So are people on Sup Forums not allowed to have an opinion? I can't go one day without someone telling me I'm wrong for liking a certain game or feeling a certain way about a character. Is this how you mouth-breathers function in real life?
So are people on Sup Forums not allowed to have an opinion...
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THIS is why I love the format of this website. The only redeeming quality. What you describe is pure, unfiltered criticism that is in its truest form thanks to anonymity. Nothing goes unquestioned or unchallenged, everything is put to the test of Sup Forums's autism. You can have your opinion OP but know the land you tread in.
You're allowed to have an opinion, just don't be a whiny bitch if someone calls you out on your dumb opinions.
>So are people on Sup Forums not allowed to have an opinion
You are allowed, so your opinion about not being allowed is still wrong.
I don't fear the autism I fucking LOVE Dark souls 2. Remember bro you're pissing into an ocean of piss.
>I have an opinion
>h-h-how dare you have an opinion about it!
>here's my unsolicited opinion about that
>So are people on Sup Forums not allowed to have an opinion?
An opinion is usually backed by hard facts. Saying "X is great" and leave it at that will draw people questioning your tastes. If you can't formulate why you like X don't expect people to treat your opinion seriously.
Also Sup Forums is not one person.
But that makes no sense. That's not how an argument works. If I say "I love Assassin's Creed because of the unique story line", I am fully able to say this because it's my opinion. If you disagree with me, then you are more than welcome to share how you feel. But telling me I'm wrong isn't valid. It's just another reason why Sup Forums has become a shit hole the past few years.
You're wrong, newfaggot.
There is no etiquette here apart from board culture, which you clearly are not familiar with.
hahaha! fuck off to somewhere else (+1)
That post with that image is 10/10. I don't think I've ever seen such a perfect combo of exactly how I feel on v.
You want to flaunt your hot shit opinions then go on reddit.
>wahhhh stop calling me out on my shitty opinions and my newfaggotry
kill yourself, go back to the hugbox you came from.
Sup Forums is mostly brainless contrarians who argue just for the sake of keeping themselves busy. If you don't like that, go derail a thread on Sup Forums.
>eats literal shit from jew AAA-publishers
>we are the brainless contrarians
enjoy your lootboxes, cuck.
That bait was so weak user. You can just give yourself a (You).
Not allowed to have an opinion? Of course yer allowed.
Catching shit from trolls or people so deep into games they don't even like games anymore?
Get used to it
You're objectively wrong saying that. It's just generic hollywood formulatic cash grab tier shit. Also egt out and neck yourself newfag. Go cry to tumblr how mean Sup Forums was when you visited it.
Think that's bad? Try visiting Sup Forums, where bad opinions are backed up by fake diagrams and images.
You're under the impression that when people cal your opinions retarded they are looking for an argument. They're calling your opinions shit because they think they're shit and not interested in debating.
And for the record Assassin's Creed is a n overall shit franchise.
>I can't go one day without someone telling me I'm wrong
people on Sup Forums have the right to have a opinion, but if someone telling you theirs mean you can't have one, then you should fuck off
no wonder you get called out with an opinion objectively worth less than monkey turd
Then fucking ignore them, faggot. You're always going to find people who are just looking for a fight here. I argue shit here all the time that I don't even believe in and it's usually obvious that I'm baiting people.
The fact that Sup Forums is unfiltered “what you read is what you get faggot” is what i like about it.
>bad opinions
What the fuck is a bad opinion? Who considers it a bad opinion? The pastor at your catholic all-boys school - you tremendous faggot?
>"Mom, why are they so fat and smell like pee?"
>"Just ignore them honey. They've amounted nothing to society and now spend time arguing with people because they have no actual job, no hobby, and live in their parent's basement."
user there is no need to discuss the validity of a pile of turd when it is clearly nothing but a pile of turd.
>But telling me I'm wrong isn't valid.
It is just as valid as your opinion. Get the fuck over yourself. Your life is just as meaningless as ours.
out of "opinions"?
Maybe 5 years ago
The best you can glean from Sup Forums now is that if you express an opinion and get meme'd to hell and back, odds are it's just a bunch of parrot nu-males that are insistently trying to fit in while simultaneously forgetting that literally no one here cares about them as individuals since >user
The best way to check if your opinion on something is grounded in reality and relatively correct is to have less than 10 replies to your thread and have it forgotten by the vast majority of Sup Forums that only comes here to feel validated and post rare pepes
>projecting this hard
How old are you, 12?
Believe it or not, there are people on Sup Forums who are not total failures like you, despite not being normalfags.
If someone doesn't agree with your reasoning then they have every right to say that your opinion is wrong. That's how arguments and discussions are created, by people thinking that their opinion is better than someone else's and duking it out until something happens and the conversation ends. What it sounds like to me is that you're looking for a place that cares about your feelings, and if you haven't figured it out by now, no one here gives a fuck about your feelings. If you don't like that, then leave and find somewhere else that will pat you on the back for every shitty opinion that you have.
>Is this how you function in real life?
Found the 100% total braindead retard that doesn't understand the basic appeal of an anonymous image board. No fuckface, I'm not a contrary cunt. This is where I come to fuck with people.
>This whole post
Bye Reddit.
The lack of actual moderation allow people to be assholes here.
So you can either look for a place with complete anonymous users AND good moderation (and if you find one, PLEASE tell me, I hate this shithole), stay in here, or go to the plethora of forums and pages full of retards like in here, but who talk in passive-agressive ways instead of just agressive, and all is a continous circlejerk of internet points.
Welcome to Sup Forums
Now get out.
>Sup Forums
>The lack of actual moderation allow people to be assholes here.
Insults don't get moderated on here, you can call anyone anything as long as you don't post anything that's against the board rules which obviously don't include any insults.
Fucking newfags, I swear.
>moderation on Sup Forums
>a good thing
>"I like this box because it's red"
>"That's wrong, the box is blue"
Or basically, an opinion can be wrong if based on factually wrong information.
And what gave you that indication that I was a failure? Because I stated that opinions weren't and still are not valid on Sup Forums? I am 100% right. I'm not even being pompous at this point. It's the truth.
Just close the tab you buttblasted twat.
You can have an opinion. Sure, it's a shit opinion that's wrong but at least you won't get banned for saying it here.
You are projecting hard, kid. That's what I told you and that's also the answer to the redundant question you just asked.
Are you illiterate? Or 12?
>double reddit spacing
>Because I stated that opinions weren't and still are not valid on Sup Forums?
what the fuck are you talking about you retarded child?
jesus this is the most reddit thing i've ever read
fuck off already you soft skinned retard. You've gone past any newfag and you've proved you don't belong here. Plenty of other places will give you that inclusive feeling you want.
It's okay that someone called you out on your trash opinions, this is all part of growing up and realising that you aren't special. Learning to accept and respond to criticism is a part of becoming an adult, champ. Just be glad we can't simply down vote you so that nobody sees the things you write like other places do.
That's not how an opinion works, dumb ass. You can't argue with someone whether or not a specific box is blue or red if the box is literally blue or red (unless the person is color-blind). However, if I want to say that I prefer daisies over roses because of the smell, that's completely justified because that's how I feel. If you want to tell me you prefer roses over daisies, then you are entitled to that. I can have my own garden and so can you. But don't tell me I'm wrong for having a preference.
Post yfw OP is a gigantic fucking faggot
On one hand the overwhelming sense of zealous fury some people feel about their opinion is way over the top about some things. I can count the number of times I've seen people disagree and not have it become aggressive and personal on one hand.
On the other hand if you share your opinion in a public space people are going to criticize it if they disagree. If you really think your opinion is valid or accept that subjectively what is correct and incorrect is a bit fuzzy it shouldn't threaten whatever it is you think.
I don't like the way discussion tends to play out, but instead of complain I tend to try and inject what I feel like is a more reasonable position if I have one. If only to show people outside of the discussion that there's room for those kinds of perspectives.
>taking the reddit spacing meme serious
It was literally made to get like you to expose themselves, lmfao.
Good job.
Read the mood. If the thread is called "shit games that everyone like except you", don't bring up your favourite game in there.
Or just stop being a bitch.
i was under the impression that posting an image overrides sage, or was it changed?
And now the penny drops.
OP is a closet paedophile, show is over.
don't be such a fucking idiot user
it's anonymous imageforum, there is no need to take it so personally, it's memes and batnz
who gives a fucking shit, sage is a state of mind, not just some script on some shitty mandalusian scrimshaw forum
I don't think so, but im gonna keep doing it desu
i mean you're not wrong but you're still wrong
That's not how presumably OP argued it tho.
If he said "I like AC because I like its story" then you are right, can't argue taste.
Story being "unique" can be disproven if you show it's copypasted from some other work.
Opinions can be based on more than taste.
OP here. Yikes. I think it's time for some of you to get new keyboards judging by how irate you are. Didn't know it would be this easy to Sup Forums riled up.
>Is this how you mouth-breathers function in real life?
Of course not, this is an anonymous board. There's no other arguement that needs to be made. Anonymous opinions are worthless so you should treat them as such, this goes both ways.
>sage is a state of mind
>Uses Sup Forums to satiate his Tourette syndrome instead of actual discuss something
>Calls others who want to talk about videogames newfags
>sage is a state of mind
But I can say it's unique, over the other games that I've played. If you don't find it unqiue, again, you can say that, but don't tell me I'm wrong for how I feel. It's really that simple. It's called having a discussion.
>n-no y-you
Your favorite character is shit. Your favorite game is shit.
Name three (3) elements about it that are unique. I want to see if you can.
>he can't talk about video games and inult on the same post.
just give up newfag, go back to where ever you came from and and stay there until you realize how to post here.
I was literally just listing a game. I've actually just started playing Origins and it's pretty decent so far. When I finish the game, then I will.
People here are passionate and firm enough on their tastes and beliefs to state them as facts, and there is literally nothing wrong with it since it doesn't affect argumentation in any way: you can discuss with those people and present your arguments just right. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean people are forced to respect it, especially if it's unreasonable or not backed up by arguments.
Honestly I'd rather discuss with a guy who says "No Man's Sky fucking sucks and if you like it you're retarded" than someone who says "In my personal opinion No Man's Sky is a bad game but that's just my opinion guys I want to take no responsibility for it. Did I mention it's just my opinion? :) Oh btw if you say it's good that's just your opinion haha". The first one is genuinely passionate about how he feels, while the second person is pedantic and may even refuse your argumentation -no matter how valid it is- by saying that it's just ur opinion bro.
>Sup Forums
Nobody is saying you are wrong about what you feel, it literally means what you wrote.
If my example was "I like box because I like their shape" then you can't argue it.
What I mean is that you can state factually wrong information in the form of opinion(box being red) and being called wrong because box in in fact blue.
Discussion isn't about AC for real, it was just the example.
You're either baiting this entire thread or the biggest simpering faggot I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with. List off one "opinion" you have about bideo gaymes since all of your fucking examples are trash.
>I've actually just started playing Origins and it's pretty decent so far.
the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums
The game is soyfun
Five fun facts about Sup Forums for you, OP!
>Most posters here are gay; and underage.
>Most of their opinions on games are derived by how much they are pandered too.
>Most of them regularly watch twitch and youtube, and form opinions based on their favourite e-celebs
>You are worse than they if you care about their awful opinions
>You are a faggot.
have you played origins?
Here's three more facts, for the road!
>Sup Forums is a girl
>Sup Forums is cute
>Sup Forums!
I don't play video-games.
I'm just here to tell people that their favorite games are shit.
After 3 and 4 the series becomes stale.
But the games afterward, are enjoyable in a brainded sort of way, or if you are just that invested in the assass tempos conflict.
What you have to understand child, is that people here are fatigued with Assass and open world games in general.
You're opinion is something they had before and moved on from, so they really don't give a fuck what you have to say about it.
Wrong. Assassin's Creed doesn't have an unique story line. You can say "I like Assassin's Creed's story" and no one will say you're wrong because that's your opinion. But saying "it has an unique story" isn't an opinion because you're calling it a fact
The larger a community, the more stupid people it will contain.
Idiots are not capable of independent thought, so they need to regurgitate someone else's behavior.
So in a large community like Sup Forums, you will have a minority of people engaging in actual discussion because this requires a level of intelligence above the mean, and a majority of people repeating a consensus over and over, like
It's over user, OP killed himself because of all the cyber bullying rampant in today's society.
And the fucker didn't even took pics.
OP is truly a fag.
I think I agree with this one, mostly.
The whole "it's just my opinion" without end just pollutes discussion, since "it's just your opinion" can be said about pretty much anything, and doesn't convey any information except "don't beat me up for whatever I say". Tons of things are subjective, yet can still be discussed. Stuff like that also serves as a kind of limiter to things that may be stated, since it assumes that opinions may not be argued against, and that negative opinions should be discouraged.
This is necessary in the meatspace, so that people don't beat you up all the time, and might be justified in Internet when you're under an identity, depending on potential repercussions of disagreement.
But in anonymousland it's unnecessary, since all opinions here are equally worthless, you know nobody, and nobody can beat you up. And getting rid of it lets discussion flourish by cutting down on the semantical garbage. Even if the argument gets to "you're a fucking faggot - you're a fucking retard" levels, it still doesn't bite quite as much as in the real world, and can be ignored. But actual discussion wins out from cutting down on the limitations.
>You can't argue with someone whether or not a specific box is blue or red if the box is literally blue or red
I get you, and then I remember the black blue dress illusion.
its was brown you nit.
>I can't go one day without someone telling me I'm wrong for liking a certain game or feeling a certain way about a character.
Just word it right "I like x" and not "x is great" and everything will be okay.
Everything is subjective in a way. We process everything with our minds, there is no way to process information otherwise, and minds have to make assumptions to do their job.
The thing is, if you don't accept objectivity at least in some definition, then everything is fucking pointless, and you may as well be a solipsist. Which is kind of a deadend.
"Tastes" run this board. That's just the bottom line of it. Best thing is to not take it so seriously. Most replies with overwhelming hate should be ignored anyway. Why bother wasting your time arguing with someone who won't even budge on their way of thinking?
Like most low-iq congregations, Sup Forums is too stupid to understand that just because you feel really strongly about something does not mean that you're "objectively" correct, especially when dealing with normative claims.
This. If you can't handle such a simple thing that people think differently, then don't say anything.
Also OP probably went to cry to tumblr already anyways
Have you played origins? I'm not the person whom you're referring to btw.
Thread should have died here
>are people not allowed to have an opinion?
>because all of you have opinions and I don't like them
A bit.
They didn't really change much aside from the main combat which is more reminiscent of the Witcher but with heavy attacks trumping everything.
>I can't go one day without someone telling me I'm wrong for liking a certain game or feeling a certain way about a character
Okay, you can either ignore them, tell them to go fuck themselves, or provide a statement for why you like said thing and maybe partake in a discussion about said thing. But I guess you chose to make an entire thread whining about how other people have differing opinions.
I've always hated Sup Forums, and Sup Forums, most of all. Meme's and other such trash have never entertained me, be it wojaks, peeps, whirrs or braps.
I'm only here for the occasional porn dumps and scifi game discussions. All the anger and shitposts that happens here just aren't fun.
>Stop not liking what I like, you Sup Forumsirgins!
No, fuck you. You come here with the sole purpose of soliciting the opinions of others and get soyboy mode and cry like a little bitch when people disagree or just plain don't like you and your ideas. If you can't handle it, GET OUT. It's a shame soyboys like you haven't been aborted.