Psn is the absolute worst online service. 9 hours to download a 12gb game on a wired connection? What the fuck am I paying for? It's not my isp because I can download the same size file on my switch or pc and be done in less then an hour. Psn is fucking garbage
Psn is the absolute worst online service. 9 hours to download a 12gb game on a wired connection...
This is absolutely true, I don't know how they get away with it.
sounds like you're a poorfag with a low bandwidth connection
I downloaded Deus Ex Machina Mankind Divided (42GB) in less than an hour last night
I downloaded all of miku future tone and it's dlcs (was over 9gigs i think) in like an hour so not sure what you're talking about buddy
What youre describing sounds like the speeds I had over wifi
Sony throttles certain countries.
It's the network. My PlayStation it's self even says I have 79mbps down
Its not really throttle, I lived in shitty 3rd world country(with one of fastest internet speeds ayy), I could top my dl speed all the time, but if I was playing anything that required online, speed would get drastically dropped, when I closed whatever I was playing, It would skyrocket again
Yeah their store is also slow. It's really ridiculous
>It's not my isp because I can download the same size file on my switch or pc and be done in less then an hour
But that's not evidence it's not your ISP fault. It could be the case that your ISP has decided to temporally throttle PSN, maybe because too many people are using it and they're no ready to handle that volume of traffic.
>9 hours for 12gb
What. PSN is slow, but not that slow.
The search interface is a crime against humanity
Feels good to be in the first world
>9 hours to download a 12gb game on a wired connection?
You must have shit internet. I downloaded Deus Ex in less than five.
>It's not my isp
pretty sure it is m8, I have the same problem but with my switch instead of my ps4 and it's because of some fucking port.
This. My games take always less than an hour to download no matter how big they are.
the fucked up thing is that on the japanese store, and i think hk and other asian ones, they have a normal search bar
If you're using a WiFi connection it caps out at around 2 mb/s, wired connection nets me 8+ mbs/s
On a good day I can get 150 Mb/s on a shitty day it would be around 90-100 mb/s. What shit connections do you guys have?
It's because of their language dumbshit.
takes me about 30 mins to download 40gb. Where do you live? don't think it's PSN user
Shit never comes up the way you want it to. You can never find a beta. I always have to go online and download it from my computer.
yesterday I downloaded a 20gb Let it Die "update" within a night (~9 hours). im in greece
>PS4 has weird network hardware that tries to limit your download speeds
>Download CCProxy, run that
>Click options
>get top Port # and your IP
>Go to Network settings on your PS4
>Set up network connection - Custom
>Leave everything as it is except for Proxy Server, select 'use proxy server'
>Enter that top port number and your IP
>Enjoy un-sandbagged download speeds.
You can switch back to normal after your download is done. Often a good idea since most games will give you a false-positive for Strict NAT, might make getting into Party Chat a ballache if you leave the proxy on.
Were you doing anything else while it was downloading? If I play a game while downloading, it takes me a long time, but if I just leave it, I can do about 9 gig in 40 mins.
that sounds like a you problem, i can download the massive 64gb FF14 in just 30 minutes.