>game comes out
>universal praise from everyone including Sup Forums
>is loved for a couple months
>people on Sup Forums notice that people like it
>every tiny flaw with the game is made out to be a huge deal
>"it's good but nowhere near a masterpiece maybe 6/10 at best"
>muh easy moons
>it's cool to dislike now
like clockwork
Game comes out
I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Odyssey is the best Mario game released up to this point. There's plenty of other Mario games that are almost as good, but Odyssey just barely edges them out. Like, I'd call it a 9.7/10 or something and have Super Mario 64 at 9.6/10 for example.
>game gets announced
>"yeah ok who cares there are also other games"
>furiously shitpost and falseflag in every thread
>everyone starts hating you along with the game by proxy
>muh contrarians
You can apply it to shit like dark souls and undergay before you start flinging shit
I didn't particularly like it from the start. I'm of the mindset that no collect-a-thon can ever be above an 8/10 due to the nature of the genre being bad.
Still enjoyed it, just didn't like it as much as Galaxy 1, 2, or 3D World. Definitely inferior to those 3, which are the last decade's worth of 3D Mario.
I really liked it. Played for about 25 hours, beat it, got over 400 moons. Haven't had the desire to go back yet, but probably eventually.
I always said it was boring, and it is.
It fucking sucks lol
>dark souls
Dark Souls ins't a Nintendo game, and Nintendo fans are the only really obnoxious shitheads on this board.
Super Mario Odyssey is one of the best pure video game experiences I've played in the past decade. This IS video games.
>listening to Sonygers
The best part is the hat in time pedos trying to shill their shitty kickstarter game and failing miserably.
I think its the best mario game ever.
It fucking lived up to the hype for once.
The game is another 10/10 Nintendo exclusive. Of course Sup Forums is going to pretend it's shit.
This. The game is so well polished, you have to nitpick it to find flaws.
Ya its the same thing with Botw. Only retarded contrarians hate it. I remember when i was 15...
Autistic contrarians that make up this board hate two things: nintendo and the fact that people think it's good.
>10 Botw hate threads a day
>somehow nintendo fans are the obnoxious shitheads.
Sounds accurate. BotW is a pretty shit games liked by utterly toxic shitheads, 10 hate threads is entirely deserved.
BOTW sucks ass
>10 Botw dicksucking threads a day
>somehow nintendo fans aren't the obnoxious shitheads
you mean
>10 BOTW bait threads a day
Don't act like both sides aren't being faggots
10 hate threads made by 15 year old contrarians who have never played the game are entirely deserved?
Also thanks for proving my point, obnoxious shithead.
>Expecting logic or reasoning from newfags that think being le epic contrarian shitposter! is a culture
What did you expect? Not a dead bird?
>get called out for being obnoxious shitheads
>confirms to being obnoxious shit heads
Maybe you should get some thicker skin. If Soyfundendo kids can't handle a few bants, maybe they need to fuck off back to Resetera
Everybody already played BOTW at 4k 60FPS for free on PC. It sucks.
Are you still mad that you hate the best game in the last decade for no reason? Get a life fag.
>get called out for being obnoxious shitheads
>confirms to being obnoxious shitheads
Nintendo fans, everyone.
Are you seriously so retarded you cant think of a comeback other than to use mine? Go to school before you even think of starting conversation with me again faggot.
That's not Bloodborne
It's shills from an opposing corporation trying to kill the hype for a game. Its common tactics to spread around discredit for a game in a community to displace interest somewhere else, because if people like something for too long, they wont move on for the next new thing being released (as easily).
Shills want you to have a set amount of fun with a game, then move onto the next thing (they want you to buy). Ruins their business model if a game stays in a good light for too long.
Bloodborne was a great 9/10. NG+ is trash though, half of the bosses can be cheesed with environment so noobs can get through, DEX builds lel.
>missing the point this much
You're performing below expectations user but I can't say I'm surprised.
Odyssey feels like the true sequel to Super Mario 64, and as big of a leap forward as Super Mario 64 was.
Sunshine was too focused on it's aesthetics and elongating gameplay to make up for its lack of levels and challenges.
>being so stupid you can come up with your own comeback
>trying to cover up this stupidity with "hurr you missed the point"
Nah retard. Idiots like you dont even know how to formulate an argument/comeback let alone a valid structured point.
Try again.
Amd thank you for proving me right right about Nyfunsoytendido bring Rocco shit heads.
>someone makes a thread criticizing elements of BOTW compared to other Zelda games and other open world games
>always followed up with either the smug Zelda pic or one of several copypastas about MUH AWARDS and MUH REVIEWS before the thread descends into shitflinging
I had a ton of fun with it but there are fair nitpicks
There aren’t and should not be sacred cows
What. Maybe Reddit will find this funnier. Try going there.
>plays mario game
>complains it's too easy and feels like it was made for kids
>Nintendo fans hate our sister site now
>sister site
Why are you doing this, what do you get from it
>being this btfo
How much does it suck knowing im shitposting to you retards literally while playing Botw here? Such a good game. Stay mad faggots.
>sister site
>thinks the measure of intelligence is based on the comeback you can come up with in some pointless argument
>can't even proofread a short post to ensure his shit makes sense
>thinks he's smart for using insults like 'retard' and 'idiot'
>still missing the point this much
We'll contact you again if we ever need a blunt instrument.
Not really dude. You got blown the fuck out, just deal with it instead of being a whimpering little bitch. Jesus.
>This kind of thread is the norm now
>Especially during prime euro hours
>sister site
>has the gall to call others newshit
Kys faggot its clear this is your first week.
Is this the first time a big nintendo exclusive has come out while you were on Sup Forums or what?
Sonygroes always shitpost like mad and try to drag those through the mud. Just see BotW. The asspain caused by that game is immense to this day.
Wow big fucking surprise, people find flaws in bad games
Dude are you seriously getting blown the fuck out again and this is your dog shit response? What the fuck is going on here?
I never thought it was as good as critics said it was, it was fun but wasn't even in the top 5 for this year personally.
There was a great thread about BOTW's problems last night that actually stayed pretty civil until Europeans woke up and it descended into shitposting
>still being blown the fuck out over a video game
Hows highschool kiddo?
Btw yes, you are a fucking moron and if you cant come up with a decent comeback in a RETARDED argument over a video game then yes theres a very good chance your a stunted moron who provides nothing to society and should probably kill themselves.
No mods, AHiT will last longer.
Ther's nothing wrong with Reddit you Newtendshits
I wish I could have seen it.
you got the order wrong asshole
>universal praise from everyone including some of Sup Forums
>loved for months
>people notice people liking it
>every tiny flaw with the game is made out to be a huge deal
>6/10 at best
>easy moons
>cool to dislike
>game comes out
>have no argument
>hurr your missing the point
>being this fucking stupid
We wont contact you again. Infact how did you even get this number? Let alone handle a phone?
Oh hey, me too user!
>Hat in Time's content is so poor they literally need to steal levels from Super Mario 64 and mechanics from Odyssey
Wew lad. Tell me when that three level trash is 10 dollars on sale, maybe I'll buy it then.
Are you still playing Odyssey 100 hours later?
>hype dies down
>people discuss flaws
>still this mad he's missing the point
>they literally need to steal levels from Super Mario 64 and mechanics from Odyssey
I don't think you understand how mods work
Just kidding, glad PC bros can enjoy this game even if its through less than legal means.
Super Mario Odyssey is the best Banjo Kazooie game.
I played Odyssey for 50 hours. I played Hat in Time for about 7 hours.
Polishing a turd, etc.
>still getting blown the fuck out by just about everyone in this thread now
>multiple Ninkids missing the point
Again, as expected. Still disappointing.
>still pretending he made a valid point.
So at this point its for your ego and self esteem right? Cause i dont buy it.
Missing the point retard
I played through the main story when it first came out and then put it down. Recently came back to it for the post game and it is probably the most fun I've had with a game in a while.
ill direct your stupid ass here
>Being an actual retard while calling someone else retarded
i own the game, and while it's good it's not galaxy level of good.
>copying a comeback is somehow a valid point
The absolute state of buttblasted nu-Sup Forums. All this salt while literally playing botw couldnt be better.
NUH UH. MY side didn't start the shitposting.
Still missing the point. LOL
Didn't click your post link, how does that feel?
You pretty much lost any credibility you had when you started defending Reddit of all things.
Nah, just shitposting while working. Were any of you seriously invested? Botw's a good game though I prefer playing on Cemu. The low frame rate and blurry resolution on the Switch doesn't do it for me. That being said, I do think there's an equal amount of Botw hate and dicksucking threads on Sup Forums. Fans and haters, both as bad as each other and this little get together we just had is one such example. No idea why this game in particular elicits such strong responses from either groups.
>thread about Odyssey
>somehow turns into yet another BotW shit-flinging thread
But user they stuck a tarp halfway through a building!
> how does that feel?
Doesnt matter to me, you're the one thats becoming stupider for it.
nah this is all really shitposting cause the massive hate is unjustified and the haters are easy to piss off and have no arguments.
Im literally playing Botw right now while shitposting.
>still mad that people have standards
>still mad your favourite children's toy manufacturer can't take ten seconds to avoid an incredibly lazy mistake
I did not click your post link. I literally have no idea what post you linked. You spent all of that time trying to direct me to "some post i will never read" while you're still reading MY posts, and it obviously still matters because you are replying to ME. How does that make you feel right now at this moment?
feeling good i'm better than you
The autistic Nintendo hatred is all encompassing. When screeching about a nintendo game, the shitposter will also remember other nintendo games, which causes them to screech even louder.
Since when did Reddit come into the picture?
>You spent all of that time trying to direct me
Lol all 30 seconds while i let my horse auto run on a path to a place im heading to?
Like i said bud, it doesnt matter to me, you're the one becoming stupider for it.
Right now im feeling really good honestly. Got off the phone with my lawyer, shits cleared, playing some Zelda and making you pissbabies mad. If i had some booze right now it would be kino af.
>all of that time
not everyone struggles with basic text entry and webpage navigation, lad
nigga get your bootleg ass vgcw gary oak the fuck outta here
Nigga i like a good brew, sue me.
It's a fantastic game, ignore the underage shitters.
Nice paragraph but I'm still not clicking your link. You wrote that whole paragraph and I don't even know what it said. Never gonna read it lol. Nice try though!