AGDQ 2018: Inner Gorilla Edition

NOW: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
NEXT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
LATER: Battletoads Arcade

Other urls found in this thread:


first for couch kid


Can we talk about video games in this thread?

RIP run
dude fucked up

i wonder why battletoads never got sued, blatant tmnt ripoff

My wife Gabu is cute!

Quick guys what weapon should I use in Bloodborne


nth for traps are Not gay

yo did you see that tranny speedrun infamous?


This is Sup Forums, so of course not. Talk about trannys and politics.

Quick post your favorite tranny or Im gonna rape your waifu tonight.

>NOW: Trannies
>NEXT: Trannies
>LATER: Trannies
>no videogames allowed

>letting children around all this degeneracy
kid will be trans within 5 years

I like the doujin where she works at the hotel

How far behind are they in donations compared to last year?

Someone post the website about what kind of faggot you are

literally nothing to talk about




I'm a tranny twink.

If he had played a little careful and save Michaelangelo/Donatello nearby instead of taking the game over he would've saved like 3-4 mins. I guess he can't play without speedrun strats.

how many of you fags actually played this TNMT game when it came out?
all platforms allowed, I played on Amstrad


Is the crowd cam still on or did the tranny mods turn it off once they woke up?

Pretty good run 2bh

probably over 9000

just kidding, only $420

no, we are finding out what sort of faggot we are.

I honestly can't tell if he's 12 or 35.

Post the website


Too late, Sup Forums woke up. Enjoy your propaganda

That road mat for dinky cars shirt is actually fuckin' killer.

What the fuck is up with all these trannies appearing suddenly, and why don't they put any effort into passing?

Please rate.

I took that. I don't have much hair so put completely hairless and it said gym rat. I put less hair than average and it gave me chub.

>there are people in this thread who missed the horror block
I'm so sorry

thank god I only have a husbando

Whatever helps you sleep at night you knuckle dragging spastic.

>de eyes

I wonder if AVGN watches AGDQ during his fave (or most hated) games

threads always devolve to politics shitflinging once it's morning in america
56% is not a meme

are you me?


Reminder that you either have to be on the left or on the right andbthar killing people is the only way to victory

But seriously, no more political discussion

Anything good after RE3?

>Yoshi's island race is 2 hour estimate
this is gonna be a shitshow, unless its relay styled

How do I get a cute twink bf?

he doesn't like video games, he watches old cartoons with his daughter

smol waist

Silent hill run was top comfy.


rate me

delet this

Quick guys! What is your tranny name? Mine is Cinnabon

Wow user, your clear voice of reason really convinced me and i can see the light!



Hello, hope you're enjoying your first GDQ stream.

Passed out right before it started. Worth going back for or will they be shit without Sup Forums funposting?

It was supposed to be glitchless but he fucked up.


btw im a girl

Holy fucking shit hatjust gave me a nostalgia blast

sarcasm if a 14 year old girls tool

Huh.... whats going on?

can i suck your toes plz


I don't like the body hair choices. My arms are fairly normal for a dude, but my chest is completely bare and my legs are forests.


encourage me to do my first shot, i can't hype myself

there are ants in my apartment
what do I do

Dude you're all of those? Sweet!
Use chrome or something. I had the same problem with firefox even though I disabled noscript and adblock.

>24" waist
how the fuck?


I have the same situation. I said average.

Silent Hill was great.


Chub with an attractive face looking for a bear


Get it down you now and you might be able to sit through the bing bing wahoo block without topping yourself

for a board that ISN'T the generals board these threads sure are more repetitious than any general I've ever seen

sounds like less hairy to me

that's average

>missed peachy's Silent Hill run

Still no VODs/replays yet?


All three runs are fantastic for different reasons, definitely worth a watch.

post hairy belly

Kill queen

>I can turn back to my human form

and that just goes to show how low tier that post I responded to was

Last reply
While you are assuming that if your personal beliefs were catered to, the world would be better for everyone. I’m saying that the right and the left are both beneficial in their own way, and it is illogical to not want to find a middle ground from which to improve the universal standard of living. That the right, at its worst, is just as bad as the left. That the entire liberal verses conservative argument is retarded. There are times to be liberal and times to be conservative

Why isn't there any good tranny porn?

locate the holes they're crawling from, all of them
grab a raid can and empty it across all holes equally
after a day or two and bunch of losses that should send the message straight: "this is not a safe place"

I'm too young to be a bear, but I'll take you

Firefox is for not-faggots confirmed

That announcer sounds like he's out of breath. Just from sitting there...

gf btw

that guy's gonna get banned for his Hebrew joke

>gf btw

What awful parent names their child Sakura