Why couldn't they include a "Traditional" mode that keeps everything the same as the N64 version?

Why couldn't they include a "Traditional" mode that keeps everything the same as the N64 version?

Because the literally updated the games to be better in every way

They didn't want a shit mode

The only questionable changes were the Zora swimming and something minor to do with arrows, everything else is an upgrade. The "MM3D is bad!!" meme sucks.

Because this version is objectively superior and if you disagree you must literally be retarded

They needed to pander to retards. Just look at this thread.

Nope. Clock is a downgrade, casualized saving is a downgrade, Bomber's Notebook change is a downgrade, retarded googly eyes on bosses is a downgrade.

The only improvement was adding fishing.

Unironically kill yourself my man.

>muh nostalgia
3ds remake is way better

This nigga gets it.

Sound design and visuals are worse too.

OoT is pretty much a direct upgrade but not MM

Because you can emulate the original on a modded tamogachi.

Seriously, it would be a waste.

>OoT is pretty much a direct upgrade

Downgrades: Casual saving, hand holding sheikah stones

This game improved so much the original lacked.

I actually had fun with Great Bay and Snowfall

The only shit Ive ever seen babies complain about is that the bosses have eyes to hit now. Is that really the only complaint. Who cares?

Why don't you just play the N64 version?

Hahahah right? Any complaints are from people who have obviously played the original or very clearly can still. Makes no sense

Swimming, mainly. Also not saving at the start of a new cycle and you have to walk to the owl statue. Minor, but much less impactful to not have "Dawn of the First Day" when you start up.

How is casual saving bad for a portable device exactly?
