Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
>me after getting knocked off the ledge by the trap
The only troublesome part of the forest is it is so long in between check points. So you've just gotten through all the bullshit forest and halfway through retard city just to get one shotted by some shitty wolf and have to do it all over again.
desu I thought the beginning city was the hardest just cause I was still learning controls and what not
It wasn't too bad except it was a little too same-looking. I got a bit lost for a while.
The later game and DLC boss runs were quite refreshing in how quick they were. And the blood vial guy before Ludwig must have saved me tens of thousands of echoes.
This was the phase of the game where you have gotten gud and can effortlessly blow through every enemy in the area
That's not the Nightmare Frontier, and even then, it's a joke if you ignore everything and rush boss.
Run past, hug the right, kill the one wolfman you encounter, drop down next to the crow things, kill the crystal lizard knockoff, walk across the wood that gives way and lands you on the lower level. Hug the right again, ignoring the enemies, and get into the water. Then just bolt forward, take care of the enemies on the shack (primarily of concern is the rifleman), and then literally just run to the cannon and kill the guy using it. Head into the building, run down the stairs, avoid the snake guy on the bridge, head up the path on the right, and boom there's your first shortcut back to the lamp.
Not that bad desu you can figure out the rest. I spend max 8 mins in this area on my runs unless I feel like grabbing all the twin shards.
Sprint attacks with literally any weapon you can get at that point other than the hammer will hit all the riflefags before they can turn. Even the three guys standing next to each other.
*blocks your path*
My autism won't be satisfied unless I explore every nook and cranny
>Dance around big stone
>Visceral the fire cunt
psssh nothin personal kid
Bloodborne goes to shit after Rom, the DLC on the other hand is GOTY material
Stop reminding me I can't play this game.
but the areas after rom are great
What part in this game is hard?
just dodge nigger
That part was my farming spot. Just equip all 3 of Moons and do a circle from lamp until the first elevator leading you back to it, killing everything in the way. Easy circa 70k blood echoes for not much time spent, especially when you get in the groove.
>Pull out Tonitrus
>Sorry kiddos... hehe
Is it even possible to beat a boss in this game on your first try or do you have to die a bunch of times to figure out their movesets by trial and error?
git gut scrub noob casual
>Is it even possible to beat a boss in this game on your first try
I did so with most of them.
>figure out their movesets
by dodging and watching yes
That was one of the easiest parts in the game. The orphanage on the other hand, fuck that area.
>Is it even possible to beat a boss in this game on your first try
Yes. read an enemy and you can dodge it and yet still learn how to handle their patterns. Get hit yet survive long enough into the fight that you get into the groove of the battle and can beat the rest. Same with most games in general.
I'll call you a bitch if you actually lost to the Celestial Emissary or Witches of Helmwick first go.
The Old Hunters is easily the hardest area in any game.
Yes. A bunch of bosses are very easy.
what's the best farming spot in the game
I've been farming in the nightmare of mensis, killing the 3 winter lanters on the bridge with all the moon runes equipped
they drop around 60k echoes each
I don't buy dlc though.
Deep chalices.
>takes me 30 tries to kill these fuckers (NG+ 3)
>finally beat
>kill Rom first try
am i retarded?
>Parries the katana guy all day long
>Exploits the candle guy's AI
Nothing personnel
Dark Souls has such bad graphics. It's just mud everywhere.
Isn't the student hall the best farming area for echoes?
It isn't hard. "[insert Soulsbourne game here] IS HARD!!!!" is just a dumb Reddit meme.
your loss. should've sprung for the goty edition
same for me, except Martyr Logarius. old man can't handle my 2H Rifle spear R2 spam
whats not to like about it? the mood oppresive mood really sets in and enemies start respawning. meanwhile the parts you revisit are crawling with flesh wolves and flesh boxes. the boss for the area is easy though. its just one big shit show that cant possibly get worse. mensis, not even once.
The DLC area with the slug people. Think it's the bottom of the tower before Celestials.
Literally just learn the skip and you can cut through half of it and then it's just a straight run downhill to shadows of yharnam. But I agree, this place was a nightmare on my first playthrough
>ugh dark souls is so hard
Just start rolling. It's how you beat "hard" games
The Gaol version was better as an oppressive level and respawning enemies ain't even that great of a concept (since they're just reused city level ones, if they were shit like the corpselike Chalice enemies then I wouldn't be bothered as much)
Never saw what was nightmarish about this place.
First half was rather fun with the booby trapped village.
Hateful Maggots were annoying in the shortcut to Isofika's place however.
Second half wasn't too bad, finding the cannon, the snakes weren't too bad (except the large ones) and the blue aliens were a nice treat.
Yes, just don't be aggressive at the start.
fuck the entire forest for being boring and ugly.
shadows were the only hard boss in the game for me.
Not a single one of the human bosses in the game is even slightly hard.
I think it's just that part of the map.
>Never saw what was nightmarish about this place.
I just got lost so much during my first playthrough because everything was so twisting and same-looking. That, combined with my autistic need to scrape every corner for items and secret passages, caused me to spend way more time there than I should have.
Not a single one of the bosses in the game is even slightly hard.
>seperate the head piece from the rest of the set
This place and Upper Cathedral Ward are fucking retarded for doing this.
But the choir and gravegaurd sets are the worst looking armor sets in the game.
The forest isn't hard, but it is by far the worst part of the game.
what about the lvl99 dude with infinite stamina?
I fucking hate these guys so much, no other boss has given me as much trouble that these guys. The snakes one shot me at new game 4+
so easy to cheese i didn't even realize he was supposed to be hard
choir headpiece is kickass, fuck off
you sound like a gay prancing lala homo man and i bet you use dex weapons
Not even close to the worst part
Nightmare of Mensis right before Mergo
Blood Vials and plenty of echoes
Yeah I feel your pain about that, I just ended up skipping the post elevator part's items and heading straight for the boss area (or where ever it was)
I still have to collect them man.
I didn't even know of the Mask until I looked up the set online, some obsucre fucking jump.
That’s my favorite part of the game. Such a relief after all the claustrophobic samey stonework.
post fun builds
All Strength and Endurance, Kirkhammer only.
>tfw I don't have a PS4 but love Souls
Spend less money on uguu kawaii anime.
just finished the game yesterday, beat maria, gehrman and moon presence first try
there's only two or three real strategies in the game so once you've mastered them you just apply it as needed to everything
Get a PS4, I get not buying consoles at launch because they're expensive and have no games but the PS4 is $200 now and has a lot of games, especially if you like Japanese stuff.
>not making your weapons scale with ARC
Buying a PS4 is the most valuable thing you can gift yourself right now.