Horde or Alliance Sup Forums ?

Horde or Alliance Sup Forums ?

Alliance. We are good. Period.

Both. Why would you purposely lock yourself out of 50% of the game's content?

i have a main on both

Horde. Slightly less boring

i'm loyal to the alliance of lordaeron, not this stormwind bullshit

I prefer horde races, but I have friends on Alliance too so it's easy to play both. It's not like it's 2005 anymore, people aren't really restricted to one faction.

Alliance and Goblin

Damn straight user

Both, when I'm paying £40-50 for an expansion (which is ridiculous anyway) I want to experience the leveling to its fullest and the content.

Zandalari Trolls are top tier


Both, any conflict in lore is completely arbitrary and forced by Blizzard asspulling.

Horde, they're not boring as fuck

Chaduin Wrynn is my king.

Human or Gnome?

Gnome if female, human if male

Neither. WoW is soyfun for nu-boys.

I ended up playing whichever faction was the best meta for raiding with my class.

As a hpala, that was human, draeni, or belf.
Belf for WOTLK because arcane torrent
Draeni for Cata because Gift of the Naaru was fucked and could heal stupid numbers
Human when others weren't substantially better

I stopped playing Wow a long time ago, but Alliance. Horde is for underage

the one led by most beautiful being in the world of fiction

Not even Medan got the same level of asspull Sylvanas does

Sylvanas had so much potential too, now she's just dumb evil.

>Not worshiping The Banshee Queen

I dunno what's sadder
>Green Jesus
>Troll Jesus
>Literal who Belf
>Fat Goblin
>Giant special looking cow

>the dwarfs of who gives a fuck anymore
>that priest that became relevant for 1 xpac
>the goodest boy leader
>literal who gnome

Why the fuck wouldn't you play both to get all the content? You're not actually invested this much in fictional faction loyalty, right?

>I prefer the ERP on ally.
>I prefer the Trade chat on horde

Bastok, Windurst, or San d'Oria?

>following Sylvanas, the banshee with four voice actors
Jaina having a laugh since WC3

what does her pussy smell like?

>Bastok or Windhurst being relevant
Hahahaha no

Always San d'Oria.


Hume Mage from Windurst. Bastok is a decent second choice. San d'Oria is ruined by all the faggy Elvaan.

At launch? Horde 100%
Today? Alliance. I won't now to some undead bitch.

Horde is the most tragic for me, Thrall and Sylvanas were once rich characters, then they were completely shafted by Blizzard's disinterest in the lore.

>picking the least interesting zone cuz muh elves and orcs

San d'Oria has the worst native race and the worst native enemy the only thing it has going for it is being the easiest of the three to level up in, and even that's in exchange for the least profitable local goods.

>Green Jesus
now wears the crown of shame
>Troll Jesus
dead and dindu nuffin worthwhile
>Literal who Belf
>Fat Goblin
>Giant special looking cow

Horde lost the leader game.

Horde is what happens when you try and fail to make an interesting faction. Alliance is what happens when you don't even try. Up to you which you think is worse.

Undead because i like skeletons

so does Velen keep the Vindicaar?
if so then he can fucking destroy the Horde in a few seconds, what the fuck are they going to do against a one-shotting airship


I wish I knew.

Horde, i wanna marry a beastial panda femdom wife, who is a power bottom and the cooks and cleans afterwards

>not going Goblin and profiting from the war

I think you're right.

I think after Velen did something not useless, Mekkatorque is the only really shit leader. Anduin probably has the biggest in-game build up to leader status, despite being an irritating pastiche pussy leader. Lord of the Rings sort of happens around you in Ironforge and it's just fuck it they have the cool city let it slide. Varian was kind of a dick. Bolvar became the fucking Lich King, hard to argue that. Genn is pretty annoying, he basically took Varian's hot head wanker mentality.

you go ahead and kill the big bad .. but remember to buy them flasks and enchants from AH :")

Still a better star wars than TLJ, prove me wrong

nova looking a bit beat up

>he can
He can, but he'll be mysteriously absent for the whole expansion

H-horde btfo

who doesn't play both? It also depends heavily on the servers back in the day. I remember being on a horde heavy server as alliance and it sucked trying to do anything solo. This game fell off a long time ago though, all the new stuff is tugging at nostalgia which isn't warranted with how insidious this game was. I played it way too much.

Writers sidelining and forgetting the Interesting horde leaders is mostly to blame.
It all started at the retirement of Green Jesus and Orc Stalin replacing him.

I'm happy they employed a younger Leonardo Dicaprio to play Anduin. Go watch Good Will Hunting and prove me wrong.

After killing Kil'jaden he figured hes in due to help increase the Dreanai population. He bathes daily in goat pussy juice.

How can the Horde even compete?

im sure the orcs are doing fine with Saurfang as their leader, but i hope theyre picking Rokhan as the new darkspear leader, i love every single Warcraft 3 hero except Tyrande

somehow even taurens are less furry than these two

>gee that's a whole lot of hordies genn

>be a shame if someone, y'know, Arthas'd them


Your faction leader was a Worgen for legion.

i bet he wont even participate in the war, he's just going to chill in the Exodar because Blizzard accidently gave him a weapon which can fucking wipe out a whole planet
look what they did to Thrall, they had to write him out completely because he fucking destroyed everything in Cataclysm/WoD

team jacob

Worgen are human beasts

>Darnassus is being set upon by Velen
>Tyrande calls to the Alliiance for aid
>Valeria Windrunner iis straight there
>Tyrande calls for Velen
>Nah senpai I'm playing with this space ship
>Whoa! This space ship has something called World of Warcraft installed on it!
>Fucks sake Velen fine we clean up your shit and you chill doing whatever
>Time transpires, the world tree burns, and the embassy is formed in Stormwind
>... so if we cut off supplies north and south of Durotar, we can blockade them just like we did with Garrosh. Velen what are your thoughts?
>Velen is just staring blankly into the abyss
>Velen? You ok?

I want a Pandaren wife

Horde, because I'm playing Nightborne! I absolutely loved the music, architecture, and ambiance of Suramar. Everything was visual eye candy.

Worgen have uncut dicks not knots


Guys, is it true Anduin likes Draenei women?


Horde without Blood elves

No, he's gonna marry LiLi

While I agree with everyone's hatred of elves, its my favourite start. I still remember wandering around aimlessly in west ronfaure and the world felt like it exploded endlessly when I first zoned in to la theine plateau.

Those feels

The goblins were cunts though, the lizard fort was fairly comfy

Why would you even waste money every month playing this garbage when were still a year+ away from classic wow?

Checks out

wherever the guild is.


>i'm loyal to the alliance of lordaeron
come fight me next to your dead king

>Wanting Sylvanas "Smells so bad even Death doesn't take her" Windrunner
>When Valeera is Anduin's fuck-buddy
>When there's hundreds of sex-deprived NElves asking for it every day
>When Draenei are all too happy to teach you the ways of Argussian Sex
>When no matter how small your dick is, a Gnome girl will love it
>When Alliance got the Pandas with more cushion for the pushin'.
There's literally 0 reason to use sex appeal as a reason for the Horde. Sylvanas is a petty bitch who never puts out but begs for people to call her pretty, 90% of BElves are so uptight that they won't look at you if you can't drown her in gold (with the fun 10% being the now Neutral Blood Knights), and outside of Orc and Goblin women you'd best not even bother.

>Horde or Alliance Sup Forums ?

Why not both?

>the vindicaar can wipe out a whole planet
>couldn't even kill a single raid boss for us

25 members of the Horde are more powerful than the vindicaar. alliancefags vastly overestimate it's usefulness in a war. at best it's a manabomb tier weapon and Draenei are too moralfag to use something like that on any of the races that fought Sargeras.

i like the one that rotates facing the camera

Is there actually a way to prevent joining in progress LFR? I just want to see the story but half the groups I join are already halfway done.

LFR only does specific bits of the raid

Reroll something that isn't DPS

>the main characters
>a race with half a story
>a race with no story
>elves responsible for ruining the world (several times)
>retcon space aliens
>werewolves of london
>recolors, recolors and recolors

Why would you ever play Alliance?

Night Elf and only Night Elf. The nightborne scum need to be eradicated.

>Horde lost the leader game

Alliance had one guy who could even contend and he was given away to be the new Lich King. Until you get someone even half as good as Saurfang Alliance will always be second banana.

I like having attractive characters instead of clunky cube faces and massive shoulders, but I main on both
>belf bae


apart from orc women, the horde got nothing

cause the other side is a bunch of injuns, niggers, nazis and jews.

horde but night elves are cool too.

>a soyboy furfag and a legit furryfag