Star Wars

Hey, what's your favorite Star Wars game? I like StarWars: Rogue Squadron

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Why was giant death box a cooler weapon than Starkiller Base?

I love KOTOR 2 nowadays, appreciate it much more now than when I was a little shit.
When I was a kid I would play KOTOR 1, Republic Commando, and Battlefront 2 (2005).

Because it was different and not just a biggerer death star that's stronger than all the death stars combined while also having the same weaknesses.

that level was a real bitch

Because the concept of chewing up a planet and using it to create endless swarms of AI controlled TiE fighters is neat, a deathstar that can shoot multiple targets in another systems is just powercreep and unoriginal.

Only because you had to use that piece of shit V-Wing instead of an actual fighter.


X-Wing Alliance was always my favorite.

I never understood how those things assimilated the organize material they suck up into their hull.

starkill base was fucking retarded. Don't tell me that a collapsed Empire would have the resources, technology, manpower, and ability to turn an entire fucking planet into a fucking superweapon capable of destroying an entire system.

And how the actual fuck would they do that covertly? Transportation of equipment alone would be fucking obvious. I mean, maybe if the base was constructed over the course of 200 years or some shit, but not fucking 30.

nu-wars has completely changed audiences. It now seeks people who don't think about things, want to be dazzled by pretty lights, and want to feel accepted because they like something that is now considered "cool". Because of this shit is going to die out fast.

If your top 5 Star Wars games isn't (in any order):

- Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast
- Battlefront 1 or 2 (original)
- the first Rogue Squadron
- Republic Commando

you're not white and you're a retard.

Never understood why you couldn't just fly an x-wing or a y-wing for that mission

Magic Tractor Beams.

They were a very cool concept.

Although Snoke Command Ship actually being a mobile shipyard is actually really cool. I wonder if we're going to have Punished Supremacy flying around with patches over the missing wing...

But this V-Wing was the best
>shoots like a gazillion lasers a second
>shoots seeking missiles that track like a motherfucker

Reminder that this is what replaced the old EU canon.

But those homing cluster missiles were super useful for taking you those.. tie-d's I think they were called? I think it would be difficult to individually track each one and still get a medal. At least the laser overload skill was useful for taking out the legs.

fucking hell, man


Considering it was in the "Unknown Regions" and the Republic was playing Neville Chamberlain to Snokes Hitler it was probably remarkably easy in terms of secrecy. We also have comfirmation of entire planets being enslaves to fuel Snokes War Machine from several character in the last Jedi. Although there might not be as much exposition as some people would like in TLJ it is there if you listen.

People also need to stop comparing 2 movies to 6 movies alongside 25 years of cominc, books and videogames as well.


You left the flight sims and the Dark Forces games out of your list.

The "collapsed empire" is actually stronger than the real one now minus palpatine and vader, the republic actually joined the First Order hoping to avoid war and the resistance is like two dozen people instead of an entire army of rebels

I think im the only person who played galactic battlegrounds.

far from it

I played it more than AoE2

I can’t believe it to not be fake

I got you user, that was my first RTS and 7 year old me loved marching waves of storm troopers to crush the rebel scum.

Reminder anyone who says jka cause of mp is autistic.

huh, alright my bad. Looks like I should read up more on this stuff. Seems like the reading I did after the movie wasn't enough.

>The "collapsed empire" is actually stronger than the real one now
but how did they amass so much shit in such a short time? The original Empire had the advantage of ruling the entire galaxy. They didn't have to sneak around.

Also are the New Republic's actions really believable? They just seem stupid to the point of being a plot device. "Hey lets make a truce and agree to reduce our military with some lovely chaps responsible for literal planetary genocide. It's also been documented that a non-trivial portion of the fleet just disappeared elsewhere but I'm sure it's fiiiine"

Lastly, Luke's actions don't make any sense. Why would he fuck off when he knows Snoke is gunning for galactic conquest? Again, it seems like a cheap excuse to cause a conflict so that they could have a story.

>comfirmation of entire planets being enslaves to fuel Snokes War Machine
how did this escape the New Republic's eye? Surely planetary staging grounds would be obvious.

Well this was the top 5, cuts had to be made.

I'm the one you replied to, I was just giving you some information about the First Order, all the shit you brought up isn't really explained and the movies themselves are hot garbage, I only watch them to see kylo ren and hope the First Order does something cool and I still end up dissapointed

Rogue Leader wasw my favorite for when I wanted that comfy OT feeling. It also has the greatest first level everr in aStar Wars game with a damn near 1 to 1 recreation of the Death Star assault.

A heavily modded Jedi Academy is my stuff for when I want some Lightsaber action though.



That Kyle II mission was a bitch

>fly near the vacuum thing
>get sucked in and die
hey, you're not supposed to have this much technology yet, game, fuck you Factor 5

I can't decide between Rogue Leader or OG Battlefront. Battlefront makes you really feel like a little army dude fighting these fuckhuge battles that some kid is putting together with action figures, and has great mods.
But Rogue Leader really makes you feel like you're playing an OT Star Wars movie, moreso than any other game in the franchise.

Nah, this is my shit. I honestly prefer it over vanilla AOE2, even if the only big big difference, the aircraft, are pretty useless.

I miss him bros.........

this has to be a fan fiction.

Empire at War with mods
OG Battlefront 2
Republic Commando
Jedi Outcast/Academy
Revenge of the Sith for PS2

I loved this game. It was actually much better balanced and more fluid in my opinion than AoE2 due to all the units being ranged.

This fucking picture, with one quote it epitomized everything the character of Luke is supposed to be that Disney shit on. Holy shit.


The ultimate irony is that it is far better competitive game than AOE2 is, but nobody will ever discover that fact.

>no one posted Galaxies yet
Im disappointed in you guys

Like shooting Y-Wings do ya?

Is the emulator still an unfinished mess?

This is all coming from Wookiepedia's Canon pages, so if you want sources I'll be sourcing from there. I know it's there because I'm a turbo-autist.

>but how did they amass so much shit in such a short time? The original Empire had the advantage of ruling the entire galaxy. They didn't have to sneak around.

I believe Sidious was fascinated by the Unknown Regions because he felt a tremendous Dark Side presence somewhere in the Nebula (it was apparently Snoke?) and sent in a very large expeditionary force into the Unknown Regions as a result. This was covered in a Disney-sanctioned novel or comic (forget which) but it is now technically canon. It was this huge fleet that provided the logistics and raw technical supplies to begin rapid at-scale production.

The New Republic sympathizers were apparently Imperial loyalists, so I suppose it's like having a bunch of pissed off minorities see a real opportunity to be relevant again.

> Lastly, Luke's actions don't make any sense. Why would he fuck off when he knows Snoke is gunning for galactic conquest? Again, it seems like a cheap excuse to cause a conflict so that they could have a story.

Fuck if I know, Rian Johnson destroyed Luke's character utterly. Retarded writing.

>how did this escape the New Republic's eye? Surely planetary staging grounds would be obvious.

Well with their HQ being the Unknown Regions it's likely that Republic spies would have had a hell of a time finding anything that they didn't already know was there.

The fact that it took outside sources to explain all of this bullshit is retarded and a sign of poor filmmaking.

>oh shit. This Snoke bastard is clearly gonna try to conquer the galaxy and probably kill a few hundred billion in the process
>lol fuck that imma go be a hermit and suck on alien tit


Those missile turrets were tough. I don't remember much about that mission but I don't get a good feeling when I think about it

>The EU's whole problem is widely acknowledged to be too many super weapons with creeping power levels
>Immediately create an even more stupid version of the Sun Crusher

Then with the next movie they just flat out ignored all the older lore and set the next movie up as a repeat of the worst part of Rebels.
Not to mention the absolutely idiotic massive 'death star tech' inchworm that had to slowly move into position, to create a little hole in a single piece of armor.

I thought Rogue Squadron and Commando wasn't that great

It's okay to have bad taste user.


Take out Battlefront (they were just bad reskins of Battlefield with bad netcode) and put in Star Wars Galaxies

Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
Jedi Outcast
Shadows of the Empire

I still regularly play the Battle of Endor COOP on that game.

thanks for all the info, user.

>The New Republic sympathizers were apparently Imperial loyalists, so I suppose it's like having a bunch of pissed off minorities see a real opportunity to be relevant again.

I still find it difficult to believe that after the Empire's tyranny and genocide that the war's winners would be so weak and allow themselves to be pushed around and stymied by sympathizers, but whatever. It's also weird that there is a massive unknown region in the galaxy, considering how old the star wars universe is, but again, whatever. At least they tried to rationalize things.


49% audience score on RT

Holy fuck it reads like retarded fanfiction. I couldn't get past the flatulence. Wtf. Even the Crystal Star was better.

press S to spit on its grave

I never paid any attention to the new movies but that's fucking retarded. Each point there is like the exact opposite of what should have happened after RotJ


>"Honors the saga's rich legacy"

modern-day critics are a joke in every field now it seems

The damage control from these shill critics has been even better. It's like the election all over again.

{rasping, wheezing voice, like you have emphysema}Why have you... done this?... decades of preparation... so much good, undone...

>The Mouse asked me to get rid of you.

{rasping, wheezing voice, like you have emphysema}Those snakes? ...for them? sad, misguided... whore.

The core problem here is that the movies chose to rehash the plot of the original movies too closely and expect the audience to accept their new villain force like they accepted the Empire when Star Wars began.

The problem is you can't do that in the middle of an established storyline, it doesn't make sense and doesn't jive with what happened in the original movies. Sure it's all explained in the EU but A) that's a shitty tactic to sell more merchandise while making a lazy and badly written movie and B) that reeks of rationalizing a shitty decision after the fact than having thought about the idea properly at all.

Imagine in DBZ if you went straight from Planet Namek exploding right into the Cell Games with no recap or explanation who Cell is or why he's there or why the characters or the planet knows about him. Imagine the retard fanboys trying to defend that decision, "it would take up too much screen time explaining boring backstory" "other villains are just accepted as being the main villain they don't need explanation" "the books and comics explain it all you don't need it in the movie".

Bunch of shit it is. And it's also because they rehashed the Empire, if the villains were the Yuuzhan Vonh flying their dick ships from their bioplanet then it would be easier to accept that they can come out of nowhere than "Empire 2.0 complete with new old man".

>It's like the election all over again
Sup Forums go

Missing JTL, but that's it

it kinda feels like ordinary people vs. corporate media and other elites. People aren't buying what they're selling and when that happens they freak the fuck out. Trying to control and/or manipulate the internet (well, mainly social media, which basically is the internet now) is just going to stir up a fuckton of shit.

it's truly a damn mess. It's like they went for pure feeling but didn't stop to think if any of it made sense
>whoa, this FEELS like star wars!
>whoa, these these scenes sure are dramatic!
>these references and old characters will surely create a feeling of nostalgia!
>the audience is sure to feel something after we subvert all their expectations!
>yeah but none of this makes any goddamn sense. Nor is it proper, sensible story telling

I don't want to condone anything, but remember it wasn't like the rebels were the superior force.
They got wiped out in Rogue One (and at Endor, realistically), and it was more good luck than good management that they were able to take out both Death Stars, as well as the two top men of the Empire.
They didn't get rid of everyone else, so it's not unreasonable that there wouldn't be the whole rest of the Empire which wasn't at Endor wouldn't still be rocking some shit (which i think was addressed in the EU), compared to the Republic forces who comprised of what was left after RotJ and some people partying before the credits.

Frankly shit writing in both areas.

You are exactly right. Honestly TLJ was of such egregious quality that it's had the inverse effect and made me love the old Star Wars again. What everyone sick of this garbage should be doing is spread as much awareness about the pre-Disney stuff as possible while making it clear in a concise way what's so goddamn awful about Nu-Wars. What's happened with TLJ has proven the mouse can bleed.
> On popular review aggregator Douban, the new film is rated a fairly weak 7.3, based on over 43,000 reviews. The most upvoted review complains that “the whole film really insults the IQ of its audience,” and demands to know how the universe could possibly be ruled by such an incompetent Galactic Empire. “In Star Wars, it seems only Darth Vader had a brain — it’s such a shame he’s already dead,” the reviewer concludes.
>Other factors, according to Chen, include Chinese audiences’ preference for physically attractive protagonists and stories rooted in reality. He points out that, for example, superhero films from Marvel — a Disney cash cow that has enjoyed great success in China — feature recognizable settings, such as New York and even China, and are filled with larger-than-life leads who meet the public’s aesthetic standards. The Star Wars characters, meanwhile, look ordinary by comparison.
>“These actors aren’t very beautiful, which may deter a lot of Chinese from seeing the recent films,” said Chen

Kotor 1 and 2
Rogue squadron 3
Masters of teras kasi

Does anyone here remember Gungan Frontier?

It was a Simlife-esque game where the Gungans were setting on a moon of Naboo, and your task was to create a functioning biosphere that the colonists could harvest resources from sustainably.

Or you could play on Easy mode and spam Fambaa's, but who would do that?

>Only because you had to use that piece of shit V-Wing instead of an actual fighter.

I'm not sure if it's been retconned (don't think so) but after endor the alliance legit rekted the Empire. I think that crazy bastard sidious put some plan into place that would destroy the empire if he was ever not in charge? It's been too long. In addition lots of planets were revolting and some began waging their own wars to get the Empire the fuck out. And again, it's hard to imagine that these same people suddenly went soft and got fucked around with sympathizers to the point that they began to demilitarize.

Also I think it's telling that as time goes on I like Sidious more and more. He's the most passionate fucking character in the series and clearly loves what he does. The original protags are the only ones that can give him a run for his money

Based Chinese. With any luck the mouse will stop hating money, go after that market, and return to proper storytelling. if film critics are any indication of a country's quality we're so fucked

huh, that actually sounds pretty comfy

to be fair the controls did go to hell if you went too high chasing one of those shit-eating ties

>Echoing the sentiments of many fellow fans, Wang and Chen both described the new film as visually appealing but riddled with issues such as atypical behavior from established characters. Luke Skywalker was particularly disappointing to Wang, who felt that the character’s brooding behavior didn’t jibe with the resilience and fearless optimism of the young Luke he had come to know from the original trilogy.

holy shit even chinks realize it

>when you manage to do what the prequels didn't and kill star wars




KOToR 1 (2 is boring sry)
Republic Commando
Galactic Battlegrounds
Jedi Outcast

>Racers Revenge
>KOTOR 1&2
>Jedi Academy
>Jedi Power Battles
>Battlefront 2 Ps2 and PC
>Rouge Squadron
>Republic Commando
Maybe Phantom Menace just for the nostalgia.

>Take out Battlefront (they were just bad reskins of Battlefield with bad netcode)
You couldn't be any wronger.

glad i didnt see it haha

damn he killed the fuck outta that floor

>Galactic Battlegrounds
Is that the RTS will literally all the Factions? That shit was fucking epic.

what in the fuck


Different countries, different standards.

>Fuck you
>Fuck that guy
>Fuck this floor
>Hey.......fuck that shit too
>Fuck the floor again just to be sure

All of the Phantom Menace and OT factions yeah. Very comfy game.

rogue leader was better than squadron. Fighting a star destroyer for real was amazing the first time, then at endor you fight two

The Force Unleashed series. The second game was way too short, so I just play it whenever I replay the first game. Also, pretty cool how different the PS2 version is. Almost a completely different game.

could somebody post the Jap review about Snoke dying shabbily without dignity?


These games were fucking terrible. You don't have to go full contrarian and pretend these games hold up.

piloting a b-wing in that game was fucking sweet
wtf is that

Star Wars Rogue Leaders release never.

>"Last Jedi" started burying the thought by Luke Skywalker himself in just a few minutes to start. As soon as revealed, Luke was exhausted and closed his mind. But was there really a need to let Luke throw away the light saver? The depiction of this kind should have been the work of a robot chicken that is a parody. If you show that you want to refuse, you should have just returned it to Ray or just drop it. The abandoned Saber was coincidentally found on the ground, but there is a possibility that it could not be recovered by falling into the sea as it was. The slippery comedy sense only invites disillusionment.
>And the new Star Wars Force will abandon its dignity and abandon its dignity. Searching for how to destroy the shield with 'Force of Force' When Fins mouths with 'Let's use the force', Han solo warned that "Force is not like that." However, suddenly in the "last Jedi", depictions that doubt that "Force is not such a thing" will appear dramatically and often. Leia thrown into outer space flies like Krypton star and survives and Rei and Cairo Len make Skype calls through the Force. Luke's alter ego suggests that the future Star Wars "is already there". Like the strange Pogue which nests without permission inside the Millennium Falcon that should be the place of remembrance, "the last Jedi" enters the sanctuary with shoes.

>Snook eventually was not revealed to anyone but died shabbly without being given dignity.