>there are people on Sup Forums who STILL preorder games
What's your excuse?

And no, "because I have enough money" is not a good answer.

i dont preorder games but i will do it if there is a game i know im going to buy anyway.

I'd only preorder games if they come with a physical item. But my Gamestop is in bumfuck nowhere and they always end up having more preorder bonuses than they could sell so they just give them out to anybody who buys the game regularly.

I want to play them day one. Pre-ordering or ordering day one has no meaningful difference.

>And no, "because I have enough money" is not a good answer.
That's too bad, faggot.

If you get burned by games, you're fucking retarded. You should know what you're gonna enjoy.

Amazon gives a 20% discount for pre-orders

This, plus this . It's not like a pre-ordered game can't be returned. I like the ease of getting it ordered on my time and having it show up on release day without any fuss.

Amazon gives you discounts if you preorder with them. Getting Dragon Ball FighterZ for $50.

I only pre-order Halo, and that's only because I'm too invested in the series.

Because I'm not poor? What's your reason for not pre ordering games?

>not "pre-ordering" the game a day or two before release

This, instead of paying $64 for a game I'm only dropping $52, that feels pretty damn nice since gamestop loves to gouge you.

>current year
>still following release dates closely

Its not even an old fuck thing, gaming is just dead

>buying games from Amazon
What the fuck year is this?

>What's your excuse?
What do you mean by excuse? What's the problem with preordering games that you're actually waiting for, if you're not a dumbfuck that gets his opinion straight 360 degrees to shit only after playing the game

If it's a series I like, I'd like to actually be able to pick it up day 1 and not have to be one of those losers who has to wait for a restock to play a game.

>Games I absolutely 100% know I'm going to buy anyway
>Pre-order them on Amazon because I have a prime student account for my college books
>Get sweet discounts, $60 games usually drop down to $40
>Saves me the hassle of having to deal with shit like how some games will only get a single printing and not get another shipment for months
>Neckbeards scream and cry because they ignore people like me and go straight for the retards who preorder entire libraries of games at a time

I only do it for games I care about, which is very few, so its easier to remember the dates

Haven't pre-ordered a game blindly in years. Only exception are games which were already released in a different region/on a different platform and it's clear what to expect.
Frankly, I feel pity for people falling for hype made by marketers.

Because my dick wants chinese underwear costumes and I'm too weak to deny it

I preorder solely to piss people like you off. That's my enjoyment, and it's worth it.

This user understands whats up. Amazon stopped being worth a fuck for video games as soon as they stopped letting you get a 20% discount for preordering collectors editions. I switched to Best Buy after that.

>I suck cock to make homophobes mad

Damn right.

You shouldn't feel anything for what anyone else does with their money.

15% discount on preorders

better price, ships faster, and you get bonuses sometimes

because limited editions. because I don't wan't to wait 9 years for it to come out on pc.

We're on the Internet, Sup Forums and specifially Sup Forums of all places. I don't care in general, but it does make me sad when I see people actually supporting stupid shit with their money. It's even worse when this starts to affect the industry.

Knowing Sup Forums it's probably so they can shit on it before everyone else.
>anno Domini 2017
>ye still buying thine entertainment moving tapestries
Verily I pray Ye knaves be naught doings this


If I preorder a game it's get it a day or two in advance from the place I get it from.
Otherwise I wait 2 months and get the game half price.

Go way, TotalBiscuit. Shouldn't you be reviewing a 2D indie game poorly for not having an FOV slider?

I haven't preordered in a long time. I would only preorder now if I get some sort of incentive but that usually means the game is crap

To make sure i get a game im looking forward to on launch or earlier

Deserves its own thread.

>Buying any product day one.
How irrational.

If there is a preorder bonus that I want, I will usually buy the game on steam just before it unlocks.


>Missing out on mint vidya
How boring

>what's 2+2? and no, don't tell me 4. give me a real answer!

I preordered gravity rush remastered for the theme
I preordered gravity rush 2 for the avatars
All for Kat

Doesnt really matter if i preorder a game that i KNOW im going to get anyway.

For example, ive played every monster hunter game, so im obviously going to get Monster Hunter World, so ive just preordered it. Makes little to no difference to be honest, but it just gets it out of the way right now.

Also once or twice ive preordered a game and got it like 2 days before it officially came out. Not really sure why, it was usually the new CoD games when i was about 15 that came that early

I do both. What now, faggot?

>but i will do it if there is a game i know im going to buy anyway.
Then you are preordering games you retard.

I've never preordered in my life

There simply are some games which I know I'm gonna get, regardless of quality, because I want to see it for myself and form my opinion on MY playthrough.
I could see the trainwreck that is FFXV from a mile but I just had to play it so I can say what bothered me personally instead of repeating what anons said online.

Also, quick preorders is a confirmation to the publisher/devs that they made a good decision so from teams I know I can expect quality I preorder to give them security

captcha: Mexico The Wall

I preordered DBZF because I wanted the beta and then the beta ended up free anyway except for one day. Feels bad man but oh well was gonna buy it anyway. Hope it doesn't get 6 and 7s.

>and they always end up having more preorder bonuses than they could sell so they just give them out to anybody who buys the game regularly.

Its great. I got the Bully dodgeball and Fallout 3 lunch box because of this. Shame the store I used to frequent closed down.

I only buy games like ~2 weeks before release if I know Ill like them anyway.
Last one was Xenoblade 2 and it was worth it. A lot of info about the game was out and I got exactly what I wanted.

Oh sorry I didn't know you had autism.

>complains that people would buy something a day before it comes out, for a discount, that they knew they were going to buy the next day
>accuses other people of autism
oh the ironing

There have been a few games I knew I didn't need to wait for reviews to buy. Xcom 2 I knew I would enjoy, and so pre ordered it. It was literally exactly what I expected it to be.

Can it, sock head!