Do you know de way?

do you know de way?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off and die

Are you da queen?

triggered forsencuck normalfag detected

Go back where u came form

to reddit?

yea it's right here


have a bowl?

*spits at you*

The way is to rape white women and children and collect the white mans welfare

Hey buddy i think you got the wrong door. The reddit is two blocks down

I have no idea what this meme is, but I'm assuming its some Reddit thing since you guys keep saying that.
That kind of raises the question: How do YOU guys know this meme?
Maybe you should follow OP.

You do not know the way.

Someone should add this fucking meme to the ironic weeb pack image too.


Here come say boi 2.0

> How do YOU guys know this meme?
See OP

Sup Forums sends 2hu off to /jp/
now they have to deal with twitchinks and faceburger raids
get fucked


tloc tloc tloc tloc tloc tloc tloc tloc tloc



Now accepting request for my god given talent at art

Dis boi doe no' kno de way

stop posting this forced underage meme
instead post Sup Forums culture like this

but the janitor delete these user


yet they still get posted everyday and no one complains about them

>the chad knuckles meme
>the virgin falseflagging consolewars forced meme from neogaf
wow what a choice

>video has 2 million views
>haha this meme is the best!
Literally end your life.

Reminder that the meme is dead because pew die pie literally interviewed a 12 year old doing the meme
You can't ever recover

This is "like habbo raids" in the sense that we are now in the position of the habbo people and normalfags are the afromen. And replace and creativity that might have been involved with micspamming the same 4 lines.


I watched the video and it wasnt funny. Are you guys retarded? Im seriously asking


Can you fuck off? Youve been doing this since like fucking november you fucking fat faggot


This is why I loathe the sonic fanbase.


Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Please stop. PepeHands


Get more mad it is awesome

trim your pubes


he has lost de way my bruddas

>muh shitty reurgitated console wars crap

it's HE KNOWS THEY WAY OF USING A FUN you imbecile underage scum


Epic my dudes, just epic

long pubes are ugly

yeah this kind of thing happens instantly, it's 2018 user. no need to get your panties in a bunch over imagined website rivalries.

Gachi isn't reddit you fucking turbonigger


so are fat bellies but idk why you're focusing on the pubes fag

cum on it

Based dickposter

Not sure why you lumped me in with people that clearly like this shitty meme, here come dat boi and this meme are both dumpster fire tier

Sup Forums has a subreddit, does it mean this whole site is reddit too?

>Friend requests: 3
Stop playing and accept them


What do you think came first? Fucking newfaggot

lol is this the new green frog guys? XD

end life

No. Green frogs are problematic and not allowed in vrchat

this has to be the most soy thing i have seen in this website.

Ugandan Knuckles isn't bad, just moment it hits the public, like most things, gets driven into the ground.
Like this site.
Not like people can't ignore the meme in the game, can they not?


One copy of VRchat please m'dam

It has been reddit since years and years
People just meme about go back to reddi.t, just ignore it and keep linkin to the website. Everybody has an account in reddi.t anyways, they just come here to shitpost. Now some fagggot will call me newfag, to go or something, he is just playing along don't worry.

I don't know why this meme is so funny to me, but it honestly is and I've long outgrown such forced memes. The African accent just makes me laugh.


>everybody has a reddit account
Speak for yourself

The only funny ones are the actual africans

It is the bait that keeps on giving


I wonder how many of you fags shit on this meme and still use the shadman one given the chance
it's the same really both suck

the only thing I use reddit for nowadays is porn. I used to use it a lot, but this shithole sucked me in and I can't leave

Good, now help me to ruin the website even more.

do you have a 4 inch dick?

you're trying too hard to fit in
get a life, seriously, it's obvious you have nowhere to go but trying to fit in a shitposting site isn't going to make you less miserable

I wish

What's there left to ruin

Do you have a site off of here with all your lewds?

I'm making an effort to fit in at least.

You're trying too hard for (You)s
Here, this ones on the house.

No I'm not gay


t. Shadman

That and whiiirposting were the two best things to come out of Sup Forums in 2017



see? your desperation for finding a home broke you as a person and now you only interact through memes

>Hank Hill and Frieza arguing about why five minutes took five fucking hours when a car suddenly crashes through the front door and makes Frieza shit himself

How can anybody not find enjoyment from VRChat?

Die you degenerate Barneyfag




fucking die

>Wastes all of that cum
