Whats the best order to do the planets in?

Whats the best order to do the planets in?

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Be sure to check out the Yavin spacestation after every planet, the stock is updated regularly.

This but I usually do Kashyyk before Tatooine, but I could understand why you would want to do Tatooine first. That planet probably has the least going for it out of all. I would say my order:


And my order from least to favorite of the planets:


Something about Manaan that I just love. It’s probably the atmosphere and music.

If you want to get all possible party members as early as possible you do Kashyyk/Tatooine first and second. I'm not sure if there's a canon order but when you consider the narrative and extra dialogue option that pop up, Korriban should certainly be last.

but korriban unlocks a few unique dialogues on dantooine (the great hunt guy and yuthura) and also has some of the best equipment in the game for force users

Tatooine first so you can get Bastilas's quest done with her mom and make sure you progress her dialogue far enough before a certain scripted event after the third planet.
Kashykk so you can finish Mission's quest with Grif from Tatooine.
Korriban last because it's the hardest.
Make sure you check back on Yavin IV between planets so you get all the scripted scenes with the Rodian if you want the special lightsaber crystals.

Czerka corporation did nothing wrong

what order of planets Sup Forums?

single saber or double sabers?


You want to do Korriban and Manaan last because you don't get any party members there. If you do Manaan last you can't do the assassination quests.


After leaving Telos:
Dxun > Nar Shaadda > Dantoonie > Korriban

Nar Shaddaa, Duxon, Alderaan, Dantoonie, Korriban. This isn't up for debate

Nar Shaddaa - Dantooine - Dxun - Korriban - Omderon

Nar Shada
That last one whose name escapes me

You land in Tatooine and buy HK, then you actually do Kashyyk first to get Jolee. After that, the order doesn't matter, though I usually hit Korriban up next for the great equipment that it has.

Also, balanced build Scout 8 / Consular 12 blows any min/maxed Class 1 / Jedi 19 build out of the water.



Nar Shaddaa

Do you make a quick trip to Nar Shaddaa first to buy the HK part there, or do you just save that for when you actually do things there?

>Nar Shaddaa first

>Korriban first
Literally why?

jace novastorm is a pretty dope name was that randomly generated?


I don't think you're old enough to browse this website

Jace sounds pretty Star Wars-y tho

Do you know what "cuckold" actually means?

inb4 soyboy

So you can get one lightsaber part from Vogga’s palace and another from Visas, completing your lightsaber relatively early on

Wasn't there a way to get a special lightsaber from the Sith that follows you and tries to kill you if it was on a certain planet?

Was it if Manaan was last?

it means (You)

>lightside consular gets +10 wisdom and +3 charisma, letting you overcome even Malak's saving throws
>darkside consular gets 50 extra force points

First timer her need help about character what class should take and how should i spend my skill and ability point ? and companion's stats

I usually go scout 5/guardian 15 or soldier 2/consular 18

>Also, balanced build Scout 8 / Consular 12 blows any min/maxed Class 1 / Jedi 19 build out of the water.

Of course it does, that's the canon Revan chad build


All that give you is the ability to avoid Grenades, which is hardly relevant. Scoundrel is by far the better choice if you aren't just stacking physical at the expense of all else.

Force based dark side characters are so shit in kotor, all the best best force casting equipment requires you to be lightside

Nah, I came up with it.

As opposed to canon Star Wars surnames like Skywalker, Starkiller, Darklighter, Eclipse, Seastriker, Voidgazer, etc?

I think Novastorm fits in perfectly.

Very sure I had a lightsaber by the time I reached Onderon, positive Mandalore gives you a complete one.

If you know nothing about the game I'd go soldier/guardian with auto level up first run and just brute force you way through the game. Then once you're familiar with everything you can do another playthrough and decide on your own build.

Soldier 8/Guardian 12 otherwise final boss will fucking murder you on your 1st playthrough.
STR 18 (stronk)
DEX 8 (best defense is good offense)
CON 10 (what's left)
INT 14 (2 skillpoints per level; lets you max persuade and repair, everything else is useless anyway)
WIS 8 (you hit things, not cast spells)
CHA 14 (to have 25% to pass hard persuade checks)
Max strength every level.
Which companions would you like to use?


Nah, you're wrong.

Scout 8 has three free ranks of Implant, which a soldier has to burn feats on. A Soldier 8 who takes those same implant feats ends up with the same number of feats. Meanwhile, the Scout has MUCH better skills, including Repair to make HK fully operational, and while the Soldier only has a good Fortitude save, the Scout has ALL good saves: Fortitude, Reflex and Will.

Also the grenades. :)

Meanwhile, the worst of the three is Scoundrel. Lots of skills, but the only one that matters, Repair, is locked. Sure, you get Persuade, but so does literally EVERY Jedi class. And what were you going to do with a Stealth build? Skip XP? It comes with the worst starting Feats, Critical Strike, Reflex is the least useful save, has less Feats than either the Scout or the Soldier, lowest HP, and the crazy circumstantial Sneak Attack.

There's literally no reason to go Soldier over Scout, but you'd know that if you weren't shit at the game.

Damn bro, takes me back to switching between this and Wind Waker when I was a kid. Good memories.

ah thank, jsut waht i have in mind, i always go the tankiest class when i play some thing for the first time to feel the water

Nice, thanks Revan. Well the casts are all so likable so i'm think of rolling HK-47 with Jolee or Bastilla and mission, Mandalorian and wookie team can be nice too. I like1 range 1 melee in my crew for balance sake

>Scoundrel is worst
Scoundrel/Guardian is monster though since sneak attack works with force jump for 4-24 extra damage per attack. You also get +4 ac. Having maximum persuade on Taris is also nice. And you can repair HK with master valor and utility belt anyway, class skill or not.

Scouts also get Implant 1, 2 and 3 for free by level 8 which gives you access to OP constant effect buffs, as well as fast level up progression for all 3 saves. The only starting class to have this, the others only have fast progression in one of the saves and slow in the other two.

This is the perfect beginner build. Easy to use, gets the job done, carries you through tough fights even when you're not super familiar with the mechanics.

This is the ideal end-game build. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Can this run on a toaster?

I had this build on my first ever playthrough. My defence went through the roof, and Sneak Attack made Wraith grinding in Tatooine much easier

Nigga what?

Scoundrel Consular gets every single as a class skill, making a character that passes every skill check well within reach, +4 defense, and 4d6 extra damage per hit, which a Consular should be getting every round thanks to stuns, meaning an extra 15d6/20d6 of damage per round, which is an absolute shit load of damage. Considering the only implants that have any even somewhat major impacts are late game, when you're going to have those feats anyway (not much else to use them on), there's really no reason to go Scout.

Force Jump is one attack at the beginning of the fight, that's not worth the levels dropped on Scoundrel. I'll grant you the bonus Defense is nice, but Persuade is largely a non-issue since the game allows you to bank Skill points and spend them all at any time you want - like becoming a Jedi and getting Persuade in-class.

And requiring Master Valor and the Utility Belt means waiting until at LEAST level 15 to get that power (which is only +5 Int), the Belt is a super-expensive 3000 Credits at the very first port out of Taris when you're at your most broke, and you still have to cross-class mounds of skills into Repair that a Scout had for free.

Plus again, fewer Feats, less HP, much lower Saves, etc.

>not going scoundrel/consular with a blaster
>not stunning enemies then blowing them the fuck out with your sneak attacks that work while they're stunned


Yeah, you could bank the Repair if you're going Scoundrel / Consular, but why weaken your character? +4 Defense is not worth the loss of 4 Fortitude, 4 Will, 20HP, and three Feats. And 4d6 damage per hit is not automatic, you need to build around Sneak Attacks and the worst class in the game for that is Consular. Where did you get this crazy idea that it just auto-ticked onto all your attacks?

Objectively, Sniper Shot builds do less damage than Crit builds which do less damage than Flurry builds which do less damage than Power Attack builds. It's fun to sneak attack with guns, but don't conflate fun with effective.

Because every enemy should be stunned at all times if you have a Consular, and stunned enemies proc Sneak Attack on every hit.

There aren't many things than can survive a Force Jump/Sneak Attack/Master Speed/Master Valour attack. You can take out fucking Rancors on Rakata Prime single handed with that.

If Power Attack out damages Flurry, you're doing shit damage.

You have Mission for that

Not worth the gimping of the character so every few rounds you can get in a little extra damage. Especially when it's so inferior compared to just spamming Master Speed, dual-wield and Master Power Attack.

Reminder to hoarde all your junk and sell it to the merchant on Yavin as he gives you the best sell prices in the game

Race bonds usually go for ~60 credits to most vendors, this guy buys them for 156 credits each

you can get your saber and complete HK no matter where you go iirc.

You forgot
>master dual wielding

Wrong. Master Power Attack is +10 damage. With Master Speed and dual-wield, that's four attacks a round. For Flurry to BREAK EVEN with Power Attack, that extra hit needs to average 40 damage.

Do you know how difficult it is to get that high? A lightsaber's average damage is 9. Even if you stacked Strength and got up to 30 (+10 bonus), that's 19. An Upari HotG can get an average of 7 more for 26. Weapon Specialization 2 more for 28, and you're rapidly running out of ways to increase this higher. Even if you minmax, sink feats into Implants and pop consumables to get Strength up from 30 to say... 40? It's still 33, well below what Power Attack manages automatically.

>mfw a Power Attack Jedi with 10 strength out-damages a 40 strength Flurry Jedi every time

speedlets btfo

HK is the worst companion gameplay-wise. Your best hope is to give him yavin assault rifle/repeating blaster and infinite shield, spend his 4 (four) feats in rapid shot and weapon focus heavy weapons and hope he hits something. Can't even use melee weapons with his 16 str.
Jolee is the opposite. Just spec him into mass stuns/destroy droid and he will carry you through the game.
Canderous is a sneaky git. Comes with a ranged weapon but is far better in melee. Since he's a soldier, he has too many feats anyway, just spend them all on melee things. Flurry=Critical strike>Power Attack.
Please don't use the wookie, his combat grunts will drive you mad. And he can't wear armor or headgear, so he has to tank everything with his face. And he's almost as whiny as Carth. If you insist, just give him flurry/toughness/dual-wielding and let him go nuts.
Bastila is sentinel. Sentinels are shit. The usual things for feats - dual-wield and flurry. Spec her into force buffs since she's lightsided.
Mission has 16 dex and 14 int. Meaning she's meant for Sniper Shot since it scales with both. Give her Zaalbar's bowcaster - she will have 50% critical chance with it. It's the only ranged weapon that allows this, and is available right after getting her. She should be a stun and sneak attack machine. Also means you don't waste her limited feats into dual wielding. No, you can't romance her.

>>lightside consular gets +10 wisdom and +3 charisma, letting you overcome even Malak's saving throws

That's kind of a crapshoot though. The odds of landing something like stasis at best ends up being like ~40% IIRC. Though I might be mistaking that with his attack bonus. One of the two is functionally nigh impossible to overcome even with an ultraspecialized meme build.

I've just installed this, what am I in for? Any tips?

That's why use force whirlwind which targets his reflex save instead of fortitude. Lightsided jedi can (barely) reach 100% to stunlock him with it. Darksided jedi cries.

Or you Plague him and trivialize the whole encounter.

Even if you're playing a lightsided Jedi, always do things that will piss Carth off, even if they give you darkside points.

Strength is garbage compared to dex though, at least in KotOR1

It adds an average of 70 damage per attack round for what you should be doing every encounter anyway. How in the hell does that "gimp" your character?

Plague him first.

Until you reach Malak who has such high attack it's literally impossible to have defense big enough to dodge his attacks. And if so, might as well spec into STR since it lets you hit harder.

People have done the math if you feel like looking it up, but the TL;DR is There's almost no way to make up for the flat damage bonus on master power attack unless you're going single saber, in which case its still the best but only by a small margin. Even for crit builds, Power Attack wins because the crit multiplier applies to the flat damage, unlike any other flat bonus to damage.

The first planet takes way too fucking long then you get stuck on another fucking shitty ass tutorial on Dantooine and the game only gets really gets good after that. Do Tatooine - Kashyyk - Manaan - Korriban and make sure to flirt with Bastila as much as you can. Don't worry too much about character builds because the game is pretty easy and if you haven't somehow been spoiled on this game after 15 years then get the fuck out of this thread right now.

Also KOTOR2 is unfinished and overrated and TOR is absolute garbage and should be avoided at all cost, same goes for the sequel novel.

>70 damage per attack
lol no

1-6 per every other level. Assuming you went Scoundrel 6 to maximize Saving Throws and ability gain, that's 3-18 damage, or an average of 10.5 damage. Assuming you went Master Speed / Flurry / Dual-Wield for 5 attacks, you're at 52.5 damage every OTHER round because you need to spend a turn stunning, attacking, stunning, attacking.

Meanwhile, Power Attackers are doing 80 every round without need of stunning.

So, you do less damage, have less health, have lower saves and have fewer feats. Congratulations.

What if he sets up Bastila or someone else to keep them stunlocked so he can sneak attack every round?

Korriban after the Revan reveal do you can drop the "I'm fucking Revan" line at the end to become the new master of the academy

Reminder that this is unironically and completely canon.

It's a discussion about the MC's build and his damage alone. But even if we were bringing other characters in, he's still at a loss. Because the Bastila on my Power Attacker's team isn't going to stun, she's going to use Power Attack herself.

So, he gets his extra 52.5 damage every round, without needing an offround for stunning, but we're both doing the full Power Attack damage completely BTFOing those two.

Is Czerka canon btw? Some random dude talks about it on Battlefront 2

No, it's canon to the Star Wars cinematic universe. It's not canon to the Legends universe. Funny how they separated the brand and it felt like an attack years ago, but now all of our novels and video games are suddenly safe from your pic related bullshit.

Isn't plague bugged?

What's stopping you from using power attack and sneak attack at the same time? And you only have to throw Insanity once every 3 rounds, which hopefully someone is doing anyway because a CCed enemy isn't attacking you.

>watching my cousin play Kotor
>just arrived on taris
>walking around outside the with military base
>somehow warps inside the with base, no cheats or anything

Has this ever happened for anyone else?

If an enemy is stun locked, they don't do anything. They're fucking stunned. That's the point. Your save and health don't matter at that juncture, the only thing that matters is killing the enemies before you run out of FP and actually have a real fight. Which Sneak Attack speeds up by, fine, if we use Power Attack and your average of 80 is correct, 66% faster than we would otherwise.

HP and Saves are irrelevant, because you come out of every fight untouched at that point.

>Just left Telos
>On all of Telos couldn't find a single armor
RNG is fucking me real good in KotOR 2

Is he on PC and using Quicksaves? Because moving with L+R MB while quicksaving causes all kinds of goofy shit.

Nar Shadda, Dxun, Dantooine, Korriban, M478


>HK is the worst companion gameplay-wise

motherfucker, really ? oh man i really like him from the lore and from the video, but i will stick with because i just like his character so much, thanks for the advice HK and Jolee it is then, hope me and based Windu can carry that tin can's rusty ass

He's on Pc but he's using wasd and not quick saving

First, there are no guarantees on the stuns landing at all. But assuming an ideal world where they always fail their saves, you still lose a third of your damage casting. Then, your bonus damage is lowered for having one fewer attacks with Sneak Attack applied. 10.5 over 4 attacks is 42 damage, assuming all attacks hit, etc etc.

I realize this looks good on paper, but off the bat, you need several feats for this and you're already lagging behind 3 feats. Moreover, you need several Powers for this, and you'll need 3 extra (for Insanity) to make it viable. And again, the kind of fights where they can survive a full round of everyone Master Sped Power Attacking are the kinds of fights that Insanity is probably going to fail against the monster - Malak, Terentateks, etc. Fights where bonus HP, bonus Defense, bonus feats - all more valuable than 10 points of situational damage.

>ha, i halv this stun spel
>i am invisncible bcuz nufin can atak wile stunt!
>o no they past safe!
>shit i die XDDDD

Even assuming you went full caster with max Wisdom and Charisma, you'll still fail the stun powers fairly frequently, and you'll also have gimped your attack bonus to miss while they're stunned.

Save/load before talking to merchants for the first time to reload their inventory

There's literally no reason to argue about builds in either KOTOR as a melee build of a 8 scoundrel/12 counselor can clear the game solo on the hardest difficulty with ease barring one or two fights.

>First, there are no guarantees on the stuns landing at all.
If you're building your Consular right, Juhani, an early Terentatek and I think MAYBE Malak's apprentice can actually manage to save with any non-absurd rolls.
>you still lose a third of your damage casting.
It's spent stunning, as in, taking away literally everything the enemy can possibly do. You should be doing this regardless, because you are trading 1/3 of a single round to take away all enemies rounds, the conversion rate is stupidly in your favour. There is never any reason not to stun.
>you need several feats for this
You need literally zero feats for this.
>Moreover, you need several Powers for this, and you'll need 3 extra (for Insanity) to make it viable.
You get 17 powers, that is so many more than you could ever possibly need.

This. You guys have some crazy idea that your powers will work 100% of the time.

Insanity is: 5 + attacker level + attacker Wisdom and Charisma modifiers

Let's say you're only testing this at max level of 20. And you've neglected all your other stats to stack Wisdom and Charisma to 20 each. Your DC is 30.

Rakatan Elite have a 25% chance of ignoring that. Young Rancor have a 50% chance. Rakatan Elder's have a 75% chance. All those Sentry Droids and Turrets have a 100% chance. Dark Jedi Guardians have a 55% chance. Dark Jedi Sentinels have a 100% chance.

These are all just pre-Star Forge fights. Once on the Star Forge even the Dark Jedi Apprentices have a 45% chance. The Dark Jedi Guardians have a 80% chance, the Sentinels are again at 100%. Star Forge Bastila has a 100% chance. Malak has a 90% chance.

And again, even if you DO stun them, this is a pure caster build. Your attack stats will be abysmal and you still need to hit, with all the penalties that Power Attacking / Flurrying entail, on your Scoundrel with the lowest attack rating in the game.

Does it matter?

>15 year old game

I think yes

>If you're building your Consular right
Let me see your "build."

>You need literally zero feats for this.
Oh, so you're not using Master Power Attack or Dual-Wielding? Good to know. Bye-bye damage.

>You get 17 powers, that is so many more than you could ever possibly need.
Yes, your build is super viable at 20. If only the game started there instead of ended there.

Exactly. I just finished a LS 5/15 run (should have just done 8/12 but I didn't fully think it out until later). Doing Kashykk first I was able to stun the Terantatek there. Which also gives you the Circlet of Soresh - +2.5 to you DCs, thank you. And this gameplan makes dual-wielding Mission a DPS beast on top of being your best skill monkey.

>start playing Deus Ex
>suddenly Deus Ex threads on Sup Forums
>start playing KOTOR2
>suddenly KOTOR threads on Sup Forums