Son asks for a PS4 for Christmas

>Son asks for a PS4 for Christmas
>Got him a Switch instead
>He was initially very upset, but now he is having a blast with Mario Odyssey
Parents of Sup Forums, when your child asks you for video games and video game paraphernalia, do you just buy it without question or do you have their best interests in mind?

>buying games

>Allowing your children to become a degenerate like yourself

"God this game is shit"
>Parent enters room
>Parent leaves room
"Wish I got a PS4.."

People will shit on you for this but if the kid asked for an Xbox and got a PS4 instead they'd be getting praised for such marvelous parenting.

You sound like a reality shitty parent.

>parents of Sup Forums

I’m going to hope OP is a fag and parents don’t actually browse a degenerate Siberian Shoemaking website

Perhaps theres a lesson that needs to be taught to the younger gen so they dont make the same mistakes and destroy this industry, however i am fully in support of oblivion.

I want a kid, how do I get a husband and a surrogate mother?

It's a lot easier to just steal one

Why? Why would you do that? Once he finishes Odyseey in like 3 days that's it. He won't be playing his switch anymore.

You're right. It would be very bad parenting to just buy whatever the kid want without questionning.

Every parent in the world is a shitty parent.

Provided nintendo hasn't turned into the next Microsoft (which is becoming more liekly) by the time my kid is born, The first console I'll buy them is a nintendo console

As opposed to what, having his asshole fisted by Bloodborne?

what is your soyn's name


jesus fucking christ

>wife's son asks for ps4 for christmas
>get him switch instead
>wife's boyfriend asks me to leave
>forget my car keys in their house
>walk home

Fuck off, dad.

>mom pulled this on me
>got me a ps1 the year I wanted an n64
>wanted n64 specifically for nintendo exclusives
>bored out of my mind with the ps1
>got crash and spyro, played them anyway, I guess
>looking back I realize both of those games are masterpieces

I...I guess?

It's obvious you bought yourself a switch but you're too embarrassed to admit it.

Get your kid a damm football, are you retarded?

>he consciously turned his child into a soyboy
Fucking nintenbros.

We don't give expensive gifts on christmas, christmas isn't about gifts.

>Son asks for a PS4 for Christmas
>Got him a BIBLE instead
>He was initially very upset, but now he is having a blast with the word of the LORD

>be twenty years ago
>ask for a PlayStation for Christmas
>get an N64 instead
>spend childhood without Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Vagrant Story, Crash Bandicoot, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Castlevania, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, PaRappa, Gran Tourismo, or Tomb Raider,
a-at least I have my barrel roll memes

uh... zelda?

Not being able to afford both.

a soyboy? but he didn't get him the niggerstation.

Jamal Ibn Peterson

>son asks for botw for christmas

>gave him a copy of Skyrim but I turned off all the monsters but 6 and put the graphics on the lowest setting

This posture is disgusting, after making people toil for a hundred years so they could buy whatever cheap mass produced trinket their kids would like to have, rich people in the first world decide consumerism is morally wrong so they can feel better than those poors buying the same toys as them for their kids.

>he thinks soyboys have the gall to play the chadstation
Delusional as ever, soyboy.

This post shouldnt be as funny as it is

>Son finish Mario Odyssey
>Now he has literally nothing else to play except the zelda game
>Son finish the zelda game
>Swtich gets dust for months until a new mario rehash comes out
>Son is gets upset because I didn't buy him the superior console
Silly me. Sorry my son.


Why not the PS4? There's a metric shit ton of cheap child appropriate games like the Lego games, and once he grows older he can play tons of other cool shit that'll be dirt cheap by then.

Are you retarded?

OP should be arrested for child abuse

Switch has way more games worth playing than just those two. Some are ports and some are indies, good games nonetheless.

>Some are ports and some are indies, good games nonetheless.
It doesn't work that way.

If a kid asks you for a specific gift and you get them something else you think is better on 'principle', you're not really thinking about them in the first place. You can have rules, like no M-rated games, but don't just shut down something they're interested in because you aren't. Your kids aren't supposed to grow up to be you.

Oh yeah ports and indies that are on ps4
and OH YEAH ports and indies that actually get good sales

>Son asks for a PS4 for Christmas
>Got him a job instead
>He was initially very upset, but now he has no time or energy to do anything else

PS and N64 cost $599 each on launch

Question: How old is your son?

>got crash and spyro, played them anyway, I guess
>looking back I realize both of those games are masterpieces

>Not being able to afford both

Bet you're still poor.

>Some are ports and some are indies, good games nonetheless.
>This is coming from the same fanbase who loved to laugh at the other systems for having ports and indies on their libraries
Fuck off

>Pirating game consoles

You're a fucking retard

22, why do you ask?

I'm not raising a manchild soyboy, I'm making my son play Yakuza 0 so he can become a real man.

>asked parents for SNES
>got me an Atari Jaguar instead

I'm still bitter after all these years..


Okay no. Fucking stop this "soy" shit already.

Why the fuck would you do that? You want him to become a soyboy cuck like you, me and everyone else here?
He had a chance to be better and you blew it

Soytop consoyming soy

That's not what he meant I think, Christmas itself was a Pagan custom that got assimilated into Christianity - it has fuckall to do with Jesus, it's not even his birthday as far as most scholars are concerned
The whole gifts thing relates to the three wise men but literally who the fuck are they? The whole thing is based on a moot foundation

>but now he is having a blast...
huhum sure

OP, why did you put your sons Switch up for sale?

>the foundation is wrong therefore a thousand years of tradition should just be ignored
OK, buddy.

I hope your son isn't old enough to have friends or doesn't have friends. That's the best part about having a ps4/xbox. He probably has friends with ps4's

>>He was initially very upset, but now he is having a blast with Mario Odyssey
Stop lying on the internet you pathetic manchild Nintendicksucker. Everyone knows Odyssey is a shit game. Even real Nintendo fans admit it's bland, boring and unimaginative 5/10 trash.
You are an abysmal, shitty parent and your son will grow up resenting you because he never got what he wished for, but instead got the shit his Bing Bing Wahoo mentall ill Nintendicksucker Nintendownie manchild father forced upon him.

And Mario 64, and OoT, and Majora's Mask, and bith Banjo games, and Goldeneye, and Blast Corp, and both Snowboard Kids games, and Mystical Ninja, and...

If he said no M-rated games, the PS4 would have nothing.

...nothing else comes to mind.

This thread in a nutshell

how does a kid even acquire a taste for older games outside of being forced to use emulators due to being poor?

>Mario Soyxty-four
>Ocarina of Soy
>Soyjora's Vaginoplasty
>Banjo Kasoyie
>Soy Corp
>Soyboard Cucks
>Msoytical Ninja
N64 really did have no good games

>wanting your son to be the other PS4 owner

Online with "friends" is good for the one that picks the game and the missions, the others are just riding on his enjoyment.

>young nephew asked for and got an Xbox One X for Christmas
>when I asked him what he would play on it he just said "Minecraft"

Should have gotten a Switch lil' tard

That's literally not what I said at all, I said it's a tradition that is being wrongly practiced - it has no actual basis in Jesus' life

>wanting your child to get into videogames
Isnt this place enough proof that videogames will ruin your life?

>bought one of my nieces Yo-Kai Watch 1 instead of Pokémon for her 2DS as her birthday gift
>ended up loving it, she bought all three versions of Yo-Kai Watch 2 and bonded with her when the first Yo-Kai Watch movie came to theaters for one day only

It's probably just been a while, but the way the OP was phrased made him seem really young, in which case I'd wonder what he'd want to play on PS4. At 22 though, he should be able to know what systems he wants

Old or new is irrelevant, my first game was Super Mario Land 15 years ago; that game came out in 1989, but Game Boy games are super accessible
That's what got me into 2D platformers and sprite-based stuff, which naturally led to /vr/ shit - I've tried playing stuff like OoT, SM64, Odyssey and Galaxy but I genuinely prefer 2D entries in those franchises compared to the 3D ones

>creating this

Nigger, that's exactly what you're saying.
>wrongly practiced
So what, now that we know that it wasn't Jesus's birthday we should just change the whole thing despite a thousand years of tradition? That's what it sounds like you're saying to me. Please feel free to clarify if I'm mistaken.

By the way, just about every Christian in the world knows that Christmas isn't his birthday. It's only atheists that sudden learn something like this and get butthurt that Christians aren't being Christian properly, for whatever reason.

No? Lego Racer, DK64, Bomberman 64, Second Attack, and Hero, Dr Mario 64, Turok, Chameleon Twist 1 and 2, Goemon's Adventure, Mario Kart, Golf, Tennis, and all 3 Mario Parties. Rayman 2 (the not hideous PS version), Iggy's Wreckin' Balls, Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, Pokemon Puzzle League.

The list goes on.

Probably wanted to play online with his friends. At least he can play Skyrim during recess.

>Getting a current gen console as a gift
I fucking hate rich kids.
When I was young, I had to work my ass off for a SNES. During the N64 generation.

>all these literally whos

Kinda sad t-b-h f-a-m

I had a NES during that same era, get on my level spoiled rich kid.

Nigga, you listed Xenogears. Xeno games are good, but the kings of LITERALLYWHOville.

Why did you pay more for something that he didn't want instead of just getting him a ps4 like he asked?

I mean, your money, your kid, your choice, but I don't really understand that. You can easily put parental locks on games that can be played if you're gonna try that whole "nintendo games are generally more family friendly" bullshit.

I didn't listed anything, kiddo.

No one cares, go cry in a corner you chimney sweeping peasant

>and both Banjo games
Banjo Tooie sucks giant dick, also you listed Goemon twice

Because he's a child and his taste in video games is objectively shit

OP is being a good parent and teaching him what a quality video game experience is like


It depends, how old is your son again? If he's in his teens, let them have their thing, they'll hate you anyway

Those are two different Goemon games

i mean a kid growing up now, with technology as advanced as it is.

There are two Goemon games on the N64, you retard. And no, Tooie is better Kazooie, get your memes right about games you never played.

> why did

That's Barely paying attention parent 101. Instead of buying a potential "I have to check every game's rating he is buying", he went for the "there's no way Nintendo will put dry humping in the Mario games" bullshit

He's just a lazy shitty parent, user

>get an interest of games from magazines
>read a 'best games ever' list
>want to play something that interests you that's on it

Goldeneye is the least soy game ever made.

Older sibling/family members or a friend's old sibling/family member introduced him to "that" game.

The good old "when going to Y's house, his X would always be playing Z game"

>Tooie is better Kazooie
Said no one ever

>the favorite game of tranny speedrunners


>getting a device with a lot of local multiplayer, E-rated games instead of a bunch of online only M-rated garbage
>bad parenting
Good thing you'll never pass on your genes.