Can you analyze a abnormality?
Can you analyze a abnormality?
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for one she's boring
High strength but reclasses into a diviner.
She is still hiding her relationship with her wife Orochi.
Only playable in the inferior routes.
My favourite Fates girl suffers from the same problem.
she's clogged up with another man's cum.
I, too, have read that doujin
I’m mad about constantly rolling Lyn so I’m gonna need some pictures of Lyn being abused, could you fellas help a guy out?
Why did they kill her off in Rev anyway?
Also her not having a support with Ryoma is dumb.
All she does is get kidnapped and give us an excuse to kill Kotaro in all three routes
Fan edit I presume? Did they add supports for her with anyone else (Hinoka, Camilla, Xander)?
No idea. I just had it saved. A support with her and Hinoka where they do tomboy stuff together (or even better, try to do girly stuff) would have been adorable.
>implying they're not gay in the main story as well
Nice luck user!
>tfw I will never get 2 Lyn in one time
Kagero was my second choice on my first playthrough. I instantly reloaded after Rinkah's confession because it sucked. Then Kagero's was even worse.
She acts as if you're forcing her to marry you and implies that it's her duty to say yes, as if it was dishonorable to say no. That seriously turned me off.
I love Camilla and I'm half black!
I like these OP posts.
>favourite Fates girl
>has a picture of her head chop off
Her feet are not on my dick.
I like torture and snuff as much as I do cute, cuddly romance.
Mein nigger.
Stop liking guro.
Luck’s when you get the one you actually want instead of trash you don’t.
>Elise & Camilla
Fuck you, I wanna trade rolls.
Because they wanted to make rev not invalidate the other routes entirely from a recruitment perspective but were afraid of removing characters people actually gave a shit about. Hence why you don't recruit yukimura and Izana/scarlet dies for pretty much no reason
in what prder am I supposed to read this?
4-down, right-to-left.
She's not pure like Camilla.
I said stop. If you post any more I'm going to be real mad.
Kinda boring outside of a select few supports. Why can Camilla be 'only popular because boobs' when Kagero has middling popularity at best?
Don't post my wife
What does race got to do with it?
jesus sauce me i;m in love
Because he is a low iq mudblood.
*an abnormality
>gets raped in all three routes
>mostly boring supports
>now irrelevant in Heroes
Used goods
At least she was relevant in heroes. She can easily be relevant again with weapon forge
She wishes she was as cute as Felicia.
Camilla is my waifu, m80.
Chose sweaty girl over her. Still not sure if I regret it.
>tfw no Camilla
FUCKING who am I going to put in my flying team now?
I think you have to confess your sin to RNJesus then you might roll Camilla.
I hope RNJesus listen to your call user!
I hope for Camilla, Leo or Siegbert.
>roll Sieg this morning
>-atk +res
I’m not enjoying this anymore.
>no TT
>no VG
>no sp bonus
can't even bring myself to play during these times
His C skill is great, just feed it to a different unit.
>Warriors maps will be gone soon
>No dailly orbs tomorrow
ded game
She has the best boobs in the game, which automatically compensates any "abnormality" she could have, which she doesn't
Tits too small
How big do you want them?
>Series was about to die
>then awakening save the day by attracting in new players
>fates continues the trend but with better maps and balance
>heroes is one of the top grossing app games
>set itself as one of nintendo's more popular series in just one generation when it was previously very niche
How did they do it? What the fug went so right? And why can't it happen to metroid?
Lucina is cute
Just a jape friend, just a jape.
They are literally perfect size.
Not fucking me right now
>anime faces everywhere
>that one guy with that "western" styled look
Hard to put in self-inserts and a waifu system in metroid.
I can't tell if you're talking about Xander or Arden.
They tried with other m, but instead of saving the franchise, they pretty much killed it.
>The switch games will likely look like the 3ds cutscene models
>I'm more hyped and hopeful for fire emblem switch than I am pokemon right now
Senpai you know I'm not talking about marx nii-san
>Making it possible to genderbend Samus at the beginning of the game, character creation style into Sammy Aaron
user, it's right around the corner. Alien waifus are probably gonna pop up too
Any sane or intelligent person would be.
And then they proceeded to spit on its grave with federation forces and that final boss.
Never be hyped for a Pokemon game. Whenever Game Freak makes a good decision it's almost always by accident.
Thankfully a friendly necromancer has helped it out of its grave.
Did they make Samus tall again in that 3ds remake or whatever?
Yes. I don't have any images from it saved though.
Pretty hard to fuck up Fire Emblem entirely, you have to deliberately try to make something like Revelations. Even if they make a Gaidenlike there's a massive portion of the audience that greatly enjoys those.
We know they can do good with Emerald/Platinum/HG/SS/B2W2. They choose not to for some reason for most of the 3ds games.
I love my snuggly maid, who is also my wife!
5th gen sprites > 6th gen models
You can't add more waifu's in a game that is as isolated as Metroid. Also, Metroid needs to be casualized a lot more so newcomers want to try it out while mainting some heavy dose of difficulty for the veterans. So nothing like Other M in that regard. Add it in a demo on the eShop and marketing on the level of Awakening and you probably see Metroid reach the same heights.
Why is felicia blonde? I'm probably in the minority, but I hope the maid and butler class return.
>you have to deliberately try to make something like Revelations
>You have to deliberately try to make a good game
Who'd have guessed?
I'm not hyped at all for Pokemon Switch, and I actually liked USUM.
The first versions always have the equivalent of the effort of pissing into a bucket.
Haven't the sprites from the preceding gen always surpassed the next one though?
Revelations is bad though. The story is worse than Conquest's somehow and the maps are actually worse than even just tabula rasa-like plates. The only plus is the support-crosses and the final boss.
>I'm probably in the minority, but I hope the maid and butler class return.
I doubt you are. I greatly enjoyed these classes.
But the story is better than Conquest and the maps vary from challenging to interesting. Of the 3, Birthright was the worst.
Just give him Swift Sparrow or an attack seal. He is still a monster. I feel your pain though all my Siegs have been -spd. I ended up settling on the +atk -spd one. At least he hits hard.
>Hey guys! There's this other place I can't tell you about due to some dumb curse so we all have to jump down this giant chasm together. It's totally safe!
>Also Scarlet you may die in the process to protect me since lilith figured she's done that enough times already.
Name 3 interesting maps from Revelation
Sigurd isn't actually that good.
Well I'm glad you enjoyed it mate, but waiting for elevators and warp-focused maps with tiny platforms aren't my idea of fun. Also good lord that shitty fucking stealth mission.
Classes like maids and butlers are great and unique, I'm in the same boat. I hope for Switch that hybrid classes are stronger.
t. Arvis
Revelation was...rather bias. On top of terrible unit balance, the hoshido family, corrin, and aqua gets closure with their parents. The nohr siblings get to watch their cartoon villain daddy get eaten alive. Yay!
Voice of God
White Flame
Black Flame
Also Cyrkensia with the rubble, Valla maps with the warps and bridges.
Still a better story than Conquest
>Hans tried to kill me
>Do nothing and return to serve Daddy obediently
>Sup Forums hates something when it gets popular
>can't S rank with Orochi
missed opportunity, but at least her Odin,Arthur and Takumi Supports and her MASSIVE str growth make up for it
She's not Reina.
>Stealth mission
The only one that I can think of is the one with the red-blue doors. What did you find shitty about that?
I am not saying it was perfect, the royals were pretty much the only units introduced at reasonable levels. But the maps are not as terrible as they are made out to be.
Believe me I don't deny it. The game gives players no sane reason to ever return to nhor.
That's a good thing.
>Lilith dies in the non-canon routes
>this implies she might have some sort of relevance in reveshit
>she doesn't
I'm also still mad about a whole DLC or two not being translated and added.