Jesus fuck

Jesus fuck

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This what the Rick and Morty audience thinks is hot shit now?

Also vidya tats thread
bonus points if you can make me cringe

great thread OP

>everything I don’t like is all connected together

I wonder what user thinks about the Jews

No, it's what the baneposters think is hot.
But there's probably some overlap.

You do not know da wey

>t. nu-male soyboy

delete this


Damn, I don't think anyone ever got a Pool's Closed or Club Penguin tattoo. This is pretty bad.

Yeah because Pool's Closed wasn't forced and was actually funny.



this was before idiots flooded the internet and facebook


I usually try to stay away and ignorant to new shitty memes, but I'm curious. Someone explain this new shitty meme to me before this thread gets deleted.

Fuck off Soynigger.

Its just ppl on vrchat with thick ugandan accents asking if ppl knew the way.

It was funny at first but then got tiring quickly w kids floodin the game and not comming up with original phrases.

But then it hit reddit and social media and became casual garbagio

Subtle vidya tattoos thread?

Is knuckles the king of vidya memes?


t. polygon "contributor"


I'm fucking crying, my sides

>Sup Forumscunts triggered this easily

Proof that anybody with tattoos is mentally ill.

>semitic spacing
Gee I wonder who's behind this post.

>Video starts
>Funny, I laff
>Gets obnoxious 53 seconds in
>[Laughter stops]
Internet jokes are dead, Leeroy Jenkins is rolling in his grave.

Can someone post the original image that led to the screaming soyboy getting a console meme?

Baneposter here. This meme is hot garbage

>capitalizing jews

You glow in the dark, fiend.

Nah, I never got super into either but Bane posting would at least make me laugh every now and then. This shit is just retarded.

Once again with your satanic worshipping memes?

It was from some dedicated autist spamming random pictures of unkempt white nerds with t heir mouths open for photos. It really kind of started with the no man's sky launch picture, then people started spamming more pictures like it an autistic amount once that sort of face got labeled a "soyboy" face and autists started searching peoples' social media profiles to find similar pictures for collages to spam here.

Kinda boring desu

Oh yeah i remember the no man sky guy
He was making that face holding a dvd of the game

Never gets old.

the cat fucked him up pretty good too

good kitty.

>ywn get a fad of the month meme tattoo
feels good to be not retarded

Based cat hating sony

Damn the cat took offense to his soy

cat has good taste in vidya

this is why you file down your cats claws

Less to no social media. VR chat is overrun with memtubers and fucking normies right now who want to do what they saw in "that funny tweet xD"

Social media is to blame for a lot of shit. I know idiots will bring up the "muh secrit club" meme, but yes, VR Chat was a lot more enjoyable before the influx of social media retards.

At least mine have staying power.

Too bad it got euthanized.

>purposefully organized "raid" for the express purpose of doing that shit
>It wasn't forced!

Are you some kind of retarded child born without a brainstem

Guarantee this guy gets more pussy than you.

Was it just for that one instance or what?

>side cut
he deserved worse


actually cats survive those attacks regularly

jesus. I got my shit fucked up trying to break up a massive cat fight between my pet cat and a stray that wandered on to our porch and my scratches looked nothing like that. He spooked the kitty pretty bad

>Not being hip on the kikes.

that's sad to hear.


Why do people do this?

in your dreams, soynyboy

Not a big fan of the meme but I kinda like that tattoo

>something is spammed
>idiots tattoo it on their ass

>tfw no porn of that nurse getting railed

i saw this today and laughed, and there's nothing you can do about it

Who the fuck on facebook or at your local highschool party is going to know what the hell Club Penguin is you fucking nerd? This is all about socialfag points.

That's silly. Obviously the cat was trying to get at the wrapping paper flying around and missed. Like if you don't want you cat to jump at you, don't wiggle things that will trigger its predator instincts right in front of your face.

When I had a cat that was too aggressive I gave him to a farm I lived near, he was happy there.

>all these underage kids now swarming into vrchat trying to recreate it
I hate 12 year olds

>If a dog did this it would be put down
>It's okay for a cat to do this


Case in point

Goes on a minute and a half too long. You have to know how far to go with jokes before they become ded.

It's a high and tight, he's an EMT.

>fucked him up pretty good
that cut is just barely through the skin you soft cunt

>Getting tattoos
Might as well pierce your dick too desu.

Decent size dog would do more damage.

Soyboys should fear pussy.

How'd the cat just attack him like that?
Like, both my cats are so chill, they don't really care no matter how much you drag them across the floor or throw around places.
Neither has ever scratched anything, not even furniture, nor has as much as hissed at someone.

Is vid related just poor ownership, so the cat feels like it is in danger in that household? Or is it just poor training and not enough care and love?

>Mass linking posts
One of the prime indicators of a faget.

for a small housecat to do that, it's not bad

cats hate nu-males

Who are you quoting, my analapined user?

probably saw his autistic flailing as a physical threat against him, so the cat attacked accordingly

close the video dumbass

Could be anything, might be an outside cat that's used to fighting, they could have adopted one that had a poor owner before, and some cats are just aggressive as fuck if you're down on their level.
Cats see territory vertically too, so going down to the floor level like that and flailing about like a spastic can be seen as a challenge to their authority, and cats are alpha af

doesn't matter, it looks gay
might as well shave it all

a little dog, no
a big dog, yes
big dogs have legitimately fucking killed people

y tho

>pit bull does this
>"wow pits are the niggers of dogs"
>cat does this
>"haha good kitty fuck that soyboy"

most big dogs don't even bark at you

It was probably trying to attack the wrapping paper and him acting like a fool made the cat more excited and it missed.

No wonder people shitpost as Sup Forums. It's guaranteed (you)s
All these newfags taking the bait over and over think everyone who posts is 100% genuine

that's one swipe of the claw for a housecat. he was holding back

>pit bull does this
>two people die, including a baby, cops need to mag dump into the dog to make it let go of its owner's throat
>cat does this
>some minor scratches

cats dont kill people

Are they actually real people putting on an accent or is it just soundbites?

>Pit bull does it
>person is dead
>cat does it
>gets an owee

The cat got scared by the retard.
The bulldogs fron that cat video incident attacked the cat for no reason while pathetic excuse for an owner couldn't restraint them.

the cat didn't do shit, probably sunk it's claw in, but then the dude threw it away whilst the claws are still in and that caused damage

The DNA of the soul Jack