Things that immediately make you hate a game

>best girl is not a romanceable option

Other urls found in this thread:

>games with romance options
>anime games

>you die at the end

yeah like skyrim and the witcher...

>he plays a video game to romance fictional characters

>best anything

>Game is harem shit with a male MC aimed at permavirgins

>playing an entire questline or giving up all pretense of roleplaying to see some nipple in the dark

This shit is cancer. Witcher 3 got this right. You got the option to fuck at certain point, without it feeling like it was just a reward for a quest and there were legitimate reasons not to. Not like ME, where you always press the dialogue option that makes you look the most thirsty.
If you like that shit, get out of here.

i want to fuck her and erina so bad i want to kill myself because they don't exist irl

>Male party member shows interest in a female party member the entire game
>You cuck him
>He is neither mad nor bitter towards you

she's got some nice tits, if you catch my drift

>postgame after final boss
>important NPCs disappear
>world feels lifeless

>best girl is not the player character

She literally propositions him in her confidant and he rejects her.

I thought Sup Forums would enjoy Felis Argyle?

Fuck your shitty weeaboo games. Get a life you piece of failure.


Finish the game first fuckboi

>She literally propositions him
sounds painful

>girl has albinism and big tits

Why are pretty albino girls so perfect Sup Forums?

I did. When does she hit on him?

Wut game?

I wanna fuck those two cousins so hard

Anime called shokugeki no souma

Alice is great, but Hishoko is best.

Nah, Skyrim with SexLab did it the best, if you're gonna put sex in games, go all-in or go home imho

and that's why Witcher 3 is not GOTY

Ann asks Ryuji for personal training and offers a date in exchange. Ryuji turns her down and scolds her for acting like an anime character.

>romance options

>best boy isn't romanceable
btw, fuck persona and fe, wish i played those before i became a total fag

>no tomboy

this so much. I wish frustrated virgins could get over themselves and stop throwing money at this kind of garbage.

Season 3 sucked so goddamn bad.

It might not be over yet though. Also I think this season had the feel of earlier episodes which I'm very ok with.

>Your favourite character dies
>Your second favourite character dies in the sequel
Well fuck you too

>Your favorite character dies
>Comes back in the sequel
>Dies again

>your waifu falls in love with the game's Chad Midway through
>Chad completely cucks you
>Chad doesn't even want your waifu

>character dies or sacrifices themselves with an emotional death scene
>haha just kidding he's alive after all!

Agreed. That super villain and his motives, just no.

>traps suddenly becoming popular everywhere in anime
Did the Nips finally realize why they've been fawning over un-developed girls for so long?

As a reader of the manga, I have to tell you the whole series just gets worse and worse as it goes on. I signed on to this series for cute girls having orgasms from tasty food, and before I knew it I was reading an anime adaptation of The Fountainhead.

God fucking dammit.
It's Kanji and Naota all over again...

>they get killed off later anyway in a pointless and hamhanded way

Fucking Kenny I'm still pissed about that shit.

Are you autistic, user?

>best girl in the game.
>only girl you cant get an ending with.

>please make a Gameā„¢ Account to play this game

Kill yourselves normie plebbitor scum.

SnS is absolute fucking garbage holy shit.
The plot is the worst of any shonen manga i have ever read. That duel between MC and the black guy with white hair was the biggest bullshit i have ever seen.
>duel lasts whole chapter
>chapter ends on "And the winner is...." cliffhanger
>next chapter forgets that and keeps talking about shitty food they made
>cliffhanger again
I was done with it.
Why do you even fucking read/watch this garbage. The artist is already doing hentai so what's the fucking point?

But it's not. She wasn't actually offering him a serious date. Do you really think they'd have a dateable girl seriously interested in another guy almost at the end of her social link?
This is the actual scene. If you think that's a proposition I don't know what to tell you.

It's a manga about cooking.

Fuck off DokiDokiIronicWeeb. Harems always have been and always will be trash aimed at the lowest tier of weebs.

Spoken like a true weeb

story pretends to be some deep shit by beeing unnecessary convuluted


Seriously though, I was not joking when I posted
The series is literally an adaptation of The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Go read a plot summary of the book, all he did was change architecture to cooking.

>story heavily using non reasonable/comprehensible foreign beliefs/spiritual ideas


Whoops, this was meant for you

>action game
>boss makes you wait through a ohase or a dozen movesets
They're supposed to be fast.
CAPTCHA: Auto Dante

>best girl's ending is too short and lackluster
>true ending is harem shit that has extra dungeons after you to beat the "final" boss again
I will never not be mad whenever this shit happens

>A serious proposition for a date.
The virgin is too strong sometimes, cant tell the difference between serious and joking.

>open world

Alice is a fine choice, but Hisako is the best girl

Only virgins scream about virginity.

It didn't piss me off too badly when it happened in pic related but I think that's just because it was done a million times worse in Double.

Good thing nobody is screaming.

A wall of text and pointlessly complicated interfaces with no adequate explanation. Basically every strategy game like total war and the paragon strategy games.

>walking animation doesn't fit the movement speed and makes characters look like they are moonwalking forward

Cringy anime bathhouse cliche's

>Best girl is the hardest to save

there are games where tomboy are romanceable options ?

>being a normalfag

At no point during the game does Ryuji show any romantic interest in Ann.

otakus in nipponland*
