Game begins with a quote

>Game begins with a quote


>game ends with a quote
>it's the only good thing about the game

Name SIXTY (60) games that do this

>game ends with a quote

In 2013 there were like 4 Ubisoft games that all started with an Alice in Wonderland quote.

Best one is pic related

Bioshock Infinite not only starts with a quote, it starts with one that was made up just for its game.

>start new game
>black screen

>Those who play with the devil's toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword.
I liked it.

>game starts with a loud rant out of any context

>Your generic TIE grunt is just plain suicidal. And the TIE Defender jockey is bloodthirsty. But the TIE Interceptor pilot, he's suicidal and bloodthirsty.
I would love to play a new Tie game with this quote
But not with EA at the helm


>title screen
>Neath a faulted sky; cross loamless plains, and watered blight
Ah! Where gone those days, once Glory shone so bright?
Fallen 'neath baleful wings dark as night.
Ah! A moment give to me
Hark! Shall none hear this soul's tale,
Of a land, benight?

>It quotes an ingame character

Well you can forget the quotes but the latest battlefront has fantastic space battles. Its about all it does have going for it

>the same quote as the beginning

today i learned that vince mcmahon stuffed dry leaves up his older cousin's vagina

>tfw you truly understand the delightful and ever novel pleasure of a pointless occupation

he also got molested by his grandma or something

Now pull your goddamn head out of your ass and start fucking helping us!

Quotation is the noun you illiterate niggers
Quote is the verb

This for the most part.

Every once in a while I hop on ground battles and sometimes they're enjoyable, but typically everyone's retarded.

>get in a galactic assault game
>get enough points to hop in tie fighter and start doing strafing runs
>rack up kills, clear the way for my team to push up and cap both phase lines
>we win very convincingly, I top the scoreboards
>idiot on MY team: "you were farming AI kills in the sky so your score is fake! get on the ground and help out the team!"
>even when we win, people on the winning team bitches about nothing
I hate casual games. Space battles are great though. Sucks that the Tie Interceptor is kinda shit.

Wow you must really hate Kingdom Hearts then, huh?

>Game features a stupid fucking nigger that thinks he's smart



>game misunderstands Nietzche quote

If you have ever referred to a notation as a 'note' you need to kill yourself right this fucking second you hypocritical niggerfuck

>game quotes Nietzsche
>quote has fuck all to do with the game

>Yes, indeed.

it is my dream that one day there will exist a highly regarded game that opens with an Alex Jones quote

>that song is actually in english

I wait for the day an E3 trailer begins with

>Perhaps you've seen it. Maybe... in a dream.

"I'm like a chimpanzee, in a tree, jumping up and down, warning other chimpanzees when I see a big cat coming through the woods...

I'm the weirdo? Because I'm sitting in a tree going OOH OOH AAH AAH AAH OOH AAH AAH OOH OOH OOH AAH AAH AAH AAH AAH!? "

-Alex Jones

he really is the best

"War is some crazy shit!"
-Winston Churchill

>game's intro spoils all of the game'a plot

Jojo opening dot png

>game begins with a quote from a 20th century poet
>game world is a medieval style fantasy land with no relation to real world

which game is this

>game begins with a quote about how bad is humanity
>game doesnt even feature humans

>By the producers of Hamilton.

by the font i'd say MGSV

wtf does Tetsuya Noumora smokes?


"If there is evil in the world, it lurks in the hearts of men"

>Main villain frequently quotes a philosopher

"If there's evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of men." - Trinicus D. Morrison

>It starts with...

lets just post good vidya beginnings and endings with quotes

>choosing the DUDE FUCK THE NET LMAO ending
real patricians sided with the illuminati
everett was right

How do you reverse gifs?

>developer wants you to make the ending yourself

>first few lines of mgs4
>war has changed