This is the worst game ever made

This is the worst game ever made.

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Not as bad as Bayonetta 2

Fuck off, Itsuno.

Jokes aside, that's reserved for ET.

Don't know if real but if it is, that is one real salty man speaking there.

nope,THPS5 is the worst thing ever made, prove me wrong,i dare anyone

It's not the worst, just very boring. Also feels like it manages to feel derivative of several recent games.

If that's a real quote that man is based

This game isnt so b-
>Enter the cities

Objectively no. Is it really worst DMC, yes.

Kamiyafags BTFO

But is kinda true, a game like dmc would probably hurt you if you use the switch controls, unless you want to play it without style

It's actually fake, too, someone was butthurt enough to make it considering Bayonetta has more going on onscreen than any DMC does, such as enemies fighting back

There's worse games, but it is a solid 2/10

>helicopter fight

Used to think that but Drakengard 2 exists. That's the true worst sequel ina trilogy, though DMC2 does come close.

Is it really that bad?

*by a major company

The tears never stop flowing lmao

If this is real, it's amazing.

Itsuno is a god

Yeah I like the part where he never actually said that and that DMC is getting a new mobile game

Bayotards just got BTFO

>Fallout 4 is the worst game ever made.
Fixed it.

>worst game
>pic related literally killed the franchise

DMC 2 isn't that bad at all. DMC4 is fucking terrible.

I've played both recently, and while DoD2 is a shitpile of a game, there are redeeming features (Caim's scenes) unlike DMC2 which us just a worthless pule of fuck

>controls are pretty shit
>no rebeca
>story is not a sequel of Dino Crisis 2
>xbox exclusive
what was the fucking point?

>Isn't that bad

Yes, yes it fucking is. Several bosses don't even target you, te game is four hours long and it's just terrible for all of it


I wa talking about drakengard though, also, i am an autistic trophy hunter, and dmc2 was physically painful to play, dmc4 is an excellent game

Didn't play through long enough to unlock third story of DmC2
>dmc4 is an excellent game
Your autism is no excuse to how fucking stupid you are to say this faggot.

Whelp, then i'll just go to nier after i finish DoD3 then

It's Regina, mate.

If you can't appreciate dmc4 gameplay, and if you actually believe dmc2 is better than dmc4 then you are retarded

No I sure as shit didn't I'm amazed I choked down that turd long enough fir those four terrible hours

I can't believe someone's defending it. I'm not a shitposter, I under stand people like gsmes I don't and I can find merit in almost anything. But DMC2? Holy shit me there's nothing worth defending there. It's a fucking alpha of a shit game

>dmc4 gameplay
Utter Shit.

Then DMC2's gameplay is a rotting diseased turd that's been sitting in a toilet for days

How could you even defend it? What merit do you think it has?

my bad, don't know why I was thinking of Rebecca Chambers

Pffft no it is fucking not. not even Capcoms worst game. Pic related.

Even if you believe that it still surpasses the single combo from dmc2

Jesus, I thought the whole franchise ended with DC2.
Was it that bad?

It might actually be one of the worst games as compared to other games in the series.

How can Kamiyafags recover?

Something your autism wouldn't understand.

You're fucking beyond dumb.

>Devil May Cry 2 is worse than Superman 64, ET, Sonic 06, Gone Home, Mass Effect Andromeda, DmC, Big Rigs, Ride To Hell, Shaq Fu, Bomberman: Act Zero, Colonial Marines, Daikatana, DNF, Prey (2016) and countless movie video games
Ok sure dude


there are other combos in dmc2. you can even add your DT element to your combo and swap other gems in to change the move

Man must be salty Bayo 1 is better than DMC3+4 combined.

Just give us DMC5 already you hack.

Why didn't you play nier first? It came out 3 years before Drakengard 3

How great of shitposting b8 it is?


LMAO, wow. we really are starting this year off with memes ;) xD



>Every attack gives witch time
huh? I always had WT disabled in Bayo 1 and 2 anyways because I used Evil Harvest Rosary

>worse than the original dmc which is the worst out of the trilogy

Yoshesque is an idiot

DMC2 is the only DMC game I finished 100%. I loved it.

that must make you an ultra-retard

You can't do anything without WT, it's one of the reasons why it sucks.

I didn't had any interest in taro games back then. now i want to try them, and i really like dod3 so i'll give it a shot

still better than god hand

You know the fun thing about Bayonetta? It's a game that can be played and get's new releases.
Know the fun thing about Devil May Cry? It's a game that Capcom will milk endlessly with re-releases to prey on the edgelord fanbase.

>and i really like dod3
Even people who like Drakengard will tell you that DoD3 is an abomination and it barely runs at frame rates higher than 20 FPS, you should've just started with Nier.

in bayonetta 1 certain attacks wouldn't give you witch time because they were too easy to avoid. this culminates in enemies that never give witch time and the highest difficulty removing it completely
in bayo 2 they made the timing easier and every attack gives you witch time, even on the highest difficulty. this means that instead of relying on fundamentals like combo knowledge, aggressive play and dodge offset, you rely on the brief time slow because enemies can now randomly dodge your attacks when you're not in WT
this is less of a problem if you play on 3rd or, god forbid, second climax, but it's still fucking obnoxious and pares the gameplay down to be very repetitive

You can lower the ps3's res in order to improve the framerate at least

>tfw this is fake

Go back

Reminder IGN included God Hand in their top 100 PS2 games after it became a cult classic.

The dlc is the only reason I want to even play the game, but I'm not willing to spend an extra 20 dollars for it.

>there are niggers on this board who take vidya gaem jurnalizm seriously
wow unironically kill yourselves

It was a joke, I hate IGN.

>animeposter calling others niggers

Just start with Nier, you miss nothing important by skipping out on DoD3 except Zero's sexy legs.

Oh, I'm not that guy. I've played Drakengard 1, 2 and both niers. Just never picked up 3 because of all the bad shit I heard about it.

>I hate IGN
They are unironically the best gaming journalism site. But yeah, keep guzzling that kool-aid.

Yes, half of those games are better than DMC2, including DmC and Sonic 06


Zero is Taro's most interesting character


3 is better than 2 at the very least

God yes

nintendo btfo

I unironically enjoyed it

How will Platinumfags ever recover?

Nope, that would be Emil.


No, you didn't.

This is the worst game ever made.

By getting games and not laughing at fake quotes lol


I've never played anything at more than 30 fps so its not a big deal, the game is fun, the combat flashy, and this , so yeah, i think its good enough to start with

>implying this wasn't strawberry sundae era dante

IMO, the best t hing about this game was the world setting. Everything else needs a goddamn sledgehammer to it for rework

I'm planning on buying the HD Release because I never played a DMC game before.
Should I just skip the second one, or is it important for the story?

If you care about story then you should avoid the games altogether, that being said, you should go 1 -> 3 -> 4.

The game is crap and has almost nothing to do with the other titles, so you should skip it.

Alright thanks


>one part is bad, so nothing of the game can be good
Yes I did.

At least it's not DmC.