How did it lose in popularity that quickly?

Went from #1 everywhere to #5 at best... games like League Of Legends overtook it and are years old

I still like it and play it, but it has limited depth.

no loli hero

Slow updates, lack of depth and out of all the patches, the amount of balance changes that didn't make the game worse can be counted on one hand

extremely plain doesnt have any depth at all and the worse balance ever seen, even fucking payday is better than this

Got boring, a majority if not all the maps are chokepoint hallways. Combined with the fact it feels like none of the game matters besides ulti vomit at the last 5 seconds.

>Slow on updates
>Updates focus more on cosmetics and devs still trying to make OW a Esports thing
>Poor map design
>Game meta is heavily tied to the devs
>Game is simplistic as fuck. Very few heros have a high skill ceiling


>one of the biggest names in the industry
>like 3 patches a year
Blizzard are kings of mismanagement

I'm not mad at you, just tell me how many times have you posted this?

I really love Zenyatta's design, among other heroes they are some of the best designed models out there, can't speak about the game though, I don't even think installing it on the free weekends is worth my time.

I mean one day it will be true if you shout it long enough but that doesn't make you any less of an idiot.

Every post release hero has been absolute trash except Doomfist

>tfw I hate this game and everything it stands for but I still gotta go back time and time again to play muh robot boy

I hate that the updates are so slow despite making billions off the loot box shit. Taking so long long because they're technically free stopped being an excuse a few months in.

The free updates thing is a load of crap. What game charges you money for balance changes, bug fixes, and quality of life improvements? And they "free content" is either shit or just more skins

In 2017 the Overwatch team added:
-Capture the Flag
-Custom Game Browser
-Uprising single player event
-Horizon Lunar Colony
-Highlight Overhaul
-Deathmatch/TDM with new TDM maps
And that's all without including skin shit

>And they "free content"

Oh boy... is only the game #5... what a sad destiny, im sure no other game would want to be known as the number 5th ever.... they just prefer go bank rupt before that ever happen...

Lets say they have to fix the game, and corious how long would a game like this go, adding updates with out having microtransactions?

What is the best example of a game that have updated its base game adding expansions and characters or guns and maps, and have no microtransactions in it?

Minecraft maybe?
you could say yes, but at least i think they sell skins now...

I'm talking about the stages and characters taking forever to make when they've got billions in the bank. I'm obviously not referring to balance changes, user. Not to mention every new characters sucks or causes a balancing nightmare, and every new stages plays exactly like the other stages of the same mode. They should just stop making characters for a while and focus on making maps that actually feel different.

the lost de way


Another intelligent animal similar to Winston, like maybe a kangaroo whose gameplay is essentially Mantreads-Soldier on steroids, would be neat. At least as opposed to another Tumblr Diversity PIck.

Is she really a loli?
Just because she is small doesnt mean anything.

I was just saying that they keep touting "free updates" as something to be proud of. Now I know that they mean free heros and maps but when they release just skins with a few changes or fixes that last part is the only free part and almost every game ever gets those for free
I don't know what this has to do with what I said but here's a few games that do that:
Arma 3 gets free updates but the expansions are paid. Unlike Overwatch though, it has player made content.
Rising storm 2 has a cosmetic dlc pack but no microtransactions it also got a major update just a few months ago.
I also don't know why you compared overwatch to minecraft as an example of a game "like this." I tried to only come up with competitive fps games. If you don't mind survival/ sandbox games I could think of plenty without microtransactions that gets updated

Honestly I'd rather this game be full of furshit than sjw waifu shit. I would say make all the characters robots because that'd be the shit but after Orisa I don't want them making any robot characters since they can't design any characters worth a shit. But animals? I think they can handle that