
Do you want another prequel trilogy instead? Yeah, it probably fucks Star Wars lore over, but who cares about that shit? It's better than having everything connected again.

>he didn't see rogue 1, the only good Disney star wars movie


seems cool

Honestly, I expected Rei and Kylo to swap sides. I was pretty ready for it, the way Rei uses a lightsaber has similar choreography to Star Killer.

you cant just make her super powerful and answer "how?" with "fuck you"

>literal manchild can't handle his old idol dying like a bitch like every past old mentor figure in the series

Faggot AND a retard.

Nobody even knew his name if it wasn't for the Holiday Special. He was just a fan favorite but an pushover/nobody in the movies if a cool looking character nonetheless. The true new Boba Fett in the recent trilogy is pic related.

Phasma was over hyped EVERYWHERE and she was trashed very quickly without a second thought. They aren't very comparable besides Phasma being a straight rip off and nowhere as cool.

I didn't see it, but wasn't the whole point of that that some guy intentionally made the Death Star shitty?

>The movie implies people already know.
The chubby chink told the kids in the stable. I think that is the only part of that side plot that actually mattered.

Plausible, would explain him looking less fucked up than the hologram in TFA despite TLJ taking place directly after it. Luke's force projection looked different than his actual physical form too.

>observable fact that can’t be hidden and would be spread by thousands of people
>vs fight in the middle of nowhere that does nothing and was observed by a few ATAT crews and thirty rebels who were shown to have no connections
Does Mickey share good cheese, at least?

If they aren't already inspired by his feats that should be public knowledge how are they inspired by a pointless fight that accomplished nothing that nobody even witnessed the entirety of as told by complete nobodies?

Exactly my point.


>implying the chubby chink didn't get those kids whipped to death

>implying Disney would make their Mary Sue become evil


>When you are the most powerful of the party

If ramming into something at lightspeed can do that much damage why don't they just make robots ram into fleets at lightspeed all the time?

>observable fact that can’t be hidden and would be spread by thousands of people
did he now? How many eyewitnesses were there of Luke killing the Emperor and redempting Vader?

people were inspired by his feats, why do you think they went looking for him in the first place?


The hero coming from nowhere is one of the more interesting tropes, if you ask me.

What could be changes to TLJ to fix it, if anything?

I was thinking of one idea that sort of works

>Cut purple-haired bitch out of story entirely
>Bridge command all die save for Leia and Akbar
>Akbar was taking a shit or something at the time so he wasn't sucked out into space
>He takes control of the bridge while Leia gets smeared with Bacta Icy Hot
>Instead of having some retarded plot of the Admiral keeping vital information to himself, he tells Captain Hothead the plan, eliminating the need for Finn and Chink girl to go to Space Las Vegas and meet Methhead Martinez
>Akbar either sacrifices himself while everyone else peaces out in the escape shuttles, or, you know, they use some droids to drive it, because droids are disposable next to a fucking Admiral
>Luke doesn't die, and successfully trolls Kylo like the little bitchboi he is
>He uses the force to drag his X-wing out of the ocean and flies off

Those are just some things I thought would work better. I think Luke dying wasn't really originally going to be in the film, it felt kinda out of place and unnecessary. I'm not sure if I'm right on that, but I just have a feeling about it. I did like the callback to A New Hope, at least. That music and the twin sunset was kinda cool, I guess.

>Final boss wanted you to kill him all along

>Phasma was over hyped EVERYWHERE
I don't think I've ever seen or heard anyone hyping Phasma

>Luke's projection couldn't be harmed by a lightsaber
>Snoke's projection got bisected, and then everyone was ok with him taking over the first order

>Lucas hated Boba's character and wanted him gone.
You don't know what you're talking about. He just stuffed ROTJ full of characters and felt the death was an easy way to avoid a complicated fight scene. Once that was easier to do with computers he gave us a 10 minute Obi Wan vs. Jango fight.

Lucas liked Boba Fett and was instrumental in his design. He upgraded him from supercommando nameless soldier to important bounty hunter.

Yeah, pretty disappointing. The first half of the movie felt like a Disney movie overall, they had some real Disney esque cliches in there like the ship rising up above the horizon to save them. If you're wondering why the movie feels weird, imagine Finn and the Chinese woman were random CGI Disney characters. It makes a lot more sense.

And then he just kept projecting the severed chunks for the next couple hours?
And presumably kept it up through the body disposal?
That's some fucking dedication to fooling everyone into thinking he's a laughably pathetic Sith that gets shitcanned on his own throne.
If only his severed torso fell down an impossible to survive height, then he could have had robot legs attached to him and got all better, like a real sith!

Underrated. Have a (You) and a qt.

>rebels know Luke confronts the Emperor
>Emperor dies
>rebels come to a conclusion good for propaganda and spread it
I note how you’re moving away from the Death Star and middle of nowhere fight bit, don’t think I didn’t spot it.

I think ramming into something at light speed would have done much, much more damage in real life.
I always thought about why they didn't just sent a light speed torpedo or whatever from half the galaxy away into the Death Star weakpoint, but then again they can kinda detect when things arive from hyper space, can't they?