Post VAs you can't stand to listen in video games

Post VAs you can't stand to listen in video games.

Pic related for me, I seriously can't stand this fucking faggot and his mediocre performances.

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It's high noon.

This guy.

All of them. VAs are wasted budget.

Suck my dick, brainlet

Not because I hate her but Michelle Ruff only has one voice.

Also Troy Baker for being a faggot traitor.


>Hating on the worlds most popular VA

Sure is contrarian in here

>hating on based Matt
begone you heathen

Fuck off Marisha Ray.

Isnt this the that makes a pretty cool dm on dnd games? Do you have cocks in your ears?

I tried watching geek and sundry and other projects he's always involved in, and he's just incredibly cringy to listen to. It would be bearable if I didn't have to look at his terrible mannerisms and dumb face half the time he's "going in character".

Fuck his faggot nasal voice and his absolute lack of range

Troy's only good performance was in fucking Naruto

Why are the English some of the best actors and voice actors around?

his joker for the Arkham games is not bad if I'm being honest

That's not Kanji and Yuri Lowell.

This is a disgusting opinion, I want you to know that.

He'll never top his performance as Pain

this is some advanced autism

>he actually knows who voice acts certain roles in video games

good english va is cheaper than good yank va, and if you're willing to settle for bad va you just get the usual local california 'talent'

Matthew is super sexy voice actor, and I say this as a straight male. Fuck off OP

>bothers to put on a southern accent for the base-game voice lines
>now he literally just speaks in his normal voice
lazy fag

>Desperate for a new spidey game
>Peter is going to be voiced by fucking Sasuke in the new one
Who thought that casting was good?

They aren't any better. Voice actors and movie actors coming in to do VA are shit all around. Even random fucks off the street can often do just as well if not better.
The good voice actors are from live theater, traditionally trained actors.

Matt Mercer is just a budget version of troy barker.

>faggot traitor

[Citation needed]

>Matt Mercer
>The world's most popular VA
On what planet? His popularity is based off of being a budget Troy Baker.

Except Mercer actually has range than same voice Baker.

Fuck this fucking faggot numale soyboy cuckold. He sucked as Snake. His Peacewalker performance was terrible. Kiefer was better in literally every single way.

He stopped doing anime, yet he still does voice work on American children's cartoons. It's basically endless hypocrisy.

He's a pretty good voice double for whoever voiced Leon in RE4 as well, i didn't notice the change in 6 until people started talking about it.

He was pretty good as hoyman.

Turns out being in tlou and other AAA stuff still doesn't land you anything better than some cartoon roles and smalltime television appearances.

>Post VAs you can't stand to listen in video games.
>everyone just posts photos of people

Motherfuckers, they're voice actors, I don't know who the fuck these epople are supposed to be by looking at them

Kiefer sounded like he was drunk the entire time. It's like Kojima forgot that some fans play it like a James Bond simulator.

nostalgiafags will disagree but it's true.

>filename is literally "bait"
>people still fall for it

What the fuck were you expecting from Sup Forums.

Fuck off kid.

anime's trash, desu senpai

>sounded like he was drunk the entire game
>James Bond simulator
so he was on point

Does she really count as a voice actor? Shouldn't an actor behave like a different person when acting, by definition?

I'll leave when it's time for you to change your colostomy bag, gramps

That's unions. He legally can't. I half expect Matthew Mercer to take over for Vincent in Catherine.

>Looks like that wizard came from the moon...