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Where the hell are FaZe and Optic?
Na bruv I support the LONDON UPRISING m8 get with the times.
i tried watching it just out of curiosity.
What is the fucking point of pushing this game into Esport-cancer?
Blizzard are jews, literally all they think about is money. They're just as bad as EA but hide it behind a "look how friendly and welcoming we are hahah" persona.
are those pre-approved Blizzard-designed comp teams or something? what the fuck?
This game was made for esports. Why do you think every time an eAthlete complains about balance Blizzard patches it?
Blizzard patches it after 3 months*
Blizzard only patches overtuned things and hasn't really touched any of the undertuned character since launch*
Most of the skins look like absolute hot garbage on most characters. Who the fuck even cares about this shit?
Because it makes money. video games are about making money. As long as someone is willing to pay $90 million for exclusive streaming rights, this shit is going to continue to happen. If you don't like it, get the fuck out of here and go join some commie death cult
>two Los Angeles teams
Go Gladiators go! Go Gladis go!
that girl looks very intelligent
That's some bad case of fivehead.
>casual trash "made for esport"
What exactly are we laughing at here? A widely successful game entering the e-sports market? I don't get the joke OP.
Yes that's right. Esport games are made to be easy to pick up and learn so even your average low-skill pleb can join in on the bandwagon
All those logos look like they were designed by the same person. So does blizzard own all the teams then? Also how does this work? Do they have actual stadiums they play at in their cities?
They play at gamestops and basements
Those doing team cheering and caring are in the minority, my dude.
Long and short of it
>Blizzard petitions large corporations and sports teams for sponsorships, asking ~$20 million for an entry fee
>uses the money to make a fuck huge stadium
>teams cannot make a profit from the business end until 2021, and if the sponsors sells the team Blizzard takes half the cut
>Blizzard takes half of the cut on all merchandise and in-game skins and divides the other half between the teams
>signs a $90 million deal with Twitch for exclusive viewing rights
It's basically Blizzard looking to make competitive Overwatch like the physical sports series.
So it's league of legends all over again where the devs pay millions of dollars to push their casual game as a "hardcore competitive" title.
>Blizzard adds over 200 new skins in ONE (1) update and people complain
jesus christ, that's a huge number yet people still complain
>200 new skins
One you get for free, the others will cost $5 a pop.
yaaaas boston uprising slay
When are they going to add more content. Skins aren't content. Where's the fucking new maps, where's the new gamemodes, where's the map editor, where is the fucking changes that will save this game from being stale.
And more than half of them look like shit.
2 skins
You get another 100 tokens for subbing to the newsletter
New map and balance changes coming at the end of the month, they're waiting on consoles to give the green flag.
>map editor
Not happening
>where's the new gamemodes
Game doesn't need new game modes. It needs balance changes
>tfw no poloma gf
yeah, except unlike LoL, they don't have a massive player base that are interested in the game becoming an esport. I'm not defending LoL though, that shit should have never become an esport and the esportsfags are by far the worst people to play the game with.
it makes perfect sense tho
>The London Spitfire OWL team claims to represent the UK yet doesn't have a single English player/team member in the roster, with literally everybody being Korean except for the owner and Manager, who are American
>B-but real sports teams do this all the time!
And neither will win anything, like a real L.A. sports team.
>A more casual version of TF2 is being pushed as an e-sport
Because Blizzard got off their ass and petition an arm of Comcast, Kraft, and the New York Mets, among others, for $20 million. If only Valve or the TF2 community could get off their asses and get the money for that.
>20k peak viewers for your premier league
>at the same time you have the gall to ask companies $20 million to buy into your shitty league
this is the next TORtanic.
I don't give a shit about comp scenes, in fact I'd rather Valve leave it alone than do the bullshit Blizzard does.
It's just absurd to me that anyone takes overwatch seriously when it's a dumbed down version of a game which no-one took seriously.
But he's right, If everyone has them, then whats the point of wearing shitty recolors, they lose all the meaning, which is to be a Jersey for your fav team
Because whales need their complete collections.