It's up

it's up

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What's his name again?

what's the list

>Nier first place
weebfags BTFO

Just stop please

why is his face so wide

>top 10s

10: Agents of Mayhem
9: Outlast 2
8: Marvel v Capcom : Infinite
7: Need for Speed: Payback
6: Middle Earth: Shadow of War
5: Ghost Recon: Wildlands
4: Lawbreakers
3: Destiny 2
2: Mass Effect: Andromeda
1: Star wars battlefront 2

what's his name again?

Buttblasted Bernardo

Peeved alejandro

Angry Joe

>posting obese ortega

Angry Joe

>he still has a sliver of hope for Destiny 3
what a fool he is

hes so fucking fat, I guess the obesity rate in mexicans isn't a meme eh?

Upset Alfredo

I asked Geoff Keighley he had no idea though

atleast post the link, nigger

>i pay attention to and follow trash-tier entertainment

Provoked Perez


>trash entertainment
>saying this while he posts on Sup Forums

Irritated Imanuel

>puts Donald DRUMPF at number 1
hell yeah bros

Diaz Couso

>Middle Earth: Shadow of War
Joe wouldn't know a good game if it fucked him in the ass
>Star Wars Battlefront 2
Fucking really? It was a disappointment? He didn't go into the game already knowing it was going to be an EA shitfest? How can mentally retarded people make so much money on YouTube

>Thinking it's a top ten
Should we tell him?

Shadow of War did not deserve this

Disgusted Dorito

Upset Uego

Angry Ahmed

>Angry Joe is now smarter than the average user
Wow, how low can we go?

So there won't be any "worst game of 2017" video, right?

Pissed Paco

Angry "Fistful of Pesos" Jose

Joe La Cerda

The last like 4th of the game shouldn't exist, and it definitely is a disappointment considering it took 3 years to come out. The level design was also really shit