*Spawnkills you*
Don't mind me, just using one of the fair game mechanics.
Shouldn't have come towards the building bro it's easily avoidable.
*Spawnkills you*
Don't mind me, just using one of the fair game mechanics.
Shouldn't have come towards the building bro it's easily avoidable.
If only could somehow shoot at the window to punish someone spawnpeeking while they're breaking it down
drone them before round user
knowing a peeker or runout location actually makes the act attacker sided. if you can't kill him based on that, you weren't good enough to kill him in the first place.
>Your full body is exposed as you spawn at a set place
>Part of their body is exposed from any number of windows
>fair game mechanics
Both you and your enemy have guns up so it's fair game
*Hacks into your cameras*
>be a bronze league babby in SC2
>get 6 pool'd on and lose
>"wall off you retard"
>tons of cover surrounding the building
>can get an ez headshot on a spawnpeeker if you actually have good aim
what the fuck are you talking about, there's no spawn that the defenders can see straight into, not to mention you're either: playing casual where spawning is random, or playing ranked where you can drone and select your spawn based on the intel you've gathered.
>Defending spawn killing in a "competitive" game.
*kills your hostage*
Looks like the chip is off the table
>jackass defender legs the hostage
>"oh shit guys don't let them get the res and we win"
>they use our haphazard strat change to flank us and wipe us out
I want to laugh at how absurd it is in concept and execution but fuck it pisses me off when it happens
i don't know what you want me to tell you user, i just said you can't literally spawnkill. if you're getting killed by people peeking TOWARDS your spawn to catch you RUNNING FROM IT, i understand your frustration but you really need to learn to play.
Spawnkilling is a when a defender instantly kills an attacker in a spawnpoint when he doesn't have his gun up. All of those spots have been fixed. Spawnpeeking is when a defender shoots at attackers approaching the building and that's fair game.
>both players have their guns up
>somehow not competitive
>You literally can't spawnkill
>Spawns visible in multiple maps
Are you this retarded user?
>enemies down hostage while teammate has it ran outside
>other teammate tries to revive it
>tk him to get him to stop
>enemies push too hard and me and last surviving teammate get killed and they revive
It's not a good strat really, you should try to revive and run again
Spawn peeking in the first round is the true mark of a fucking pussy.
I wouldn't be so angry if I didn't have to wait about 4 minutes for the round to end, then wait about a minute to load again and pick an operator.
find me 3 spots where it's possible user. back when spawnpeeking was a major issue that they patched some cover over, only ONE of the spots they covered was a literal "watch people spawn in" spot, the other two required you to run out first.
Attackers have the advantage against spawn peakers since assault rifles have higher damage and greater accuracy
I have no problems with defenders peeking, or jumping out, but holy fuck make the announcement of "enemy is outside" instant and the 2 second delay for wallhacks can stay. 3 speeds can get far in 2 seconds.
Also, fuck poorly designed maps like Barlett.
i used to be upset about spawn peeking too but then i realized with proper drone usage combined with communication with team, common sense, and either staying the fuck put behind cover at spawn for a few seconds or having the skill to shoot the peeker nullifies it completely
How many people here just play this game for waifus/husbandos?
Just curious
>Getting killed by window peekers
Try not sprinting towards the objective at the start of the round?
I play it for the gameplay but I wouldn't mind being dominated by any of the female operators
This is actually really fucking smart, I like this idea a lot. It's a warning to take cover, but the defender still has an advantage of their location being hidden.
best taste, i'm the same way. Love the game, but it could be all men and I wouldn't care, the waifus are a bonus
>Also, fuck poorly designed maps like Barlett.
>mfw playing bomb and it's that one bomb site located right next to the fucking stairs
Not that user, but I know a lot of spots where if you wait about a second, you generally can pick off 2 or 3 people into the round.
>the breakable wall in Hereford on first floor.
>you can break the wall in border and run out and spawn kill before they think
>you can break the garage door in House and run out and kill the people before they think
>skyscraper has quite a bit of peeking spots, wont list em
>Chalet has a spot if you spawn by cars I think
Complaining about spawn peaking outs you as a bronze. Literally just prefire the windows, hell if you drone them out it's even easier.
>Attackers have ACOG, higher damage, higher accuracy and knows where the enemy is exactly since they're at the window shooting at the attackers
>Defenders either have ACOG and low damage (best choice is Rook otherwise if you do this with Doc or Echo you waste character abilities if you die) or Jager with a red dot sight and high damage and don't know where the enemy is exactly, only general area
Spawning peeking is easy as fuck to counter
>5 players with assault rifles with acogs who get to do recon before the game even begins
>1 guy with a shitty smg sticking his head out a window
>That one guy in team who doesn't know how to stop the buzzing
>if you wait about a second
that's not spawnkilling, it's peeking, countered by taking cover as you move towards the building.
Is there some sort of gun tier list? Started playing Echo and I really like his shotgun though it got me thinking that I don't really know how to tell how "good" a gun is
1 shot headshot no matter what
Echo's MP5 is really good since it's silenced yet it doesn't lose damage compared to silencing Rook's MP5
Most people use his shotgun since he has a really good SMG as a secondary so he gets a lot more utility and options in engagements
Generally from memory all of Siege's guns are decent (apart from some like the Spetnaz shotgun and all of the LMGs) but some are just far better than others e.g. Ela's shotgun is good but her SMG (dunno if patch has hit yet) is just such a memecannon that it's picked everytime
If you can handle your weapon, it's fine
If you compare his shotgun to other pump-actions though I'd say it's on the bottom end of the tier list due to nerfed damage and slow cycle time
git gud
Hereford and Skyscraper is peeking.
The other three are spawn killing. You don't have to wait.
More about class I would say elas is the best and it probably still is but it just got nerfed a few minutes ago
Why even approach the building at all?
Stop defending spawn killing you moron.
And the enemy has to make the shot with a 1x zoom and you get 2.5x zoom along with the fact that the enemy has only a general idea of where you are and you know exactly where he is
Is her reign of terror over boys?
there's not particularly any gun better than another for the most part, it's really use what you like and how you think you'll defend the point. it's hard to know what weapon you should pick on casual though, random points aren't fun.
>apart from some like the Spetnaz shotgun
this thing is incredibly viable with the pistol buff, i think everyone should try it sometime.
>40 bullets
Still plenty enough to meme people to death
>Concussion nerf
Pretty damn harsh but it'll still fuck people up if they try to meme rush, plus most Elas throw these on choke points on site and then roam
Alright, I just remember that thing hitting like a wet noodle and was outclassed by the low recoil & spread SMG
It's the that assault rifles have way more recoil and with added on acogs its even worse, and the other part is opposite actually.
But 1 hit headshots on 3 armour is fucking stupid t b h
It's not spawn killing if the attackers have to move away the spawn. Stop trying to change the definition of a word you left leaning parasite.
>trying to push Barlett
>see the enemy team roaming hard as fuck
Really hate that map, there's only 1 good way to push the second floor and it's really hard to stop a good group of roamers there.
>you can break the wall in border and run out and spawn kill before they think
>you can break the garage door in House and run out and kill the people before they think
these are runouts, you can do the same shit to construction site spawn on oregon, and I deal with it all the time.
It's good to know that the guns are relatively balanced, thank you anons
>it's hard to know what weapon you should pick on casual though
Yeah, I love both of Frost's main weapons for example and I try to switch it up but I feel like I make the wrong choice half the time
>Alright, I just remember that thing hitting like a wet noodle and was outclassed by the low recoil & spread SMG
if you're holding tight corners the shotgun is amazing, it's just that with the pistol buff you have a usable long range weapon
You can still kill them before they even move you slut. Stop trying to defend being a bad player.
Most guns are fine but there are some that are really strong such as
As for terrible guns
Shotguns in general are bad and are more for utility than anything. Usually characters that run shotguns have a strong secondary like smoke with his SMG-11. DMRs are universally awful do not use them. (Not including glaz)
To be fair it's a shit thing to do to new players, but if you're at least level 50 or so you really need to start learning the maps. There's a reason all the windows have boards on them, so you can easily tell which windows are able to be peaked.
Some peeks are cunty, but overall it's all completely fair. Also I love when defenders just brake a small part of a window and peek it late, makes it SO EASY to secure the headshot.
>there is literally no way to stop this from happening. nope. not a single one.
i just said it's easy to deal with, like the runout on oregon construction site. please learn the game
I'd say Lesion's SIX12 SD is really good for lurking/roaming
>40 bullets
It's fucking nothing, needs to be 20 so she can't fucking prefire every corner.
>drones your position
>prefires your window
psh, nothin personnel
To spawnkill in R6S you shoot a tiny hole in one of the windows, then domeshot someone through that hole.
Defenders have ample time to setup for this.
Although attackers also have every ability to avoid it since all the windows with spawn sightlines are known.
I don't think that's a good argument since recoil control is literally a mechanic of seige
The defender and have attackers all have their guns up, peabrain
>wearing hijab
is she swede?
>*shoots all bullets in magazine*
>**have to melee until round ends*
>dont mind me, just being a shitty game mechanic, better get good at that knife game cause everyone else will be shooting.
This is how retarded you sound.
What is a drone?
If you're a low value defender, leaving your phone buzzing and standing apart from your boys but where they have a sightline is actually top tier bait.
By top tier, I mean it only works in low ranks. So I suppose it's actually dogshit tier, but it's fun.
>Nerf Ash's assault rifle
>Doesn't fix her non-existent head hitbox
I'm gunna go ahead and say just from pick % in proleague and from my own experience in Plat (which isnt insanely good or anything but not dogshit) matchmaking that the MPX is a headshot/bipgun and just really solid.
the spas is great dont get me wrong but putting the MPX on the shitlist makes no sense to me
You are a fucking moron. True spawn killing is non existent because none of the spawn locations are visible from a window.
Run outs (e.g., from Red Tower to a line on Construction on Oregon or toward Alley on Bank) can expose spawn locations but they take time, so attackers can take cover and generally prepare to kill "peekers"
>tfw enjoy the MPX, the Para, and the MP5k
I get that some guns are weaker, but everything really feels viable in this game. Granted, shotguns just straight feel inconsistent. I've had times were I'mm body shot a 2 armor point blank with a pump shotgun and do fuck all damage, then an enemy will almost 1 tap me from twice the distance with a glancing hip fire shot.
Also goddamn do I love Buck's DMR.
For what purpose?
Yeah the CAMRS is sweet juice on alot of maps. Attacking on Bank with a proper setup on top floor (if they're dumb enough to pick it) with the CAM is like free money.
Even if they pick basement you still get some nice lanes.
All these people defending spawn killing in a """""competitive""""" game.
And it exists in Quake too, gitgud
Yes we get it user, you're bad at the game. I'm sure you can find an Overwatch thread somewhere you're more suited.
>the enemy has only a general idea of where you are and you know exactly where he is
literally the opposite idiot
I mean alot of the time you just hold the ang and get a free kill on the peek anyway when they try and spawn kill and its fine for the defenders. It's not a strong or abusive thing to do, its risky and has potential but you also just die esp in ranked above gold.
Who cares, right now the game has other pressing issues. If you die in casual to a spawn peek, its casual?
>Dislikes spawn killing
>Bad at the game
The S T A T E of nu Sup Forums.
It's completely counter-able, and if you're playing ranked you can pick which spawn you want so you're harder to peek.
idiotic but fine by me really since i can't aim and twitch only serves to annoy me
>confusing spawnpeeking with spawnkilling
lmaoing at your copper ass
Compare it to other SMG choices
Better damage, ACOG
Better damage, firerate
Much higher firerate
It's below average. I don't think valk is bad she's one of my favorite OPs but her guns are not her strong point.
>Defender has to sit exactly at the window to spawn peak and has to be at the window in order to actually shoot
>General area
>Attackers could be coming at any site, shoot out the camera and even if you ping them they'll move into defensive position meaning that you have only a general idea of where they are
>Specific area
lol "literally the opposite idiot"
Woah I love spawn killing in my "competitive" vidya
>Competitive game
Drone, you stupid cunt. Not to mention that the engagement is 1v5 and having even the most basic comms will ensure that the peeker gets lit the fuck up.
Alright you gold and above ranks. Gimme a rundown on your strats and loadouts so I can get out of the copper hell I'm stuck in.
You really should learn to use the C8, it rivals the F2 with good recoil control.
You generally play her as an active roamer taking kills from creative cam use and not taking blind gunfights. You generally don't use your whole magazine/actually spray, you take the free kills on big roams and then come back for setup flank, I don't understand the mentality that her MPX isn't a good gun just because it has such a great propensity to randomly 1 tap on the spray. I agree her guns are secondary to the cams and her being 3 speed, but boy howdy the MPX to me is not below average for what its duty is.
Meanwhile the MPX has absolutely no recoil, so getting a headshot is easier than with most guns and that's all you need
>pick ela
>hold for enemies
>shoot them
>shoot them harder
if your on attack
>Pick hibana
>Get foot kills through drone hole, it is wood
>Use your smg after you shoot everyone to kill the last guy
I still feel like the MPX and the Russian SMG are really solid guns though. I really wish Kapkan or Tachanka got an AGOC, their guns have like 0 recoil.
Shit's too goddamn hard to use, granted I haven't tried using it in forever.
Learn the fucking callouts, be more active and dont fucking crabwalk everywhere mid round when you dont have intel- its fine to sprint and make noise because anyone with a brain can approximate your position/angle with the limited intel from the drone phase + common practice. Pre-aim head height and hold tight angles, and abuse the ability to communicate with your teammates because nobody does that shit and drives decent players up the wall. Always pick thatcher/thermite/hib because it gives you access to good angles on sites because shitters always R-wall up the site regardless if it's smart or not. Learn murderholes/do research/ask people to learn them. Don't pick skill intensive/knowledge needed operators or OPs that need your team to co-operate. Learn to scrim and shoot heads better than the enemy team and always blame yourself for losses/bad stuff happening. Be aggressive and always try to think using the walls and not just peek every door when you can shoot thru woodwalls for the kill.
BAM thats about all I got off the top here
also pick Ela she's strong and lets you go nuts even in poop tier
You rarely RARELY (read:never) used the full 50 mag size anyways. 40 is still more than enough, I don't really understand the reasoning of why this is required to prove her unique trait.
For the concussion effect, I think it will greatly lower their impact. Unless there was an enemy right around a corner to the mine, people already learned to deal with the effect as good as possible.
>there are people who pick Cav in ranked
>You generally play her as an active roamer taking kills from creative cam use and not taking blind gunfights
How is this relevant at all? This doesn't make her gun any better it's still objectively weaker than other SMGs. Having info gives you an advantage in a firefight regardless of who you're playing. If castle spotted somebody on your cam and got the kill because of it does that suddenly make the UMP an amazing gun?
Neither does the vector and it's 1200 rpm. Besides you should be practicing recoil control anyway.
Yeah I'm the pro MPX guy in this chat, I love it for its 1 shot ability and just really solid pre-fire-y feel and the fact that its a lazer when you tappy tap with it. One of my fave guns and I don't play valk unless I dont get my bandit or some other roamer.