*is the only challenging boss in your path*
*is the only challenging boss in your path*
Dancer wasn't too bad, but most of 3's vanilla bosses are dogshit anyway. Pontiff and Nameless were harder than Dancer.
git gud OP
i'm stuck at dancer. I can get it down to half health every time but then I die.
I just made it to Pointiff Sulyvahn. Heard he's pretty tough for a low-level boss.
>Pontiff Sulyvahn
git gud
My one friend beat Nameless King on his first try. However, he took over 20 tries on the fucking Abyss Watchers, the boss that literally fights itself.
Different strokes for different folks. Not everyone has the same experience with every boss.
Why the fuck did they make him parryable? Same shit for Gwyn. Ruins a potentially great boss fight by letting parrycuck tryhards cheese him.
Nameless King isn't hard either.
People like you are no fun to have discussion with and just shit up the thread
To be fair almost every person who's played a soulsborne pulls this shit. I made it a point to avoid discussion of the games with irl friends because it always turns into
>That boss isn't even hard
Eventually it just devolves into people arguing over difficulty in the games.
Fuck that giant beyblade
>Almost beat Midir first try with hardly using any Estus
>Die to laser breath
>Proceed to never be able to reach his 2nd phase until after like 30 attempts
>Finally win
Not sure how the fuck I almost did it the first time.
I'm replaying Dark Souls 3 and beat Dancer on my third try, but Pontiff ripped me a new asshole. I didn't remember him being that hard.
I'm the same way with a lot of bosses. The first time you're not overthinking it because you don't know what to expect, so you get further than expected. But after your first time you've seen the moveset and you start overthinking things, "is he using this attack? Better dodge! Nope it wasn't that attack..."
why is parrying tryhard lol?
i know exactly what you mean
and for a solid half decade i thought that i was just lucking out on pinwheel every time i fought it
Nice dancer would be a same if someone cast Dorhy's Gnawing on it.
>make new character
>rush dancer for higher tier upgrade materials
>beat her first try without exploiting bleed
>go to vordt
>get memed by he charge and die twice
Holy shit this is exactly what I meant.
So fucking obnoxious
I like hey they made the bosses in DS3 a bit more challenging for the COOP players with the anti-ranged moves a lot of them have... but I feel like they didn't go far enough. A lot of the fights are very close to genius if the difficulty was just a bit, just a bit more difficult.
Dark Souls is easy in general, but 3 is the easiest.
This is coming from a casual that gets his ass beat by Nioh.
I hate to say it, but git gud. Still an absolutely great game though.
Should have kept going and killed dragonslayer armor, oceirous, and gundyr for that +10 wepon and quick levels.
>Fast roll
>Equip ring that literally gives you more invincibility frames in your roll
>Never die
Dark Souls 3 is shit because of the stupid invasion system that doesn't let me twink
Stop policing fun
>parry pontiff to death
>parry both him and his stand at the same time
>lay down and watch him swing wildly over my body
Dancer kicks my ass.
your disappointment gives me an erection, I want you to cry about it more for my pleasure.
>kicking dancer's ass
>start staring at said ass
>get combo'd
every fucking time
Mad as fuck shitter who probably rage quit when I invaded you with a +10 lightning weapon in the Burg in DS1 lmfao
>Gaping Dragon
Never got the point of twinking. It's not even fun unless you like to torture small helpless animals irl
>Really into DS3 on my first run
>Having allot of fun and some DS1 feels
>Get to this bitch
>Try to beat her for a while but don't manage
>Some RL shit gets in the way and prevents me from playing it for like a week or two
>Fire the game back up
>Still can't beat her for a while since I'm also not used to the game anymore
>Lose interest in the game altogether
This is happening to me again with Hollow Knight. Loved it so much for a few days, RL shit gets in the way. I come back to it and now I'm stuck on the second Hornet fight and kinda losing interest in the game.
How do I stop this?
Start from the beginning.
First attempt I got it
I don’t think there’s enough innovation in the Souls series.
Force yourself. It's gonna be uncomfortable, but just give it your absolute best. You know you can kick her fucking ass, just do it. Of course it's not gonna be easy and you'll easily get lose motivation, but don't give up.
After beating her and spending a while on the game, your interest will come back in full force.
Got her on my first tried
But it was a close call
Same with Gundyr, the Hollowslayer do wonder throughout all the game, I just used it for the aesthethic but I keep it for the rest
I only struggled like a bitch against Pontiff, Nameless King and the Twin Princes
>tfw you will never went through a souls game for the first time ever again
you don't have to parry him, several of his attacks miss you if you simply strafe around him
I had the most trouble with Champion Gundyr. Every other boss took 5 attempts at most.
the first time you fight him you are more careful while you fight so you don't carelessly get hit, once you become overconfident is when you get hit, alot.
Well, i like that they took the whole "you can charge R2s" thing from Lords of the Fallen. Next they should take the whole "the longer you go without resting at a bonfire the more souls you earn" thing, and the dismemberment mechanic from The Surge just because it's fun. I was trying to think about something they could take from Nioh but nothing really comes to mind, maybe stances but they just felt like a gimmick to me, i liked switching between them but i never felt like i had to switch between them. Can't really think of anything i would do to improve the souls formula, other than "add more stuff", like more varied weapons with more unique movesets instead of just having 24 straight swords that all function the same but with different stats.
Also hardest boss is Nameless King, he has too many delayed attacks and it fucks with my brain.
most people would just assume you are a boring hacker if they see that shit
what's fun about that? it just shows that you have no confidence in a video game of all things, is that really all you amount to in life?
innovation is a meme fuck off nigger
>literally block his attacks with shield
>counter attack
>repeat, occasionally roll during the second phase to avoid his stand and kill it to get back into ez shield mode
you can pretty much facetank him with a shield, I dont know why people find Pontiff difficult.
most people dont hide behind a little shield when a huge asshole leaps at them
They should've brought this guy back. And they should've made his ultra greatsword a paired weapon with his sword.
DS3 gives you OP rolls, most of the bosses are way too easy because of that. Other than Nameless King and some of the DLC bosses, there's really no excuse to be taking more than a few attempts on any boss unless you're playing at a subpar framerate, imo
Git gud
>skips straight to dancer on NG++++
>first try ezpz
OP is casul confirmed
There is no boss that has more telegraphed attacks than Nameless King.