Why did you like him again?

>DS, shit
>3DS, shit
>Wii, shit
>Wii U, fucking shit

Based Kimishima
>Switch, their best console since the SNES

I will never understand how people liked Iwata as the CEO when all his consoles were garbage with only a few good games and the rest being garbage.

DS, shit
>>Wii, shit

>DS, shit

Wow. Stop posting any time.

I'm sure you got great taste(TM), user.


Kimishima literally said that he will just continue what Iwata has started. The Switch started development when he was still in charge.

Still, casuals are too obsessed with head figures. He and any other CEO is only one small part of the big idea.

Pokemon RBY good
Pokemon Stadium good
Pokemon GSC good
Pokemon Stadium 2 good

Pokemon RSE shit
Pokemon Colosseum shit
Pokemon FRLG shit
Pokemon Gale of Darkness shit
Pokemon DPPt shit
Pokemon Battle Revolution shit
Pokemon BW/BW2 shit
Pokemon X/Y shit
Pokemon ORAS shit
Pokemon SuMo shit
Pokemon USUM shit

Nah senpai. Also, a console is only as good as its games and the Wii had quite a few good games.

You do realize the core concepts behind the Switch were started by Iwata and his team before his death, right?

Iwata's Switch was going to be twice as underpowered with 0 third party support and god knows how many more fuckups, Kimi fixed everything he could.

The Switch wouldn't exist without all those previous steps. It has aspects of the 3DS (touch screen, multiple displays, portability), Wii (motion controls, split controller), and Wii U (tablet design, display switching). There's absolutely no way Nintendo could have gone straight from the GameCube to the Switch.


Whichever way you look at it, he gave us more Bayonetta. I will be forever grateful for that.

>>DS, shit

>I only play mature games for mature gamers

>Switch, their best console since the SNES
You bastard son of a single mother whore weren't even born when the gamecube came out. Shut your assbirth whore mouth you shit breathing Swich $hill faggot.

wew lad

Switch sucked more then Wii U lmfao.

He's in a better place. Reunited with Nintendo at last.

too bad the dude died, he seemed like a good person. RIP.

I never did, because of him, Metroid Dread isn't getting released until 2019 or 2020 for the Switch because his ass was so fixated on the casual market, he's not as bad as Don Mattrick but he was pretty shit.