Assassin's Creed is a good franchise

Assassin's Creed is a good franchise.

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yes if you stopped after Brotherhood

considering the only worth while ass games are the 1st and blackflag all the rest are generic openworld crap come to think of it thats exactly the first one to a t

Is Origins good?

I unironically agree.

its barely better than Syndicate
wait until it drops to 10$ on steam

overall, I think so
first four were really good and some of my favourite games
III had some good parts (like the frontier and the naval missions) but was pretty much a mess
black flag and rogue are good in my book, doing a replay of rogue right now
unity still gets me mad to this day, I never saw a game with such good graphics that had such horseshit gameplay, syndicate more or less of the same but I got into it knowing what to expect and had some fun with it
still have to play origins
and special mention to the Aveline spinoff for being one of the worst things I have ever laid my hands on, of any media, the Adewalé one was nice but short
I only wish they hadn't neutered the parkour mechanics that much tho

it's really good until you reach the last few parts of the game

If they had taken their time with each iteration instead of shitting one out every year it could've been good.

i think you're in some need of reminding again.

I thought AC3 was the worst AC until I played Liberation. Oh my god, what a giant horseshit game that was.

but they stopped shitting these games every year.

only the first two


Adé was a bro but his game was shit compared to IV. Sailing without shanties is fucking boring.

they had ONE break, I'm pretty sure we'll see a sequel this year again

the first two were fucking shit, Origins was unironically the only good one.

syndicate and unity could have been among the best if ubi just polished those games more.

I think them taking a year off for Origins helped a lot.

Overall, maybe not. The non-Black Flag/Origins PS4 games are just bad. Yet the series has ACII, Rogue, and the popular spinoffs of II.

I know but I just can't bring myself to give a fuck about this franchise anymore.

Assassin's Creed is a video game franchise.

were there some graphics options that i missed? this game had some really shit graphics in places.

i think they should have balanced the weapons better since i only used like three weapons.

ive enjoyed all of them but i always liked the crawling all over historical landscapes part the most and that's always been great

>that had such horseshit gameplay, syndicate more or less of the same but I got into it knowing what to expect and had some fun with it
You're just a nigger then, Unity is much better
>neutered the parkour mechanics
After Unity, sure
Origins is also fun

Agreed but I don't think a year off is enough for a major change like Origins had. The game still needed quite a bit more time in the oven because, as it stands, the the plot's pacing is fucked in the middle and the RPG mechanics were half-assed too. The game itself had like 3-4 years of development time but it definitely needed more. I wouldn't mind if they stuck with the concept that they have currently, keep the franchise's development only with this single team so they can focus on making improvements to what they have rather than multiple teams introducing another clusterfuck of half-baked shit with every single entry.

Among the top of the tiers for me, right up there with 2 and Brotherhood.

Reminder that Greece is very likely next.

It's not
>1, the Ezio trilogy, 3 are just about decent but are completely blown away by
>Black Flag which adds a whole new element (even though it was a small 1 mission part of AC3) which is so much better than the base gameplay of the series
>Rogue is just the same but poorer graphical quality
>Unity, Syndicate, and Origins are yawn fests that don't even come close to worth while

I haven't played it but it's a bad game

Quick question: when rescuing Harkuf from Fort Nikiou, does the game want you to you the use the secret entrance? Because my playstyle is more to pick everyone off and then breeze through.

Just use whatever method you want user.

this will never happen

God, I hate the fact that this is basically Sup Forums's tagline.

i just rush in and kill everybody.

Remember the optional objectives in number 3 that everyone hated? Well they removed those. Just play every mission the way you want.

There was no Greece during Bayek's time and it's highly unlikely they'll do a game set before Origins.

Okay will do. I was just wondering if I had just underestimated the number of mooks in the fort or if the game kept generating them because it wanted me to use the secret entrance.

Syndicate had the best gameplay wtf are you talking about. It aint perfect, and fautls can be seen with a simple glance, but come on

>There was no Greece during Bayek's time

It's the best AC game.

>Syndicate had the best gameplay

Greece was already annexed by Rome by that point.

>Syndicate had the best gameplay
its better than Unity/Origins but its still fucking terrible

Does that really matter though? They could still set it there. I am not a history buff or anything, but wasn't that the time of the Liberator's Civil War?

Of fuck I meant Unity

this is even worse bait

>Syndicate being better than anything
fuck outta here with your garbage taste

nostalgia goggles much? the first is garbage lmao

Yes it is. It's very similar to witcher 3 but somehow more entertaining

>Does that really matter though?
I suppose not, but anyway the Liberator's Civil War was more of an ancient Rome thing.
If they were smart they'd just do ancient Rome and Greece in the same game.

So Origins is not out, but I might want that AC itch scratched.

Since I already played almost all of the previous ones, except the following: Syndicate; Unity; Chronicle series.

Which one do you guys consider it might be worth taking a look at?

>So Origins is not out
so, which timeline did you come from?

I found Origins to be fun and all but the assassination missions are absolute garbage. Not as garbage as AC3's very linear shit but still pretty garbage. Most of them don't even have a proper build up, you just go to the location the target is in, do one or two missions to find out who and where they are which is always obvious as fuck and then you go and kill them. The only one that I actually had fun doing was the Jackal, I think, since he along with 4 other people wore the same mask, so you had to go around to find out which one was the real Jackal. Shit was still extremely easy and simple to do but at least it had something to set it apart. I overall hated Syndicate and didn't find it very fun but it did its assassination missions pretty goddamned well despite also not having proper build up.

the all games are free timeline

everything after 2 is shit, prove me wrong

The one where you pirate trash ubisoft games.

I doubt they would since they could extend Bayek's story to 3 games instead of 2 if they were to do Rome and Greece individually. I hope we'll find out why it was that he faded into obscurity despite being the founder of the brotherhood in the first place.

Ahh I get it, you're poorfags. Anyway for the other guy: Ignore the Chronicles bullshit, go for Unity. Syndicate is like Unity but worse in London, make of that what you will.

Aya is such a fucking cunt and if the rumors are true that the next games will be during Augustus' time in ancient Rome, we'll unfortunately see more of her.

IDk about the chronicle series, but Unity is better than syndicate
Barely,that is

>previous games stated Altair was the one who made it official that women could be assassins too
>Aya is a prominent assassin in Origins

>awful STRONK woman character who's just a fucking psychopath that wants nothing but to kill gets rememberd as the legendary Amunet
>Bayek is forgotten
I fucking hate Ubisoft's writers more than anything

I really didn't like Aya. I get that Warrior Women are Bayek's type but she tries too hard. Like I don't even see what he sees in her outside of that because she's abrasive as fuck.

The very first Origins leak happened here, 2 years ago. Some Ubi dev did it and he said that Greece was actually part of the game but got cut due to scaling issues.

I'm very sure that it's gonna be Greece next and Rome last. And seeing as most people hate Aya as well (and the fact that she's getting her story continuation in some comic book nobody will read), I don't think it's likely that we'll play her again. Bayek is so popular, he will surely come back.

user there's a prominent female assassin's tomb that you can visit in one of Ezio's games. Didn't they just retcon it so that she and Aya are the same person now?

the fuck are you on about, nothing like that was ever in the games
Aya, along with other female Assassins, have fucking statues in AC2.

I play these games for the music and to walk around historical places of the past.

It makes wanna travel the world and learn more about history n' stuff. Real history, not historically inaccurate AC stuff that's just for gameplay purposes obviously.

Huh, pretty sure it was on Altair's statue or codex or something in the second game that stated he was the one that allowed women into the brotherhood.


Aya/Amunet already predated Altair when we learned about her in Brohood though.
Yeah, I get what you mean. That being said, I never got the impression that we were supposed to root for her being stronk and independent. She was pretty much a bitch no matter how I look at it. Bayek was understanding, supportive and loyal in contrast. In fact, that end cutscene which showed her managing the assassin's hub in Rome made her look a little on the sinister side in my opinion, wouldn't be surprised if more conflict arose from her power hungry and bitchy inclinations in a sequel or the DLC.

AC2 is still my favorite game of all time. But while ACO is a nice change of pace the franchise is just about over. AC1 is a flawed but good original game. AC2 is one of the best games ever made and certainly one of the best sequels to an original game ever made. Oldzio games are okay. AC3 is poor. ACBF is great. ACBF-but-last-gen is boring. ACU is very bad. ACS is very bad. ACO is okay.

I really hope they don't actually go through with ancient Greece, at least not right after Cleopatra because, one there WAS no Greece during that time, and two, it would be boring as fuck. All the action during that period happened in ancient Rome.

The only thing they can do is go with the "big bad Romans are mistreating us" but they already did a fuckton of that in Origins so I hope they don't continue that in an ancient Greece game.

It's like you don't even carefully observe characters. She's a regular, but fierce woman. The Order killing off their son changed the both of them. In the prologue she literally says she has killed and denounced Aya, her former self, and became Amunet, as seen in the Auditore family tomb from ACII.

I would forever be grateful if Bayek forcibly kills Aya for the greater good.

Huh, so there was really nothing at the time? I guess Rome is even more likely now.

is the 'everything is permitted' stuff supposed to be ironic? like at least latter in the series the assassin's have a really narrow idea of morality, except they can kill whoever they like, and the other guys can kill whoever they like too. i've been waiting for ages for the game where you play as a templar and fight the assassin's who have become the same kind of monolithic control organisation. or did it happen already and i didn't play that one?

epilogue*, my bad. Why do ya'll care so much anyway. It fits her and it fits generally.

Course Aya would be the one remembered. She's pretty much the momma of the brotherhood. Still, it does sting Bayek doesn't get shit. Doesn't feel right, but maybe that was intentional. After all, assassins aren't in it for the glory and fame. The polar opposite.

3, Unity and Rogue all explore those themes.

You can make that point sure, and it's obvious what they were going for. But you can write such a fierce character and still make her likeable, I feel. And they failed at that pretty much.

Rogue. Also, pay more attention. The whole plot is going straight over your head and that's the sad bane of this franchise. People don't grasp it.

>Aya's influence in the brotherhood rises due to her powerplays and shit
>Bayek learns that she's been using really underhanded, sinister and unjust methods to gain influence and footing
>maybe even makes use of the Apple which the assassins have in their possession at the end of Origins
>he confronts her
>she labels him a traitor and everyone does her bidding
>only a few loyal friends believe Bayek
>an AC game where your targets are both Templars and assassins
>in the end you kill Aya and get killed right after
>she's labeled a martyr while Bayek's labeled a traitor and scrubbed from the brotherhood's history forever
>modern day bitch in Origins whose name I can't recall is the first one to discover this truth and Bayek's name is finally restored

goddamn please they already took a giant shit on Bayek at the end of Origins, if they did this I'd flip my shit

>be ameriassassin
>get shot


AC is honestly my favorite game series

Rogue and Revelations endings were KINO and you cant deny it


AC died when they caved to stupid fan demand and killed desmond and dropped more or less the future stuff and ongoing plot.

It was obvious had been building to a full on DESMOND game. But people were dumb and they lost the nerve.

So now its bland bullshit and the only intriguing parts of the story been lost.

Rogue and Black Flag will be last in the series ever worth playing. And even then it was mainly just for pirate stuff

fuck you, Shay and Haytham are the perfect chad duo

I actually liked Rogue, it's probably my favourite post-AC2 game.

I'm still mad we got the start of AC3 as Haytham and we see him being a templar which would be an interesting twist, and then we play as WHERE'S CHARLES LEE who just seems boring overall

Actually yes.
Isu Mechanisms are fucking kino. Prove me wrong.

Haven't played Rogue yet but Revelation's ending and plot was pretty good, I just disliked the Desmond sections and most of the missions too. The bomb gimmick was also utterly pointless while the tower defense shit was so out of place. In fact, the entire Ezio trilogy had me constantly wondering how the fuck the assassins and Templars were ever considered as 'secret societies'. Felt the same way when I played Syndicate when the two groups became literal criminal organisations who wear their symbols all over their uniforms.

Rogue's plot was so stupid.

>ACHILLES YOU BASTARD we killed thousands of innocent people in Lisbon even though it was unintentional and we couldn't have known
>now let me just go and join the Templars who have no problem intentionally killing innocent people

>the tower defense shit was so out of place
To me it seemed like they wanted to make a bigger gimmick out of this, but halfway through they just stopped caring, slapped it on the game and called it a day.

>even though it was unintentional and we couldn't have known
They already destroyed Haiti by doing the same shit with the same shit, pay attention to the story bruv
and after Lisbon, the fuck still wanted to go after another one

That's a pretty apt description for most of the gimmicks they shove into each AC game.

To be fair, the sailing gimmick from AC3 got them to make two separate games based on it.

Friendly reminder: IV > Rogue > Unity > III > II > Origins > Syndicate > I > Brotherhood > Revelations

This is the worst ranking I've ever seen and holy fucking shit kill yourself.

Let me fix this for you
2 > Brotherhood > Rogue > 4 > 1 > Revelations > 3
Not played unity, syndicate or origins so no idea where to list them

Yeah but the homestead gimmick in the same game was utterly rubbish. Along with the hunting and brotherhood gimmicks in AC3. I'm glad the hunting shit at least got an upgrade in Black Flag and Origins. I still have no idea how they fucked up the homestead so badly when AC2 had the same gimmick while the brotherhood mechanics were pretty well-done in Brohood. I'm guessing they'll bring back either the brothehood shit or both it and a homebase mechanic for Origin's first DLC and I hope they don't fuck it up.