
It's gone

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Is this the power of BADASSery?

It makes business sense to have 0 people playing your game, you can only grow your playerbase from that point.
Cliff is a genius

Ok. You did it Sup Forums. Congratulations
Your stupid memes and shitposting even on the steam forums kept new players away and you killed a good game.
Congratulations. You disgust me beyond words


yeah, those 28 people logging out only make place for 28 new people to log in it is simple mathematics soon they will have a bigger player base than dota2


>you killed a good game
Im pretty sure the ugly niggers with terrible dialogue (Black lives matter boy!!, Fuck hate my friend!) and awful gameplay did that

>Your stupid memes and shitposting even on the steam forums kept new players away and you killed a good game.
No we didn't.
We killed a bad game.

>create a thread
>already have more posters in your thread than lawbreakers has players

Go away cliff your SJW united nations game is a failure and you should shot down the servers already. It's over

For every guy who doesnt play the game there's another one willing to do it, its amazing

God that porn was so disappointing. Everything was unnaturally jiggly and overanimated, not to mention it's all futa on female.

what the fuck is happening here?

>not to mention it's all futa on female.
That's why it's good you fucking faggot.



t. Cliffy

why? lawbreakers look really fun and fast

Why so salty user?


BILLION DOLLAR IP in the making


>Im pretty sure the ugly niggers with terrible dialogue (Black lives matter boy!!, Fuck hate my friend!)
your joking, right?

he meant the other way

Fill me up on lawbreaker I've seen threads for months but never bothered to know what you anons were talking about
who got BTFO and how?

>Post yfw there are 2 more genders than lawbreaker players

Just watch the crowbcat video


Damn, I almost feel bad for the guy.

The dialogue is fucking atrocious, I dont know why people made a bigger deal about "feminism is awesome" than the black live matters lines on lawbreakers


literally enter lawbreakers on youtube and watch the first videos you get

>futa x female is bad
Wow, unironcally gayer than men who like futa x male

Fuck Cliffy B. He used to be one of the biggest assholes in the gaming industry. Now that he has had to choke on a big slice of humble pie it's, "Can't we all just be nice?" He deserves all the shit he is getting x10.

Well, I did say almost, I think he should get fucked at any rate.

The "feminist is awesome " is a domination quote if you kill a female character I think "

How much do they pay you?

>talks in past tense
That's telling.

>lawbreakers has any money left to hire shills
he just does it for free

>actually the "feminism is awesome" line said by BADASS Oscar Mike is funny AF!, let me tell you why, BADASS Oscar Mike says that line everytime he kills a female character, and he says that feminism is awesome because gender equality allows him to kill males and females alike
Is that BADASS or what??

Are you stupid? they already got the money from selling the game from those faggots that bought it. _If people plays it r not they don't fucking care, they won.

>No matter how bad life gets
>you will never be Randy Pitchford

Except they're also selling lootboxes and having no players means no one is buying them.

Why did they pick Nexon of all companies to be their publisher? Did everyone else immediately see the writing on the wall?

Those black hairballs look disgusting. It looks like a bundle of pubes.

literally nobody wanted it but the retarded fucking korks and japs at Nexon

Sorta like the player base for the free to play unreal tournament.

Ow man. I wish they released tapes of their discussion with nexon.

>nexon: F2P P2W now
>n-no we cant
>nexon: that or you can default on your mortgage
>y-yes master

>ywn have a qt wife like Randy's
why even live?

more like
>Boss Key(Cliffy) : We have to go F2P now
>Nexon : No, investing money was nothing but a fucking loss to the point we have to listed it as an impairment loss

I don't give a rats ass about clitty b, but it must suck to work on a game no one cares about or even plays.


imagine rubbing your dick inside her double chin, it must be amazing

That actually had some players though

>4 hours of 0 players
>some people log in
>9 hours later
>still not enough players to start even one game



each character is a reskin of the other in both sides

>Q - Masaru Sugiyama, Analyst, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.
>Now, the next question is in terms of other expenses, do you have impairment loss or any other extraordinary expenses included in other expenses?

>A - Shiro Uemura, Representative Director and Chief Financial Officer, NEXON Co., Ltd.
>This is Uemura once again. I would like to respond to that question. In Q3, in other expenses, impairment loss is included. And out of the total number, LawBreakers-related impairment loss actually accounts for the majority of that amount. And also, regarding impairment loss for LawBreakers, this is
everything, so we will not be accruing any other impairment loss pertaining to LawBreakers in the future.

How will cliffy recover

they deserve it desu
Why no one said a thing when Cliff started acting like an asshole at every lawbreakers event and interview?
Why no one said anything about the disgusting looking characters?
The retards that wasted 4 years on this UN simulator deserve eveything they get

it's ok, you get to fly around and frag people in the ffa lobby

it looks like the bosskey offices got their energy service shutdown after not paying the bill for 5 months

ask shadmane to draw lewds of sunshine
he didn't even make one for andromeda

There's nothing inherently wrong with that.

Sadly he invested in Oculus when it was a startup and cashed out after Facebook bought them out, he's a millionaire for life.

Why does v hate this guy again. Seems pretty ok

Post your face when you didn't buy Lawbreakers


if Sup Forums actually could influence anything switch would have failed

It was probably too hard to top the art drawn by some guy who frequents Sup Forums Sup Forums draw threads.
Shad could've made it more disgusting and edgy but it still wouldn't have been as good(bad)

>Gotta be savage af out there
>Quit being mean
This is the best of Cliff's tweets because he was such an arrogant fuck, telling all the people that shit on Randy to bring it when someone mentioned that he was the new punching bag in town and it'll take a fucking miracle for something funnier to replace it.

>drops it as soon as his contract runs out

I know nothing about this game, but what's up with that name arrangement? Are the big letters their actual names or skin names or something? Are the heroes unironically named Faust, Cronos and fucking Maverick?

The only skill you need to play lawbreakers is patience to find a game, and Im not even sure that is considered a skill

>the black live matters lines on lawbreakers
Bullshit. Show proof. They can't be this insane.

There's maybe 50 people tops who *really really* like Lawbreakers, so I wouldn't be surprised if they try to coordinate and schedule times when they can play the game together. Don't laugh, one of my favorite games has been doing this for years after the community did everything in its power to scare away newcomers for over a decade. They literally made a phone app that alerts you when 8 or more people are online so you can try and get a game going.

That was literally the tag line for one of the games trailers

How long until Cliffy tweets Lawbreakers rule 64 is now a thing on reddit?

They made every character unlikeable, that's a huge feat honestly.

>implying most people on Sup Forums don't own a Switch



in order for r34 art for it to exist, people have to know it exists.

it's not free? wew

I know the people at Boss Key are supposed to play it cool and act like nothing is wrong, but how can people ask with a straight face 'hey guys let me know when you get players! Love the game'

I can't think of any other game that's tanked to make a comeback aside from FF14, which in all fairness is an MMO


>implying it doesn't have a thousand players on the PS4

Nobody gives a shit about PCports except faggots with too much time and money on their hands.

How does he do it ?

rainbow six siege recovered, although it didnt hit these levels of dead.


he is exaggerating, the line is "badass lives matters" or something like that, but the "fuck hate my friend" is indeed in the game, its a line of sunshine

This is actually sad. But at least nothing of value is lost.

Cliffy apparently pitched the game to Valve, EA, and several other companies none of whom expressed interest. Nexon picked it up not only because Cliff was probably desperate but also because they need to make more money from "conventional" games because Tencent is encroaching on their shitty mobile MMO territory in Asia

Let's make it so this post has more replys than Lawbreakers has players and twwt it to Cliffy B! oh wait...

That's what class they are. Game had two teams, both of which had something like nine classes on each team. It was done purely to scam money out of players btw, as despite being using the same weapons abilities and animations, buying a skin for a faust wouldn't give you a skin for the opposite team's faust.

quit being mean

I hope tencent and nexon destroy eachother. Although I know that that wouldnt ever happen.

To be honest, this. Lawbreakers is pretty much everything I could have wanted in a shooter in 2017, and it failed for terrible, terrible reasons. Nobody wants to play a shooter with good gameplay. In fact the worse the gameplay is, the more kids today enjoy it

How many people do you need per match?

Honest question. It seems like these games get so few players that even if some people logged in, you'd still need to wait to either more people connect or for a spot in the ongoing match to open.

It's like a playerless hole you can't climb out from.