>"""""People""""""" who needed a shield to beat Dark Souls 2 or 3
"""""People""""""" who needed a shield to beat Dark Souls 2 or 3
Who are you quoting?
Did a whole run with the zweihander, pretty lovely sword.
>he didn't beat the game using only a shield
3 i think is a bit why not with the shield, it's not more fun not to use one
2 i think you are actively making the game less fun by using a shield
>not flamberg
The hand axe and the pyro hand was all why i need
Dark Souls 3 is way harder with a shield, though.
>"people" who play soulshit
Two-handing weapons made 2 way too easy.
There’s nothing wrong ith using a shield
Spears are better.
>1 and 2 have fun varying playstyles
>3 is just negro version BB rollspam
>implying anyone used a shield in 3
Two handling greatswords are the easiest way to play Souls. Shields were nerfed in 2 and 3.
Can we all appreciate how much better Souls is than Monster Hunter?
The combat in this game is clunky and intentionally slow, while the bosses are considerably easier and only "feel" hard because they drag out for 15 minutes.
Stop spamming this """"meme"""" of yours, dumb redditor. Nobody is going copy your """"meme"""".
Yeah I hope Monster Hunter World is less awful than the previous entries of the series
""""""Dark Souls""""""" 2 and 3 you mean?
I killed Gwyn In full black Iron set. I used a great shield and poked him to death by hiding behind a pillar and stabbing him to death.
>Mfw I hear "nuh- nuh- not the proper way!"
Gwyn needed the help of a traitor to beat the dragons, he was not honorable.
>implying anyone used a shield in 3
I used a shield for parrying
Dark souls 3 is garbage.
My opinion is a fact.