How many games have to outperform on Steam on Switch until we admit that Steam has a major discovery problem that Valve...

How many games have to outperform on Steam on Switch until we admit that Steam has a major discovery problem that Valve needs to solve?

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>Owners: 1,382,954

Steam doesn't have a discovery problem, it has a "Indies Making Shitty Games That They Port To Switch, and Retarded Nintendofaggots Buy Them"

The occasional successful indie game doesn't prove it wrong.

With Cuphead, Microsoft promoted the hell out of it for years (it's an MS console exclusive), much like Sony did with No Man's Sky.

You cannot discover anything on the Nintendo eShop either because it has barely any functions.

>have two games on your console
>wow you can find indie trash easier on switch

It also has few games - and even less of super-low-quality junk that Steam is flooded with - making it easier to stand out.

So maybe get your game promoted, retard?

Oh I guess you guys better rely on ecelebs and lets players instead!


Also when garbage games start filling up the Switch and you have a discovery problem then, then what?

I have an idea for a MILF themed VN that takes place at a country club does anyone wanna help me make a switch game

They really need to work on this, it´s gotten really, really bad with the shovelware garbage.


Why did you bring up Cuphead when the OP is about some game called Blossom Tales?
>Owners: 3,740
When a game gets no marketing that shoves it ahead of countless other titles flooding the digital shelves, it will not get noticed no matter how good or bad it is. Switch on the other hand is currently again in the same space as the Wii - it has shit for games so people go digging through the far fewer shovelware titles on the eShop. Give it more time and the Switch will get the same surge of shit games bloating the library like the Wii, and any gems will be hard to find in the garbage pile.

Horror games the likes of Sophie's Curse (where you do braindead puzzles, probably have no means of defending yourself, and it's a lot of darkness and jumpscares) are not popular. Nobody likes playing them because they're fucking lame as games. They're only good as streamer/youtuber content so you can watch some retard scream like a girl for fifteen minutes. If it isn't like Resident Evil, nobody cares.

1. Steam has a garbage search function but so does the eShop.
2. I hope steam doesn't fix this. the less money steam has, the better
3. Literally who game

The cost of the carts will help prevent that. Publishers don't even want to pay for proper sized carts for their main titles so why would they pay for shovelware?

>sell 100 copies on steam
>port game to switch
>starved switch owners buy 1000 copies

Switchers can have fun with their micro SD cards too because Nintendo's too stupid to use more affordable normal or Mini SD cards. Shits retarded.

Dunno about switch but Im very ok with the concept so long as the art is just right.

Just letting you know I'm going to post this in as many RE7 threads as I can, anytime the word "Streamerbait" is used.
I guess it'd also be a heads up for butthurt faggots, because now there's no way to mental gymnastic your way into streamers somehow garnering all the sales.

The switch doesn't allow hundreds of asset flips that were made in an hour on its store every week.

XSeed said in a q and a that it's getting increasingly difficult to get their games to stand out.
And there are non indie titles that sold even worse on steam than this. Operation Babel for example.
Other games like Blue Reflection didn't sell so hot either. I used to argue that quality control would only hurt end users, but nowadays I'm getting worried that if valve doesn't do something, publishers will stop putting niche games on pc

Also gotta realize that the Nintendo audience gravitates towards platformers and colorful game and its probably the playerbase that values sprites the most.

Games like Shovelknight sell a lot on Nintendo as an example.

I think it's more a less a platform complimentary thing. Indie games are more appealing on a portable system than your bulkier laptop or even worse desktop.

Steam is the only reason some games even get PC releases

I am very sad that i never got to experience a hipster trash indie game

Here's the sad reality: Not every game deserves to sell. Not every movie succeeds at the box office.

One of my favorite games has only sold 2,000+ copies according to Steamspy. Its clear it didn't catch everyone's eye like it did mine, but what is to be done about that?

Console war faggots trying to shift this into shitting on Nintendo, you are the cancer killing the games industry. Please continue to blindly cockride your console of choice

The steam store being filled with trash is hurting indie gaming on PC bigtime, but instead of being concerned you just defend Valve and shitfling Nintendo because you're a mindless drone.

steam has more money than God

And yet they allow this:

For sure. Even big devs like square are making sprite games (octopath) for the switch. It's THE console to have retro gfx that actually sells.

>Sup Forumsirgins still don't understand that playing shitty indie games on a PC has always sucked and that the advent of a portable hybrid console that can easily carry around those same indie games anywhere is much more appealing to the average consumer.
>Valve doesn't understand that you actually have to try and filter all the garbage out and show half-decent indie games to customers

what decade are you living in man? Who actually uses anything besides micro sd for their phone or electronic devices?

>but what is to be done about that?
Smaller development budgets.

its not even a deserve thing. if you're an indie luck plays a massive role.

What's the game user?

Also the problem is if Valve had any human quality control whatsoever games like that could get noticed on the store much easier and sell, its sad that one of your all time favorites sold like dogshit, actually. Marketing on a store is impossible when users have to wade through piles and piles of trash.

this game is fucking hideous.

which is why they don't need or should get more

This is one of the primary benefits of consoles, they give attention to games that would otherwise fall under the radar. It doesn't help that Steam is absolutely fucking saturated with games of all kinds. Of course it's easier to get noticed when you have fewer competitors taking up space.

Higher barriers to entry and certification will help that to some degree

>2. I hope steam doesn't fix this. the less money steam has, the better
Steam is getting like a zillion dollars from their cut of PUBG sales. The least they can do is help good small devs be noticed.

The demo was amazing. Absolutely fantastic for a demo.

For a phone or tablet it's fine. For a "console" they expect to hold games with sizes up to 60 gigs? When a 128 gig micro costs a hundred as is? Shits dumb.

What's wrong with that? It doesn't look very good but it at least looks semi finished and original.

>Other games like Blue Reflection didn't sell so hot either
That's because it was a shit game in every aspect they attempted to sell at a full price, and with a day 1 season pass to boot. I don't deny that Steam has a discoverability problem but that's just a bad example

There are other ways. Steam is not the only way to get a game out there

>Game sells better on machine with fuck all games
>Versus PC with literal decades of titles

Have you looked at New Releases on Steam lately? That's not even in the same ballpark as most of that crap.

No-one is expecting everything to be high-quality and AAA.

it is pretty damn ugly though, I agree with him.
had my fun with it but the filters arent a smart decision.

Yeah, and GoG will turn down your game but allow garbage like this:

>When a 128 gig micro costs a hundred as is?

There's a reason a fair amount of indie devs will show preference to the console versions of their games. They have a larger chance of exposure on consoles. Still, I agree steam should be helping indies but steam doesn't care so that's that. Steam is quite literally messing with the indie game experience on PC

I like how you fags are pretending there's nothing on Switch to play so that's the reason people are buying indie games. There's plenty of games to play on Switch. That said, Blossom Tales sold because the description says it's a Zelda clone.

>it's only steam and gog
shouldn't expect more from Sup Forums
It didn't even sell that well, it just sold much, much worse on Steam.

Make this image again with a multiplayer game and the ability to streamsnipe.
There no point in buying a game where the sole entertainment is watching someone else react to it.

steam has thousands of shitty games for game with zero curation

meanwhile switch literally has no games so even an indie game is highly sought after inbetween of nonexistent big releases

Why does Tomoe get my dick so hard

>games for game

Ehhh not gonna lie, From the Steam page the game looks pretty boring
Switch doesn't have many games for it compete against so I don't think it's unusual that the game might perform better on a console with considerably less competition
I do admit that double the lifetime sales is quite substantial but even if I saw this game on Steam (Which I probably have done) I would have passed on it.

Games like that dont truly sell on the PS4 or xbox.
Its more about audiences that buy the systems than the systems themselves.

You don’t deserve to post with Tomoyo

>switch has no games meme

It's been out 10 months and already there's:

Mario Rabids
Super Bomberman
Golf story

One of which is game of the year, and another which was a runner up for game of the year. And that's just off the top of my head.

I'm always amazed at the hoops people jump through to deny there is any problem.

>Golf story
it says a lot about Nintendo state when you have to pad the list with RPG Maker games

Just listing what's on my shelf.

The switch is also the fastest selling console in US history and is set to out sell the WiiU's lifetime worldwide sales in less than a year. :)

>Half of that list is shovelware

Get out.

lookit all that shovelware

>"the switch has games, guys"
>very first thing listed is a movie

What game

>T-those don't count because I say so!
The switch has games. Just because you make up some fantasy world in which it doesn't have games, doesn't mean that it's true.

Also tons more exclusives coming out in 2018.

Stay mad.

>Also the problem is if Valve had any human quality control whatsoever games like that could get noticed on the store much easier and sell,
That's not the problem. Valve will sell anything that makes them money. What you want is the ability to police games and snub games you don't like out of existence.

If you really want the problem fixed, educate the customers so they don't mindlessly lap up whatever diarrhea comes from Steam direct.

So does every console by that train of thought, even ps3 that birthed the nogames meme in the first place.

Shovelware =/= games son

>those don't count because I say so
The EXACT same defense you use when you talk about the Ps4 or Xbox. How convenient that it no longer matters when we talk about the Switch.

Nah sorry you bought the wrong console switchlet

The PS3 had games too. You fellas just like to be contrarian and make up "no games" memes to feel better about your own purchases.

>it's shovelware because I SAY IT IS

I don't say that about any console. You people are all angry at other people's choice of toy for some reason.

Again, you live in a fantasy world where exclusive games somehow don't count because you don't personally like them.



Steam has literally up to 20 games coming out every day and I'm not exaggeratng. How are you supposed to wrap your head around this? How are you meant to find good games among scummy palette swap shovelware?

>Again, you live in a fantasy world where exclusive games somehow don't count
So why did you list BOTW? No matter what way you look at it, it's not an exclusive. It's the worst version infact.

>here comes the crashy, buggy CEMU pirated version is better than playing on original portable hardware argument

Yes I know BOTW came out on WiiU too (that's the version PC players get), but to say it's not a switch game is just retarded at this point. It was the launch title and is one of many reasons to buy a switch right now regardless of whatever fantasy arguments you want to conjure up.

And it's not exclusive.

>That's not the problem. Valve will sell anything that makes them money. What you want is the ability to police games and snub games you don't like out of existence.

Most of the junk games barely sell anything.

I don't want to police shit, I just want to be able to easily see which new games had some genuine effort put into them versus babbies first unity template.

be pedantic as you like.

it's one of many reasons to buy a switch right this moment :)

>crashy, buggy CEMU pirated version

Stopped reading there.

There's no problem with Steam, there's a problem with the Shitch having no games so the Nintendo cultists buy literally any trash they can get their hands on.

didn't the WiiU have this similar problem, where products like Meme Run were runaway hits because the system had so little to choose from?

Botw is multiplat

yes. any fucking trash that released on wii u was sucked up by thirsty retards, and the exact same shit is happening with the switch

No its not. I could play it on my personal computer

Something like Xenoblade got popular simply because Nintendo home consoles have no other JRPG.

>What you want is the ability to police games and snub games you don't like out of existence.
...yeah that's what quality control is, and that's what all stores that aren't Steam do

The problem is that a lot of stuff that's on sale nowadays is on the level of free browser shit from a decade ago.

Never understood why finding shit on the steam store is so bad. You can sometimes type the game you know is on Steam out in full, to the letter, and you still get no results

Well when there’s nothing else to play on Switch it makes sense that a few indieshit titles would sell a lot. The users are desperate for games now that they are finished with MO, BOTW (which people played on the WiiU), and XC2.

>...yeah that's what quality control is, and that's what all stores that aren't Steam do
Which is why they allow unfinished early access garbage like FFXV?

>Put game on Steam
>Gets overflood by 100000 unity shitty games

>Put game on switch
>Is in recent category
>No shitty unity game made with basic asset's

Is it even worth for Indie developers to place games on Steam?

Hmm, IDK what do you think? Ever heard of Piracy user?

Let’s be real, Switch games are probably sub 10GB. I mean look at those fucking things.

Micros have a better form factor to fit in the device and they've gotten way, way cheaper. A good 64 gig is like twenty bucks on sale. It's not price gouging like
vita memory.

>No shitty unity game made with basic asset's
>what is Octopath Traveler

And EDF4.1 sold more on PC in a couple of months than on PS4 in its lifetime.
Its all about audiences

nothing like outing yourself as samefag who doesn't know what a word means

Golf Story was a shitty looking great game. Remember a time when you could appreciate a good game in spite of elements beyond the developers control. A shitty looking good game is preferred over a great looking shitty one, surely?

Looks like shit