That one game you tried to play multiple times but couldn't be bothered to finish

>that one game you tried to play multiple times but couldn't be bothered to finish
What's her name?

Dragon age origins.

>start a classic JRPG
>doesn't really matter which
>get easily 3/4 of the way through, dozens of hours of play time
>put it down for no real reason
Why do I do this with every JRPG? Happened with FF7, happened with Chrono Trigger, happened with Earthbound. What's wrong with me?

Metro 2033
I mean I really like it but it's kinda boring, I'll probably finish it one day but everytime I'm about to play it I just play something more exciting instead

Same. Started it dozens of times.

Shapeshifter's broken. Doesn't work right. Never fails to piss me the fuck off. That's the only class I wanna play. Such a garbage fucking development studio.

Beat it. Regret wasting the time. Shit's garbage.

They play and look like dog shit, and thinking about using the 'boosters' to play through the latter on PC fills me with disgust.
I'm told they're great and i just cant understand it.
I'm disappointed in myself more than anything.

Every time I step away from it for like a week I don't come back to it for like a year. At that point I just make a new game and continue the cycle.

Absolutely love it to death, but I just can't seem to finish it.

Alice: Madness Returns

Way too fucking long for the type of game it is.

FFII and Dont starve

God damn yes this.

Then some nigger broke into my house and stole it, among the rest of the collection, breaking the cycle.

May God's angel save you one day.

breath of fire: dragon quarter, mostly because it's a retarded rogue lite. which sucks because it has my favorite art style of all time.

Any Mystery Dungeon really

I had this for a while with Xenoblade Chronicles X. Lasted from launch to a couple months ago.
Just got huge side quest fatigue.
Now I have it with Witcher 3. I like the story I guess but the presentation and gameplay is just really not doing anything for me. Combat bores me to tears.

Xenoblade Chronicles X. I've never even made it to the Mech part. The world is that bland and uninteresting to me, and it just feels so fucking tedious. Also the music grinds on me and... yeah, I want to love it, and to some degree I do, but yeah, never finished.

Witcher 3. Tried several times, furthest i got was to Skellige or whatever its called.

These two

wild arms 3. 5 .and 1. i beat 2. and 4. and 4

played this one and beat it realy was a trash game comepared to all the good ps2 rpgs in gen but i have to say one thing thares not any games like this i can think of off hand


That boring hellspawn of an overhyped game needs to die in a fire.

The Witcher 2

I want to like it so bad...

You posted it. This too . I've spent ages in DD's character creator and so little time playing it.

Fucking Xenogears. Just walked into Babel Tower. How far am I?

This, changing vocations makes me die repeatedly, dont know why I just can't stay with my initian vocation

I usually just find the exploration and story more interesting than the gameplay. But by the end when I know the road is reading straight through only fighting I get bored.

Exactly this one.

Mega Man Legends 2. The music and aesthetic are off putting to me, honestly. I always get bored with the game. First one is awesome though.

every final fantasy game I've played

Kotor i until I beat it last month. Now I think it's going to happen again with kotor ii. Also Morrowind and Fallout New Vegas. Every time I try to play one of these I spend way too much time installing mods and by the time I start playing it I start to lose interest.

Before or after factoring in the falling?