5 years in PS4 still isn't backwards compatible

Meanwhile the Xbox One plays 360 games and original Xbox. For God's sake no PS4 console can playback CD ROM, so even if they get an emulator for PS1, no discs will work. All PS3 console models can play physical and digital PS1 games, the Vita which was killed in a year has a PS1 emulator.

Something the Xbox One can do without charging for remasters. Sony announced another PS1 remaster, MedEvil 1 at PSX, they're doubling down. So I ask, why don't game journalists call them the fuck out? Old games don't matter until Sony and Square sell PS1 FF games for 20 dollars with a straight face.

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>wah i can't play muh old games on da new system!

That's all the xbone has, without that what else would there be


>Something the Xbox One can do without charging for remasters.
>buying a new console to buy old games
Oh so this is the type of retards Microsoft its targeting

There is zero excuse for it other than greed. What's worse is that the PS3's OS has been sandbagged to the point of not even working properly.

As a person who leans more to Nintendo, it should happen just as much to them to. I think both of these companies are bullshit when it comes to backwards compatibility.

There are 6 Playstation systems, cock sucking mongrel.

PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, PS VITA, PS4. Of this list, only the PS4 cannot play PS1 games.

>says this then proceeds to buy remasters
Never change sonyroaches

It's a limitation of the actual optical drive.

You think they just magically read anything round? They need specific firmware and motor functions.

Xbox One's backwards compatibility is fucking genius. MS constructed a compatibility layer, then recompiles games to specifically work with it. It's brilliant. I'm surprised they pulled it off at all. They managed to be the exception, not the rule.

Not to mention that 360/Xbox Hueg games play BETTER on Xbone and you can use your original discs.
Only complaint is that most publishers would rather jew us with remasters/ports than make games backwards compatible.

>Vita and PS3 had backwards comppability
>mostly sold like shit, took to much time to unfuck in PS3' case
>don't give a fuck about backwards compability
>sells like hot cakes
Really makes you think. It would be nice to have machines that supports older generation consoles but the market doesn't give a crap about it.

Than allow*

>living in the past
We leave that to the nintenbros.

But user, if we added backwards compatibility, then no one would spend $20 a month subscribing to PS Now!

It is a legitimate issue with PS4, but the solution for it isn't easy. Mainly because they don't have a proper working PS3 emulator all due to the stupid engine PS3 had.
The best solution they'd never do, is make another attachment for PS4 about the size of the PSVR thing and have it be a BluRay drive that has the needed PS3 hardware.

That said, there's still no reason to ever buy a Xbone. If you do have one though, grats on being able to play older games. They still should have had the entire library available by now though.

Because people barely even use it even on the xbone.
1.5% of xbone owners use it so why would a company like Sony or Nintendo see those numbers and even bother implementing the feature.
Furthermore, I do have an xbone and I played through some old favourites and games I missed and it was nice but that was months ago and I haven't touched the system since.

Unless they make a model with a cell in it, it's impractical.

It can't even run PS1 or 2 games. For no good reason.

Microsoft bought the patent and code from students. It's the same principle as when Apple had to switch to modern CPU at the end of 2000s, use a software re interpreter. Xbox 360 code is read by the Xbox One police man at a traffic light, tells the code where to go in CPU and GPU instruction set without ever touching the code in any way. They also stack hardware level AF16X and eliminate screen tearing. It's a very simple and sophisticated way of emulating.

It's just a shame blatant homosexuals like you see free backwards compatability and instead egg Sony on for more remasters. I wonder how hungry you'll be at the prospect of buying PS4 remasters on the PS5. Lick your master dry.

>they should have had the entire library available by now
Blame publishers. Because of the way the games are emulated, the legalities require them to give MS permission to make their games BC before MS can do so.

What fucking retard did you even type?
Is this the level of an Xbone shill?

That's Sony being lazy, but the cell is so different as a piece of hardware that straight up emulating it is impractical with the ps4s hardware.

At least what they bring over is updated. Ps2 games on ps4 you pay for but they're updated and run better, same with any 're release. The BC games on Xbox run like shit most the time.

PS3 has an excuse. Nothing else does.

They should play hardball on it, it'd be good press at something like E3 to say they have the entire library.

Hi, the consoles in this image are called the PS1 and PS2. There are more Playstation consoles to emulate than just the PS3. Give it another go, sport.

Lack of PS1 BC is admittedly ridiculous and there's no excuse as to why they can't pull a Nintendo with VC porting.
With PS2, they could easily do it if they cared but they rather sell "updated" PS2 ports for $15 each.
Bullshit. Realistically, i would say 10% is a better estimation.
Read about how high sales for Red Dead Redemption and BlOps spiked as soon as they got added to BC.

I'll agree with you on that heartily, but a lot of less technical people don't understand that Sony doesn't have a choice on ps3 they way they do on ps1 and ps2.

Worth stating as if you read upthread there are a lot of misinformed posters.

Because that 1.5% figure was literal bullshit and the real figure was closer to 50%?
Idk might be that

They're already lagging behind, they can't afford to burn all their bridges with publishers.
Sony might have been able to pull that off.

I should have been clearer and said the original PS3 hardware. So things like PS1 & PS2 capability as well. But go ahead and make your meme, I'm sure I deserve it.

I couldn't put a source to it, but I remember somewhere saying that it is recompiled to work with the compatibility layer. It's very much like Rosetta. I remember somewhere distinctly saying that even if you put in an Xbox disc, it will download the new version. I imagine it has some flag settings and such, like WINE does, to allow each game to run smoothly. But yeah, it's not an instant process, but it is a very good emulation layer.

Think whatever you want, it's a solid compatibility layer and it works extremely well.

>pcbros don't own their games
>yet in reality console owners buy their games each gen, and pcbros don't

Explain this right now.

The Switch uses a completely different type of media. They'd have to offer everything online, and even then they'd have to either port everything or make an emulator.

you ponies can't even PS4 correctly
>okay with no backwarfs compatability
>never even mention EDF 4.1 and EDF 5
>actually use horizon as an argument sometimes
for what reason? xbone is utter shit, but at least they can play EDF 2017 with their backwards compatibility

Nintendo was only able to do it all these years because they built upon their existing hardware. It's taken until now to finally drop the Gamecube.

they just love not having all their games available on one platform

No BC on the PS4 is indeed a problem. do you know what solution I've resorted to for my PS3 games ?

>have to have multiple consoles hooked up at once
>need to buy HDMI switches
>to play an old game for a couple of hours when I'm bored
Not worth it, desu

Is it to do with the fact that you can use PSN on the PS3 for free and not on the PS4, they can hardly play PS3 games on the PS4 with online features if you're forced to pay for it?

>>have to have multiple consoles hooked up at once
>aesthetic consoles.

>need to download from their servers
This is correct. You don't need to be online to play BC games but you do need to be online for the initial install. I'm surprised more people didn't bitch about this downside.

Are you a fucking dumbass? It's been so long for some titles their licenses have either expired or their companies no longer exist to even own those rights any more.

There is a fuck ton of issues that stops backwards compatibility from happening. Especially when the prior gen was not known well for good exclusives on non-Microshit or Nintendo consoles.

Still not as convenient as just having backward compatibility.

Why can't you people just buy a PSX or PS2? Get the games cheap on there.


>Something the Xbox One can do without charging for remasters. Sony announced another PS1 remaster, MedEvil 1 at PSX, they're doubling down.

but remasters are... good ? if you have the original game, you probably also have the original console, so no one is forcing to buy anything. if you only have a PS4 and you never played the original the remasters are perfect.

>Old games don't matter until Sony and Square sell PS1 FF games for 20 dollars with a straight face.
$20 is reasonable.

I never owned an original Xbox, so I played a bunch of those games just on my 360.


Who the fuck pays that much for old games to be on a newer system

Yeah, I thought that was the case. I mean I already praised it as super impressive, and it would've been a selling point for me, but then I looked at the list of games. Most of them were easily playable on PC... so... less impressive...

AFAIK the license is bound to the original product, and not necessarily the IP. They can keep selling it in its original form, but this is part of Sony's agreement structure. When it comes to HD remakes, it's different, it's not the same product. IIRC they had issues with Utada Hikaru's music in the KH HD pack.

So you are telling on old games for sales. Weird.

This is something only Xbox shitters care about because their console has no current games and also because their 360 likely RROD'd so can't play those games on the original system.

>Original Xbox
It has 12 Xbox games available. There are more PS2 games available for PS4.

>There are more PS2 games available for PS4.
You can just put a PS2 disc into a PS4 and it'll work?

>George Foreman grill with Spiderman writing


Does the PS4 have the EmotionEngine and RealitySynthesizer chip on it? No? Then no.

>Sylvester Stallone as Superman
I never knew I wanted this before.

Good. This means Sony won't come after our rom sites,

>not backwards compatible
>won't release most ps2 games on ps4 anytime soon

Different architectures didn't stop the Xboxes from running discs from the previous console.

At least the slim looks okay

pa4 literally cant handle it. quite pathetic if you ask me

>All these bootyblasted Sony drones ITT
You fuckers are so defensive about your shit company that it's simply hilarious. I'm an idort and you lot are a laughing stock.

>BC since 1962
Unless the operating system you're running is too advanced or simply incompatible so you can't actually play from original discs most of the time.

It doesn't run discs. It uses the disc to verify you have the game and then downloads a version that can run on the XBONE.

>poorfag can't get his mummy to buy him a 5 euro console
git killed retard lmao

>play dark souls on Xbox one
>runs like shit

Yeah I'll take a remaster instead.

Apples and oranges.

EE/RS have different hardware functions that can't be reproduced in software easily. It's why PCSX has a bunch of nigh unplayable games. Shit like Ratchet and Clank coded their own mipmapping algorithm using specific hardware features, it does not emulate well.

The PS3 did have a PS2 software emulation layer, but it was shit.

Point being I don't have to make an additional purchase. Why can't Sony do that?

It is kind of goofy that all those games are on the same network, but you can't play a majority of them.

>the Xbox One plays 360 games
Select 360 games. The majority of compatible titles are digital XBLA trash. It does include 50% of the console's noteworthy exclusives, that being Lost Odyssey. It does not include the other 50%, Ace Combat 6.

Well, the PS2 emulator for the ps3 isn't too awful actually. I own a slim and I've played a good handful of ps2 games with little to no problem

that's actually not true... it's slow but I've had no issues

>The argument of "Just buy an old game and play it in an old console!"
>Denying the cold hard fact that gaming is the most degradable form of media and games essentially stop existing because they just stop working after an amount of time
I'm glad I can buy KOTOR off the Microsoft store after my own copy got all scratched up over the years by my brother.

Your first mistake was playing Dark Souls on a platform that isn't PC.

No, it's a fair comparison. It would only not be a fair comparison if Sony didn't sell old games with no option of using the ones you already own.

Because they're not in damage control after blowing their console's launch and so bereft of exclusive content that they need to aggressively market BC as a key feature.

>5 years

Jesus christ what happened to all that time??

>I'm surprised more people didn't bitch about this downside.
Most people actually don't ever even touch the BC, and when they do it's to pick up the free games for gold titles, not to play their old 360 games on disks so they'd never know.

So it's okay for them to sell old games without giving you the option of using the ones you already have?

>when we've dabbled with backwards compatibility
>literally every other Playstation console is compatible with PSX games via emulation
>Vita has a built in PSP emulator
>PS3 has a fucking emulator for the PS2
People defend this.

>Meanwhile the Xbox One plays 360 games and original Xbox
Can I finally play Ninja Gaiden Black again?

Why are you so happy to get fucked over like this? Every cunt else is doing it yet sony says you don't want it and all of a sudden you retards lap it up like "Y-yeah! fuck older gen games they're only good when remastered and sold for full price!"

People just don't care

Re-engineering the games to work on a different console requires labour and expenditure that you did not pay for when purchasing the original PS2 game.

It's fine to offer anything for sale. It's retarded consumers' fault if they buy it.

Then why can Microsoft do it for free?

After those attempts, they have probably accrued enough data to conclude that people don't care.

Is Xbone's compatibility region locked? I wanna play Metal Wolf Chaos and that bad failed MMO SMT game.

Not all games are BC
It takes a lot of work and it isn't free, takes a ton of development time

5 years in and xbox has a lineup worse than its launch lineup. If bc means cancelling games and shutting down studios then you can keep it.


Just play on your pc entitled brat.

Or you could support the uncontested best company in gaming history (and perhaps in the worlds) and buy the older consoles or you can be a fucking poor little crybaby bitch pissoants who cries on the internet about good companies because they are jelous, you pick, faggot.

They must do it for free because they're desperate, and they happen to have a bunch of expert DirectX engineers at their beck and call.

I'm still pretty fucking mad that I can't play god of war 2 HD on the PS4. It seems that Sony drops support of games as fast as they can. It's like you have to choose one of two extremes; Xbox with absolutely no games on the horizon but the absolute best support of their entire console library, with every single game getting some form of boost on the X and incredible backwards compatibility, or the PS4 with a retardedly limited pro supported library, absolutely no backwards compatibility whatsoever, but plenty of titles coming out to look forward to

But all PS2 games are BC on PS4?
>It takes a lot of work and it isn't free, takes a ton of development time
It's free to the end user, and that's all that matters.

Because MS is desperate for console sales and has no games so needs to use its 360 games as a draw instead.

It's not a key console-moving feature for Sony.

> pull a Nintendo with VC porting.
Well for one you shouldn't want to rebuy games you own at extremely high prices. 5-10 dollars for NES or SNES titles, come on

Yes, rendered at 1080p as well

Because they're in damage control after their failed launch and they slipped from an almost 1:1 PS3 to 360 ratio to almost a 2.5:1 PS4 to Xbone ratio and that gap keeps widening as the gen goes on.

>They must do it for free because they're desperate
Surely it would be the other way around. Sony has so much money from the PS4 that they could afford the R&D for it. Meanwhile, Microsoft would need to charge because the Xbox isn't doing as well.