OwO what's this?

OwO what's this?

a shit game

silence nerd

posting the same shit over and over wont make it less pointless

Another PS4 exclusive)


so consoles are finally getting the pc version?

Remakestation 4 Pro™

The port is mediocre save for DSfix, a third fucking party software

even if they remastered it they STILL wouldn't finish it
lazy fuckers

If it's another lazy "remaster" with upscaled resolution I don't care.

doesnt change the fact that the pc version is the best version even if the ps4 gets a "remastered" version

In three words, explain why you like Dark Souls so much. I've never played it.

a remake of a game i got into, but my ps3's died before i could make any real progress.


Why not Demon?

Because unlike your post, it doesn't artificially limit you.

>oh please is not even that old

Oh god.

question: why does Sony get the good Souls games (Demon's, Bloodborne) while the rest only get the bad ones (I, II and III)?

t. reddit

literally unfinished mate


and it still manages to be the best one

The best Dark Souls? Yes. Behind Demon's and Bloodborne, though.

Lmao nope
i see that sonybro touched a nerve though
the salt it will produce from you guys will be gold, DaS remaster ;)

6th gen style action adventure RPG with multiplayer and decent combat mechanics

this is literally the same post from /dsg/
pushing your shitpost for summerslam doesn't make it any more real

Frankly both DaS and DeS need remasters more than other games getting them (and that SoTC remake is superfluous) when DaS runs like absoloute shit on every platform including PC and no it is not excusable that some shit third party "fix" is the way to play and DeS is inching closer to death and just deserves a second lease on life after sony kicked it to the curb

>browsing /vg/

But the mutliplayer is so bad.