now that the nintenbros have gone to bed can we all agree this game was extremely disappointing?

now that the nintenbros have gone to bed can we all agree this game was extremely disappointing?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was a lot better than the Galaxy games.

So, no.


>It's another console war bait thread
When will Sonybros and Nintenbros stop sucking their respective company's cocks and actually play some video games?

I'd personally rank them up there with the big boys

It was fun, but I was very disappointed with the lack of challenging platforming segments. Even the optional areas removed from the rest of the level were very easy.

I felt more disappointed with BotW than I did with Mario Odyssey, but both games are very overrated.

How so? It's exactly as was promised. A solid 8/10.

How the fuck can you retards not use Dailymotion.
It takes a few minutes to split the video into chunks and a few more to upload.
DM player sucks, but if you raise the quality it'll look fine.

Sup Forums approved E-Celeb video here:

Was that hard?

Wrong thread?

but dunkey said it was good

>now that all people that have actually played this game can't refute my stupid arguments let's shit on this game like clockwork

Fuck off.

>pronounces Mario as "Merry-oh"
is he disabled?

Nope. Great for what it was and what it wanted to be, but overall a step backwards for the franchise.

>It was mary-oh brus
Tab closed. Can't even pronounce the fucking title right.

Dunkey is a f***ing nigger

how would you know if the game was good or bad without being a nintenbro?

Yep it's a true 8/10 game and no reviewer dares to say it. It's a safe product , like the MCU movies. It's really competent but it's nothing special.

>going to bed at 5:30, P.M.
You're trying way too hard.

>anything mainstream is bad analogy
Could you vompare it to Game of Thrones or something while you are at it? I'm not sure I am inderstanding the subtleties that your ingenious analogy is hinting at

it's extremely short... but good
i only paid $15 for it so it wasn't a total loss. it's unfortunate that you don't need to get that many moons before it rushes you throug the story. It's really short, and after you beat it, there's not much to motivate you to get the remaining moons. you get some outfits and that's it. at least botw has tons of content that's engaging.