what happened
>jap games are popular now
Other urls found in this thread:
the NES
This. Jap games became popular gen 3.
>inb4 le I'm so clever I actually meant """""weeb""""" games but said Jap so people would reply and I could say "No, not Marry Oh!"
They finally learned how to use 3d party engines instead of making your own one for the entire gen length and are back
i mean weeb games
those ironic weebs everywhere
Western fags ran out of decent games / met with disappointing expectations for too many years.
Meanwhile Japanese just do their thing and release a great game after a while, because they work on their shit, and I dunno, social media the fuck out of their game like a bunch of retarded developers. Even the slavs have a better work ethic.
Cause western games KO'd themselves
That japanese girl is really cute.
Zelda mario
anime is popular now and being an ironic weeb is mainstream
>ironic weebs
They don't exist and this behavior isn't new
There really is something very natural about Japanese beauty, something really pleasent in their genetic make up.
>jap games
>popular "now"
>bing bing wahoo
they've always been big in ameirca
>anime is popular now
It was more popular in the West in the late 90s and early 00s.
>"O-oh n-no muh "obscure" annie mays and jay arpeegees are popular now, I'm not a special snowflake anymore!"
>"N-no that can't be true! They must all be "ironic weebs! That's it!"
>"Whatever that means!"
>in the West in the late 90s and early 00s.
i didn't know about anime in those days
Then you're underage
They all look like downies.
How did people watched subbed anime in 1996
>It was more popular in the West in the late 90s and early 00s.
Jesus christ this, back in 2004 there were 10 high school girls in my class who wouldn't shut up about Fruits Basket and Inuyasha.
Not so
where are you from
Most people watched anime dubbed. You could only really watch anime on TV or on VHS. Sometimes we'd get anime brought over with subtitles like Escaflowne.
>tfw no cute japanese gf
>pewdiepie streamed weeb games
>vrchat is filled with weeb shit like sonic and anime girls
>Sup Forums is hijacked by weebs
is happening
bootleg VHS tapes imported from China
Least intelligent comment of the week award.
why does no one talk about destiny on Sup Forums ? I thought it sold poorly because there were no threads talking about it
because it's a shit game
>Sup Forums is hijacked by weebs
This happend
>weeb shit like sonic
>Sup Forums is hijacked by weebs
you earned this reply
savour it
But user there's tons of DS2 threads!
Because Sup Forums is the fucking cultural center of the world and its fucking horrifying.
Before people say it, Anons post it. Opinions are memed into oblivion, then you got E-celeb saying it because they browse the chans, which in turn means normalfags are saying it etc etc. So much of modern culture is shit that started on Sup Forums years ago.
Physical meetup swaps of VHS tapes.
>Why do people on Sup Forums not talk about a mainstream game
Come on man that is like asking where all the Madden threads are.
>So much of modern culture is shit that started on Sup Forums years ago.
This is what newfags actually believe.
>Sup Forums is hijacked by weebs
if girls on my class started doing that shit i would lliterally just pull out my dick and fuck everyone
>racists is part of retards
I will say this: Sup Forums picked moot as person of the year on Time magazine back in the day. I'm almost certain without the weaponized autism of Sup Forums and other boards, Donald Trump wouldn't have become the President. I've been browsing Sup Forums on and off since 2005, never have I seen this website become so completely enamored by a politician and turn him into the biggest meme on planet earth. After Sup Forums turned him into a meme, middle America turned him into the President.
Say what you will about this place, but it doesn't hold some bearing on the world.
Sup Forums is a right-wing activism website, not a weeb daycare.
And what country made them, user?
What happened
it looks just like any 80s japanese pop record
its true though
Sup Forums is the indestructable engine of modern culture. the sole decentral platform
why do they have such thick tights
not attractive at all
>I'm almost certain without the weaponized autism of Sup Forums and other boards, Donald Trump wouldn't have become the President.
Memes aside, there are people on this site that genuinely believe this.
The meaning of racist has changed. It used to be person who wanted to kill everyone who didn't have their skin color. Now it means everyone who doesn't let everyone with a different skin color live in their house and fuck their wife.
>not realizing yet that it's both
>Always got mocked for watching anime back in the day
>It's become a normie thing to do now
Genuinely mad desu
Why won't you let your wife experience the unmatched pleasures of BBC
Do you really hate her that much
Sorry, I didn't mean to be misogynistic.
Weebshit is merely a vessel to spread our message and redpills. Otherwise it is pure degeneracy.
Not an argument
you said it like only cucks aren't racists
Thats been the case for even the left of have you forgotten about Xenogears?
>all of those shitty inuyasha fan websites made by 13 year old girls
I'm not trying to argue you fucking dumpling.
>Friend has jap gf come to our city
>My friend does nothing but brag
>Literally tells me to my face "you mad?!"
>He brings her to a dinner with some of our friends
>We drink a bit of sake and go back to his place to chill
>She is all over me the whole time flirting like crazy
>By the end of the night we are both on his bed with her literally laying on my lap about to kiss me
>"Bro wtf are you doing are you trying to bag my girl?"
>"lol you mad bro?"
It was a dick move but it felt so fucking good. I did not take the final step and fuck her tho.
>ironic weebs
>playing japanese games
silly user
Because they never changes
wtf i was the girl. why would you share that
>turn on the psx stream
>they have like 4 normies playing dragon's crown
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
Give it a rest already, man. This is pathetic.
>a rightstuff order form
Jesus I remember when I used to browse that site all the time.
they don't hide their power levels these days
it's not fair
Jap game are only good when you can't guess if it was a jap game all along.
>Implying this happened
>top 5 Japanese games
Legend of Zelda BotW
>open world adventure game
Mario Odissey
>plataformer colectaton
Resident eVIl Biohazzard
>fps horror game
>hard as balls onimusha game
Nier Automata
>hack n slash with an ASS
>top 5 western games
Call o duty WW2
Starwars Battlefront 2
Destiny 2
Wolfestain 2
Netflix is actively funding and releasing anime to mainstream audiences.
Jap games have been popular since the the beginning of video games you retard
it's much simpler, friend
if it's a good game, it's japanese
the title of the thread is thus: >japan games are popular now
But you get to kill nazis in more than half of the western ones!
>top 5 jap games
>sold like shit
>top western games
>sold like hot cakes
your point?
>Netflix is actively funding and releasing anime to mainstream audiences.
Doesn't seem all that different from all of the western-funded anime throughout the 70s and 80s.
westacucks love eating shit
>wolfestain 2
>sold like hotcakes
>twilight series is good
no you for you
>user, you're 19! Why are you watching this hentai? Fucking weirdo.
>Skip to now
>Colleagues and friends openly discussing the newest Super episodes, talking about shonens in general
>Even some girls I know watch it
Yeah, I see some anime in the netflix catalogue.
>Doesn't seem all that different from all of the western-funded anime throughout the 70s and 80s.
that was half a century ago granpa
>jap games are popular
>western-funded anime throughout the 70s and 80s
Is she ok?
she got bullied for unfashionable shoes
Western companies funded Japanese studios all the fucking time then. What Netflix is doing isn't new.
Deservedly so.
Why does Sup Forums tolerate Gaia-tier weeaboos now?
you wut
>Japanese animation isn't anime
animated in japan to sell japanese toys
What happened? I don't remember a time where japanese games weren't popular and I've been gaming since the Genesis/SNES gen.
They're never getting my imouto eroge!