>Wisdom level: 100
>Character has an idea to sell figurines of himself in order to murder millions. To save billions
>Wisdom level: 0
>OP has an idea to create a thread
>Wisdom level: 100
>Character has an idea to sell figurines of himself in order to murder millions. To save billions
>Wisdom level: 0
>OP has an idea to create a thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>the thread ending
the greatest practical joke
>heterosexuality level: 0
>starts a thread
Was he right?
Epitomized lawful evil. He did several things he knew were literally atrocious in order to accomplish a truly great goal that was all for mankind's ultimate benefit.
IMO he wasn't enough VIDEO GAMES.
I keep forgetting Solid Snake wrote this shit
*blocks your marijuana*
He wrote the first draft which was only partially used for the final product.
>Laurie Juspeczyk is called Silk Spectre in the comics, but this version has her codename as being "Slingshot." This is explained by having Doctor Manhattan given her the power to sling balls of energy as a birthday present.
Evil characters don’t do things for the greater good
Lawful evil does things for what they think is the greater good. Rorschach didn't agree.
was he homosex???
For the longest time I thought this character was played by Freddie Prinze Jr. Blew my mind to see it wasn't him.
roarshack thought so
no. just snyder ruining his character by casting quentin, and giving the suit bat nipples as a joke. fuck the movie and fuck that manchild director.
glory hound homo nazi genetic engineering baby with max int but not enough common sense to not be a commie fuck
the evil/good axis is about common good vs selfish interest for the most part
the law/chaos one is about adhering to laws and norms
lawful evil tries to make profit through an ordered system, usually a state or a religious organization
what you're thinking about is the statesman Machiavelli had in mind, the sort that was willing to rule through deception and violence when he had to, but always for the sake of the common good and for the sake of the state as it's tool of manifestation
Lawful evil is about organized or ordered evil. Contrary to chatic evil, which is...chaotic.
The blood war is precisely about that difference.
rorschach himself speculates that veidt is gay and says it requires further investigation
The character is clearly depicted as emotionally stunted to the point of asexuality. (Alternatively, superiority complex: If you were that disconnected, you'd have trouble rationalizing it as not being bestiality.)
His physical appearance is visually identifiable and well executed, as expected by the brilliant wallet superhero archetype.
He's Lawful Evil. In both versions, he decided the best way to handle impending nuclear war was to trick the precog into believing it was going to occur, then set up a scapegoat for a measured non-nuclear catastrophe.
I murdered millions of people because my plan is surely the only way humanity survives fits securely in Lawful Evil. Just because his plan results in (temporary) world peace does not change the alignment of his actions to good. Extended to the absurd, that line of reasoning suggests culling humanity only to the largest compatible social groups is a Lawful Good act. The only functional difference in meta-analysis between nationalist genocide and Ozzy's plan is that his plan forcefully aligned the remaining humans, rather than the alternative of discarding any unaligned humans.
No. Man can find conflict in anything and having Ozzy make mankind live in fear of another takyon attack alters their agency.
>Be constantly afraid of takyon attack to avoid all conflict whatsoever for fear of this faggot summoning a death monster on you
>Eventually get over it, seek/find conflict
>Either go to war or "aym Sooper smahrt" summons another takyon killing millions "TWO SAYV BILLYINS!" and the cycle repeats itself over and over and over eventually causing those "millyins" to become "billyins"
The true conclusion would be to control mankind and realize you are a monster ruling over everyone to make them behave or to stop giving so much of a fuck. Ozzy didn't do either of those things right in that he feels he's morally justified which is wrong.
>Instead of the 1985 setting used in the comics, the script takes place in 2004. Whereas The Comedian had fought in World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam, Hayter has it stated that Blake fought in the last days of the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and Iraq. The United States' conflict with Russia is changed to one with Afghanistan, and all references to the Communists are replaced with Middle Eastern terrorists.
Jesus Christ, Hayter.
>This is explained by having Doctor Manhattan given her the power to sling balls of energy as a birthday present.
>If you're buds with Dr. Manhattan, he just hands out super powers as presents.
Fuck yeah.
it really says a lot that the best thing he ever did was a flat gravelly growl with no range
>Comic book
No, he's pretty retarded
None of them were right considering the cold war sorted itself out without them.
you're forgetting to consider that watchmen took place in an alternate timeline where nixon was never caught out with watergate, the US won vietnam and things were generally a lot worse
Is that Quentin.
>Humanity on the brink of nuclear war with each other
>Plants a catastrophic false flag attack which triggers humanity to unite against a common false enemy
>Dr Manhattan gets to fuck off to Mars so nobody has to rely on him anymore
When the alternative was assured total nuclear annihilation it's as right as you can get, nothing can convince a bunch of conniving idiotic governments beyond a god who's going to fuck everyone's shit up.
>sex in the niteowl ship
>they reach climax
>flamethrower goes off
Did you see the symbolism?
That isn't lawful evil you faggot.
The US and USSR were close to a nuclear exchange iirc.
nice argument
>while playing a shitty version of a song about the dark, painful side of love
This movie tried so hard but at the same time felt like they didn't give a shit about quality.
Well, prepare your boipussi for the big blue dong then
Lawful Evil is doing something evil by the books. I.E. the evil empire establishes rule over a smaller nation by forcing them to sign a lawful treaty of takeover.
The best OP has is that he's Chaotic Good, he did something Good but while doing so broke as many laws as possible.
No. A lot less wrong in the comic book, but still wrong. Humans are hard wired for conflict, and pointing all their hatred and fear at one source would likely keep humanity's attention for a couple decades at best. Eventually we'll stop caring and look to our neighbors for small slights to take offense at again.
He was NG you philistine
lawful evil implies conducting evil acts primarily for personal gain. you said "all mankind"
nuclear war was a certainty in the watchmen universe you utter faglord did you even read it
lol lawful doesnt mean literal laws enforced by a government. its their individual moral compass
that's a stupid post
i don't upvote you sir
But that means that the right thing to do is to let the world destroy itself and just stand by watching it happen.
Pretty much. Nothing they did will have any lasting effect. Maybe if Dr. Manhattan got powerful enough to rewrite the hardwired conflict bits out of the human brain it'd be something, short of that, not really worth bothering. Humans gonna human and all that.
Any game antagonists as good as Ozzy? Not even in the "they're arguably right" way just in terms to them believing they are the one saving humanity.
Revolver Ocelot
Daily reminder the complete motion comic is on YouTube and it’s fucking kino, I watch it every year.
Depends on what his ultimate goal was.
>Preventing nuclear annihilation of mankind
>ending human conflict altogether
So is this the comic? Is this the movie?
Ultimately he killed millions based on a hunch that his plan would work out. Muh greater good is a meme used to justify whatever shit you want, anything can be made to seem like "for the greater good" with enough mental gymnastics
lawful evil uses or imposes law for personal gain, not the greater good.
the alignment grid is widely acknowledged to be a flawed system because of the amount of motives and traits it doesn't comprehensively accommodate, and you're not an authority just because of the board you claim to represent
wouldnt he be chaotic good or something
No. His actions and means are unequivocally evil, but his logic and motives were rational and ordered. "Lawful" doesn't strictly mean "conforms to laws of the land", it encompasses law as the diametric opposite of chaos.
He just killed a bunch of new yorkers to prevent total nuclear analanation. Sounds like a good trade-off to me.
Nah man, law/chaos is attitude and good/evil is action. LE uses order and rationality to enforce their personal vision of what's best.