Why are people at GDQ so ugly?
Why are people at GDQ so ugly?
Because they're life losers. Its a fucking speedrunning event, theres going to be many chads there.
Same reason you're ugly.
Theres not*
if you're a speedrunner, you're probably an ugly abomination, since you don't have time to be a normal human being with all that "training".
post trannys
Not everyone can be a ted danson, anin
everyone good-looking enough to retain self respect doesn't attend these SJW shitfests anymore
But I'm cute.
Being attractive is problematic and makes transfolk feel insecure
speedrunning is the bottom of the barrel in gaming, literally gotta be autistic to do it or watch it.
Otherwise they would have an actual life with friend and girls.
video games are still a loser hobby, and losers are losers because they're hard to look at, people don't like to view them
I think you're the fucking loser
What happened to that guy from AGDQ who used to shake and look like he was having a seizure? He was always in the background of like every run a couple years ago
Speedrunning is literally the highest tier of skill in single player gaming. If you don't enjoy playing and watching it you are probably a casual shitter who belongs on Reddit.
who is this vixen
That's like asking why there's so many fat people at a dieting convention. You don't go to a convention for losing weight if you're healthy. Just like how you wouldn't participate in a speedrunning event if you're a normal person with literally anything else going on in your life. You get into speedrunning for 2 possible reasons.
1. You're genuinely autistic. Not even joking. Like actually on the spectrum.
2. You're at the bottom 1% of social rejects. You're so far gone that even the 99% of other rejects also reject you. So you turn to the speedrunning community and fast food to fill that void in your soul.
You're not worthy of her
Not sure if butch lady or pretty man
I wanna massage that guy's big soft belly so bad.
What else could it be?
>you can't really do this with the ammount of health I have
>gonna take the game over
lol fucking scrub. he would've saved so much time just going through the area and save the turtle nearby. Literally can't play without donatello
literally SEETHING
oh yeah? let's see a picture of you little bitch, bet you fuckin won't pussy.
i wasn't ready for that very mild spook
Blacks don't count
>spending hours and hours becoming at skilled at something utterly worthless in life that wont even get you laid
fucking kys
Some people have higher interests than OOGABOOGA MUHDIKK
>implying that one dude didn't cuck some fag for being good at Banjo Kazooie
I mean that's an extreme example but miracles do happen
He actually looks like some guy I know
He has the say weird awkwardness, thank FUCKING god he's not turned into a trannie (yet)
we can't be as cool and aloof as you, we need to do something with our lives besides getting laid and video games are that waste. you can't improve a pile of garbage, so what is the point in trying?
speedrunners dont care about video games at all. hate every last one of them. you tune into any stream and youre always met with "fuck this game" or "i hate this game" or them breaking shit in their room because of how much fun theyre not having. the only reason people speedrun is because it's the ONE thing theyve ever been remotely good at in life and are desperately grasping for attention with it to prove it wasnt all a waste of time.
>I'm REALLY good at cutting vegetables!
>Day in and out, all my free time is spent cutting vegetables!
>Wow, you're cutting them like a normal pleb? REDDIT PLEASE!
No , nobody does . Reproducing yourself is the single most important thing in a man's life .
not at AGDQ you don't
>spending no time lurking Sup Forums before posting
what did he mean by this?
>men exist solely to be a fucktoy for women
How beta can you get?
>food analogies
>being a pro at cutting vegetables
Why can't they just use one of these?
Somebody show me one attractive person from GDQ please!
It's honestly hard to look at sometimes. I used to think most people just ran games because they liked the game a lot.
So naive
this really isnt true. When they say they hate a game they only hate a specific part but love the whole thing. Even when very shitty games (eg. Two Worlds II) are run the runner says how he loves the game despite it being shit when the run is over. pretty sure you have to love a game to play through it thousands of times.
most of those guys would look fine if they actually put some effort into fitness and didn't dress like high schoolers.
whatever happened to them?
I don't see them wearing any supreme
well we know what happened to her if you know what i mean
What does he smell like?
That guy has a gf. I have never talked to a girl.
Last I checked, getting to AGDQ gets you laid with Mormon chicks.
don't shower for a few days then run upstairs and throw on some of your mom's perfume
Something like this?
shes lowkey cute
Why is it doing that
Trihex is Mike Ross-tier white. Basically a step above milky white.
when youre that fat, you sweat like crazy, even just sitting down
well yeah, but after all that
she's got a thyroid problem
She's letting out fumes
would anyone else fuck the shit out of this bitch, I know shes a man but she is making me horny, might be the hair
Best guess is he's pulling his clothes off his fatfolds.
The dwarf is the least misshapen person there.
RIP my nigga Meik Russ
this makes me uncomfortable
Soy and refined sugar.
She makes my penis comfortable
this guy is so hard to look at, there is not a single thing i dont find disgusting about him
It should not be legal for a guy to look like this.
primal caveman rage