>install Demon’s Souls
>realise the skill ceiling after 1-2
Install Demon’s Souls
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dumb fuck; you're too stupid for this convo.
>play demon's souls
>abuse the shit out of item duping
>actually have fun without worrying about grinding and farming
>having to grind and farm in a souls game
>skill ceiling after 1-2
I seriously hope you're not implying 1-2 was where the difficulty peaked. It's like you forgot the rest of the game.
Where are you supposed to go after 1-2?
>he doesn't know
When those servers turn back on they will stop you user heh nothing personal.
2-1 is hard as fuck
He's not wrong you have to install every PS3 game you own in order to play it.
How does this hold up now? Is it worth going back and playing this or has it aged like ass?
It's not even 10 years old, you mongoloid.
its ok, its just very easy if you played any other souls game
Funny how demons souls looks better than both dark souls 1 and 2
That's because those are pc screenshots. :^)
hardest game ever
Except you literally don't. Almost none of my games required an install
Which emulator is this?
Use a piercing weapon. Then a crushing weapon when you eventually reach the skeletons.
best game in the series tbqh
true played it in a ps3 like a month ago, textures looked terrible, but gameplay is still fun
That doesn't mean it can't be dated as fuck you clown.
Bruh they have to install after the download. All PS3 games had to do this, even PSP games had to do this.
No, dark souls 1 on pc blows demons souls out of the water
>15 fps
Nigger what? I literally never once had to install a PSP game
Only the downloads had to initially. Later on UMDs had an option to install for faster load times.
I have what looks like a rapier, is it good enough?
That's on my work computer.
You can play this in 4k at 30 fps with an actual gaming pc.
Sadly, it's locked at 30 fps. Nothing can change that.
A spear would be better, but a rapier should do better than a sword.
>If it's fleshy, cut it
>If it's scale-y, stab it
>If it's boney, crush it
>If it's weird, burn it
>If it's not working, magic
Is licensing the reason why DeS hasn't gotten a PS4 remaster? What about Dark Souls 1? I love the series but DS3 is terribly boring in most parts and frankly has the worst replay value by a country mile. Still a great game but fucking hell mass expanse of enemy devoid areas in the first half (DLC included) just kills any desire to play the game on NG+ or star a separate NG. Even the better areas are just not "fun". DeS is by far the best with regards to a perfect atmosphere and the ability to take different paths in each playthrough.
You must be 18 years old to post on this website.
The Demon's Souls IP belongs to Sony, so there's technically no reason for them not to release a remaster.
Since Dark Souls belongs to Bandai Namco this could get in the way of a remaster collection for the whole Souls franchise, like the Metal Gear Collection.
Yeah DS3 is boring. From software is working on their new IP so no remasters from them...
demons is the easiest souls game tho also extremely exploitable
Are you seriously asking this for a fucking PS3 game you underage idiot
From Software wouldn't do the remasters themselves anyways, just like how they didn't handle the PC ports.
Just finished it, it's my favorite.
I fucking loved the game structure, levels, characters and weapons.
It's just fucking good, a real mastepiece when you think about you think that it was released in the first months of 2009.
A lot of the "cult" ideas in Dark Souls are actually from this game.
Somebody else can do it. Actually, remasters are almost always handled by third-party studios.
>Demon Souls in 9 years old
>PS2 could be considered retro
>time keeps passing by
Well fuck
False. A good 70-75% of my PS3 games required an install.
Find the katana in 4-1
Demon's >>>>>Dark Souls 1=Bloodborne> Dark souls 2 >>Dark Souls 3
Ds2 was bad but at least it had redeeming qualities. DS3 was garbage all around.
Out of my 40 or so games less than 10 needed an install
nigger there were like 2 psp games that offered you to install for faster loading times and shit
>skill ceiling
I'm going to assume you mean difficulty spike, and even then it's weird because Tower Knight is pretty formidable himself. Do 2-1. Hold block when you see the dogs.
I've always noticed this meme.
Demons Souls not only runs at a higher resolution than Dark Souls, but it has much better lighting.
Dark Souls PC has noticeably better texture but when you compare both console games, DeS is superior.
>You can play this in 4k at 30 fps with an actual gaming pc.
No you can't.
1 still looks better than DeS even on consoles. But PC looks great and blows both out on consoles and DeS emulated. DeS has that very early PS3/360 game aesthetic and it's pretty hideous with the horrible bloom and muddy almost non existent textures and the weird blur on stuff
It doesn't man. It's lower resolution and has worse lighting. Read my post bro.
Is it possible to play it with a semi decent rig? Or do you need and 1080 to play.
That's not what skills ceiling means
Just compare a screenshot or video of both. DeS by far looks worse
Anyone who says that Demon's Souls looks better than Dark Souls is delusional.
>it's pretty hideous with the horrible bloom and muddy almost non existent textures
lol, no.
OK i will but this world tendency bullshit scares me
Try actually playing the game since it came out sweety~~~
I have played both games and both of those things I've stated are just how it is. Dark Souls character models are also smaller which might imply a lower polycount. I do know I had a lot easier time making ok looking DeS chars compared to DaS too.
>all that attention to lighting
>somehow bad
And what are those I see, textures?
All I see is blur, bloom, N64 textures and an ugly game
Spotted the asshurt PCfag that will never actually play DeS.
>a photo of a PS3 game
No shit it's blurry and both games have crazy bloom. Dark Souls looks even worse in these same conditions because of the already lower resolution.
Someone explain to me why people whine about DS3 being "too grey" but kiss DeS' ass for being the "most atmospheric"?
user, please.
Lol I've had and beat demons souls for many many years even before dark souls 1 came out my friend. The game looked mediocre when it came out as well. Not a single from game has ever had good grafics
Demons souls is the ultimate pleb filter. Guarantee you most of the typical "XD hard game hehe!' crowd has never even touched this game
> Be Demon's Souls
> Instigate revolution in gaming
> First game in major franchise
> Franchise gets named after the sequel
> Demon's Souls relegated to obscurity despite being most innovative game of an entire console generation and literally creating a genre
Looks like shit even at 4k
Not everyone's playing on PS3 m80.
Because DeS has the best sound design. DS3 is objectively gray though, but what does that have to do with DeS?
>posts a snip from a youtube video
>that video isn't even set to 4k
Shitpost harder you cunt.
I feel exactly the same as you except switch DS2 with 3.
The thought just came to me looking at these DeS screencaps.
DS3 zones have limited palettes sure, but the game is no where near as grey as DeS.
DeS does have my personal favorite soundtrack of the bunch, but visually DS3 exceeds all the other Souls games.
I agree with this, but I think DS3 was ok.
The only problem is that it was nowhere near as ambitious and passionate as Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne, DS3 being merely a commissioned sequel.
>random spikes of 2 FPS
>particle effects not working right
>graphics are completely fucked from being upscaled
Wow, so this is the PC experience huh?
He was playing it at 4k and taking a snip from a video doesn't fucking matter. You retards try to hide behind that when you're wrong. All the video does is add artifacts. If anything it should hide how ugly the game is.
The video doesn't add the gross blur around everything, it doesn't change the mediocre and offputting lighting system, it doesn't add bloom, it doesn't change how shitty the textures are, it doesn't change how low poly the environments and monsters are.
Don't be a fucking retard. But considering you're a blatant fanboy I guess there's no way you couldn't be a retard.
Yeah for sure it has good graphics but the colors without mods are just gray, gray, more gray. DeS had my favorite art design even though it was pretty basic in graphics.
The snip you took shows the game with settings under 4k WITH the motion blur going wack. You're such a fucking faggot. You couldn't make the game look worse if you tried.
>works on my ps3
The fucking entirety of demons souls consisted of
>darker gray
>lighter gray
>down weird dark green
>And more gray
Oh hey it looks worse here!
Did the same. Helped with the Plat.
I have plenty of Pure Bladestone if anyone needs it.
Nigga how is it any grayer than DeS?
And I'm not criticizing DeS for being too gray either, it makes sense for a land shrouded in a colorless fog.
Your picture isn't even leaning towards gray though, that's green with all sorts of other colors. And in DS3's case it's a filter that is simply gray. It was fun to remove it with mods because the game can look pretty great with some color.
DeS had mostly green and orange hues which are great colors to frame the series with.
Proper level order for a newbie:
3-1, 5-1, 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 5-2, 3-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-3, 2-3, 1-4, 1-2, 1-3, 1-1
easiest game ever I always do valley of defilement asap. Scrubs
this is literally bloodborne
Outside of that tiny gang bang island, Valley of defilement ain't very hard.
Except it's not a blurry shitty mess with chromatic abberation running at
>Nigga how is it any grayer than DeS?
Just look at your screenshot man. It's slathered with a gray filter. It's so gray it almost entirely mutes the orange from fire.
>he's never played DeS
Hellooooo reddit!