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Seems like placeholders.
SKU 5 looks nice
Available SKU series on PC when?!
shitch owners are in denial about SKPOO3 flopping, even though its the blunder of the year
SKU 6 is coming to Switch, huh? Fuck you, Mustard Race.
It gets the series back on track, but it still doesn't stack up to SKU 2. Why'd the have to fuck up SKU 3 so bad?
Why would they release six sku games on the same date? Never liked that series anyway
>not selling all SKU games a single pack
>59$ each one
Holy shit Nintendo
Exactly. It's probably easier to have 6 blank SKUs ready to change into games if anything is announced.
wow game company releasing games big fucking deal
>SKU 3
>Sup Forums insists SKU is dead in America
Fuck you, Sup Forums.
Oh boy. Indie games or Wii u ports!
Where is my SKU 7?
>mfw PS4 will never, EVER get SKU 5
>people on Sup Forums will actually give $60 to Nintendo for SKU 3
The absolute state of nintenbros
It's GTA V, Dark Souls, Mario Maker 2.0, Smash Bros Switch, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion 3. All 2018 of course.
Fucking yes I'll finally be able to play the Available SKU series on the go
3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 4 > 6
Fight me, faggots
>the awful rushed port job of DQ Heroes is getting localised
Gee I sure can't wait for the same fucking shitposting from 10 months ago to come back
4 doesn't deserve its bad reputation. It was a pretty good action game, people were just expecting more of 3's RPG elements to return.
1 was the best
2 was passable, went downhill from there
can't wait for S.K.U. (2018)
>3 better than 2
>4 that low
Holy shit fucking kill yourself
Why did they have to ruin SKU 5 with level scaling bros
SKU 1 is a port of a 20 year old game, selling at full price. The absolute state of Nintendo.
I hope they at least also announce a SKU 7.
>he doesn't know about the 2018 reboot
please be ocarina of time
>SKU 5
>not 5KU
Sku stands for stock keeping unit
The preorder bonuses for SKU 6 are definitely cut material from the actual game. Fucking bastards.
>tfw SKU 3 will be the PS3 ver. instead of the superior PS4 port
Just plain bad
Who cares?
The absolute state of Nintendo.
On which one I should start? Release order or chronological order?
I thought that was a bacronym they made up in 3 for the financial advisor sideplot.
SKU 3 would have been alright if it wasn't for the forced wagglan sections.
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty pumped about this. Available SKU was easily my most played series growing up. I probably put close to 400 hours into SKU 3 alone.
the available SKU series is just rehashes now, why are you excited, theyre all the same
I speak for every PS4 and XBONE fan here. Fuck we got LITTY'd
>Implying I am paying 59.99 for Switch ports of SKU.
Everyone knows Retailer is shit on port optimization.
>Playing anything after SKU2
>Reddit thread
>being a retarded nostalgiafag
back to with you granpa
Its casual shit compared to SKU4
>Not playing SKU4 for the fishing minigame
>call it SKU 4
>it's actually a prequel of SKU 2
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
redpill me on SKU saga Sup Forums
>sku numbered 1 to 6
>not being
>SKU The Third
>SKU revelations
>sku veangeance
>SKU tm
It is pretty neat when the protagonist reveals to be the villain's brother by the end of SKU 5
>No SKU spin-off
1-3 are great and hailed as the best of the series. Avoid 4 like like the plague. I'd recommend playing 5 only because the minigame is fun and better than the actual game.
And SKU6 is a bit of mixed bag among people but I had fun, the new game mechanics put a good spin on it.
>implying SKU 4 won't get delayed till 2019
>it's just ports of mobage shit
dead console
>It's the forth SKU
>Prequel to everything
What are some game franchises that got Lucas'd
December 31st looks to be a busy day
>no SKU 7 on switch
Enjoy your old ports switchfags
>Avoiding sku4
>the best in the serie by a large margin
You need some taste in vidya user
4 had the best ost
Fight me
Great taste
> that low.
Yes, it had to follow 3 which isn't an easy task, but it did try to implement it's own ideas, while going back and correcting the mistakes from 2.
you're just being a hipster if you think 2 is better when 4 takes the best elements from 2 and some from 3 and improves on both.
SKU1 aged like milk, we need a remaster
4 had everything better than the other ones
except the waifu
It's one year away
> GOTY tier
SKU 2, SKU 3
> Good tier
> Shit tier
> Shameless franchise milking tier
SKU 5 and everything after
Fuck you, 4 was the peak of the franchise in terms of History and OST
>SKU 3
>Anywhere but shit tier or below
>Placeholder dates
>$360 to finish the SKU saga
>mfw Sup Forums and reddit think they're behind the soyboy meme
>mfw nobody remembers that it is derived from the soy element in Available SKU 1
>mfw burgers and euros only know it as 'Powder' from the shitty localization
>mfw Sup Forums was too casual to dare run their party members with full soy equips
>mfw only based japs witnessed the changes in dialogue and facial expression of their members all decked out in soygear
>the girl from 3 though
so many faps.
LMAO switch is only getting SKU 1 through 6 remakes while PC is getting SKU 7 this week, feels good to be master race
>all these SKUS not on ps4
feels good NEVER EVER cucks
Just wait until they release the SKU mighty collection
everything better than the other ones
except the waifu
Finally Switch is getting some games? I kind of got bored with just 3 games... Mario, Zelda and old ports of old games...
Top tier bait
I would love another game. I even loved the platformer.
reminder that SKU 6 is the best and anyone who prefers 5 over 6 is a contrarian faggot
who cares, people only play SKU for the online anyway
>Sonic & Knuckles Universe is so big that it's being released as six seperate fullprice games
>playing with the female protagonist
What are you? A fag?
Have you played the full SKU series? Or are you just one of those bandwagoners who hopped on after SKU 5's popularity?
>nintendbabbies have to wait till december to play any SKU title
WE did it Nirtendo!!
what the fuck is sku
>SKU 3
>princess escort level
Shit still gives me ptsd man. At least she was hot
4 was when they began culling the original team of writers and gradually filling the lore with SJW propaganda. fuck that game
my problem with the game IS that the waifu had a penis
He's the sheriff.
You living under a rock?
>you will never play SKU 1 for the first time again
Huh, still not enough to compete with my almost 90 (ninety) physical PS4 games
>1 that high
>6 that low
What's wrong with you?
3 > 6 > 5 > 2 > 1 >>> 4
>tfw 2 years since SKU racing was cancelled