Why are Japanese VN's so boring compared to DDLC?

Why are Japanese VN's so boring compared to DDLC?

Why are you an ironic weeb?

Why are you an ironic gamer?

Do you know how many Japanese VNs already did the DDLC twist?
Double digits.

because they have sex, you're supposed to put up with boring bullshit just to get rewarded with a sex scene, same as real life, you deal with a lame date but in the end if you picked the right choices you'll get happy ending.

DDLC is just a scarejump streamer bait stealing the narrative of classic VN's.

t.hasn't played many VN's

Because they expect you to sit through 60 hours of pointless dialogue.

Worse than the knuckle meme

Because postmodernism > waifufaggotry.

>DDLC is just a scarejump streamer bait stealing the narrative of classic VN's.
It's way more than that, or maybe you're just too dumb to understand it fully.

Because it respects short attention span
Also the backgrounds are better than most of the "IRL pictures with blur added" in Jap vn's

>just monika
>le epic suicides
>delet chars fur happy ending
so incredibly deep and meaningful experience out of a 2hour VN, just amazing.

Why Yuri is so perfect?

It wasn't the best thing that ever happened, but still something new and enjoyable.
I didn't play it lol

Because DDLC is a natively English game. You're not reading a translation or a rewrite of a Japanese story, it's an original English narrative. The pacing is more natural and engaging to you compared to Japanese.

Read Dies Irae

Not him, but I liked the music, art style, and early dialog the most.

The things you listed were quite quite a let down desu

You never played it an japanese VN in the first place, also, nice bait, have a free (you).

Why are you an ironic shitposter?

>some butthurt degenerate from /jp/ made this
It would be more productive to spend that time with onahole senpai

Fucking dumb EOP.

Nice bait. This "vn" is babbys first plot twist lol


at least post better girl

yo source me boi

I just found out this was a wester VN. No wonder it's called ironic weeb shit. He doesn't even like anime.

>the inspiration for the game came from his mixed feelings toward anime

This is one of the cheapest examples of metafiction in VNs IMO. It was alright at first but then it just started shoehorning shit down your fucking throat. It doesn't creep you into the mood but instead just throws jump scares right at you. The only redeeming qualities of DDLC were the art and music.


I've only read Stein's Gate and I liked it better tha DDLC

All the entry-level VNs are better than DDLC. Steins;gate, Fate, Katawa Shoujo, Danganronpa. Honestly you never read one if you think DDLC is better than the average popular VN

I'm assuming it's due to its length sine you can finish it in less than 6 hours instead of the 50+ hours other popular vns do.

Tsuushinbo ~Mama ni mo Naisho no Jikanwari~