Hanging in there, Sup Forums?

Hanging in there, Sup Forums?

>tfw phone call list looks like this

I'm always hanging from this rope

Jokes on you, mine only has brother


Cheeky fuck

>scroll back through web history to find a page I lost
>realize like 70% of it is asking how to make friends or deal with loneliness
I think it's best to just accept it at this point.

How quickly a day can go by

>having texting
>not disabling texting to save money and use wifi+texting app to recieve texts since you are are never off wifi because you never leave the house

I guess I do have a life

None of these are family

I strongly recommend you delete this

>not only BR but also retarded

>talking on the phone

what fucking year is this? Send a txt you fucking sperg

Lol who the fuck names there kid Dale

Someone with the last name of Gribble

>Posting numbers

>dating this girl
>no too far in, like we ain't exclusive yet
>I know she's still been on a few dates with other guys
>had a one night stand with some other girl last night
>feel guilty even tho we are not really in a relationship

Feels bad my dudes. I might just end it with this girl but I see her at work and stuff.

Mine is practically empty since I phone my parents on discord.
My call history on my phone is work calling me for extra shifts

I don't even own a phone.

That's exactly what mine looks like.

Oh my god, please don't do this to your parents.

>extremely hungry but no appetite because stomach already filled with sinus drip mucus
Logically I know it's nothing but a mild cold that will pass in a couple days but fuck if it doesn't completely destroy any motivation to live.

>three instances of youtube playing in the background

>She's fucking around
>You're fucking around
>Only you feel bad
Think about it


>how to make friends
Go outside and talk to people.Is nobody friends with you cause your clinically retarded?

Ideia do crl meter os nĂºmeros aqui, burro

>not having 200-300 free sans the subscription texts a month
must be a 'merican thinfreedom

Mine looks like this except it's only my mom because I don't know my dad.


Based belly poster

I feel sorry for you.