[Finish Chapter 3] 67% of players got this

[Finish Chapter 3] 67% of players got this

Sorry I have a life

>kill first tutorial boss in any dark souls game
>30% have completed this

then dont buy games

I still haven't finished the witcher 3. Bought it at release

I have a friend who buys literally every major AAA title on all consoles, on release day.
He just finished his PS3 backlog last Fall.
He's finally moved onto playing current gen, despite owning it all since launch.

>[Finish Chapter 3] 67% of players got this

>[Finish Chapter 4] 74% of players got this

>yfw only 58% of people who ever played bloodborne even beat gascoigne
>all the endings are around 20%

58% is high though

What made you think he bought it?

I never beat the Taurus demon
Fuck dark souls


>beat the first boss: 70%
> platinum: 50%

[Finish Chapter 3] 0% of players got this.

>open the game

is that the guy with the dogs and the two mallets

>be American

No its the fatty who jumps up unto to the bridge in undead burge. The area was restricted and my roll was too slow to dodge his attacks so he stunlocked me to death

>Launch the game
>56% of people have completed this

Taurus demon literally kills himself if you just walk around a bit

climb up the ladder and jump down on his head

The real phantom pain

I got the 100% completion list trophy in Yakuza 0 but I can’t be bothered to plat it because of the climax battle missions

the combat in that game is too atrocious

>[Start the game] 95% of players got this


Did you only try once? I can understand dying once or twice if youre new to the game but for fucks sake man it isnt hard


I was mocking people for this sort of shit in the past but then I realized that my backlog is already longer than my projected lifespan and it's not so funny anymore.

>finish tutorial
>0.5% of players got this

Taurus Demon is like baby's first boss (literally first boss after the tutorial area). Only tricky thing about him is that two archers are shooting arrows into your asshole during the fight unless you spot the ladder leading to them and kill them first.

Ive tried on and off for 3 years. Usually twice month ill start it up and play for 3 ish hours in undead burg trying to beat the fucker but I can't fucking kill him. I'm too lazy to make a new playthrough and shit. I can't attack him from the tower more than once because his fat ass stands in the way of the ladder.

>10% players played beat the campaign

>[find yennefer] 50% got this

>only 1% of players did thing
aww yeah, I'm a beast
>everything has a low percentage and nobody has played this game, I'm not special.


>Do incredibly basic task like using an item for an obvious purpose or exploring menus and customization
>Get trophy
>Less than 1% got this


>PEACE: Disarm all nuclear warheads
>only 0.1% of players got this


>haven't even found the fucker yet
Fuck Yarnham, I'll go play DaS instead.

>16% of players beat father gasgione

gascan wasnt even hard desu, beat him first try
might be because im a hunter axe shitter but still, even cleric beast took me a few tries

Ok that's actually kinda funny Jew.

post more examples of people spending money to not have fun

Part of me kind of respects the dedication to finishing the backlog

post of the month desu

>>yfw only 58% of people who ever played bloodborne online even beat gascoigne


This one I believe is down to stupidity the game got bombed with reviews remember because people booted up the game and it was in 480p for some of them and they didn't know the launcher had graphics settings

> Stop Roche from killing Henselt
This is the power of rape.

Fucking Jet Set Radio. Tutorial is harder than the actual game.

thats some pretty advanced stupidity, but I'd believe it. do the percentages account for refunded products?

Way too high dude

>0.89% of players have this
>Literally just completing a campaign


daily reminder that there are faggots browsing these boards who haven't 100% this game or gotten all steam achievements.
Why have you guys killed yourselves yet?

>steam achievements
wew lad

dont even wanna see the % for uber lab jesus

I literally couldn't finishing the game killed my drive to even open it again

there's people like me who have never played a single Metal Gear game

No you don't.

>achievement tracker

>having a life

>beat the first boss
>beat the middle boss
>beat the final boss

Back when it was released, Crescent Pale Mist had a plat trophy, they eventually removed it and one of the golds for some reason, but I do remember it taking me about 250 hours to get the plat in that shitty game and only like 0.04% of players had it. Aside from the fact that it surprises me that that many people even bought the game for the % to be that small, it also surprises me that anyone else even bothered, at least 20 of those hours were dedicated to gitting gud just to clear a single puzzle and get the 3 artifacts that were locked behind it, if you played the game, which I fucking doubt because it was shit and I have no idea why I did either, then you probably attempted the pumpkin bouncing puzzle in world 4 I think it was, that fucking thing was the highest difficulty ramp in any sidescroller I've ever played.


>uber lab
What's that?

Hey thats me. I just didnt like Nioh. Played until I completed the level with the black blob sea monster and just stopped out of boredom.

The loot system is too autistic for me

>I have a life
>posts on Sup Forums

Kek, try again buddy

>10% of the players couldn't beat gundyr and just gave up

'Cause it's a disappointingly bad game, user

I just knew some guy would be this... Only came to this thread because i expected it to be first post.

Was dissapointed.

>completing TW campaigns
top kek lad
The The fun in TW is when you are still small and struggling, reaching the campaign goals is just tedium after you've become powerful.

[Finish Campaign on any difficulty] 28% of players got this

AKA all the people on Sup Forums who say Dark Souls II is better

Considering how goddamn easy Deacons of the Deep is it's probably people who just lost interest in the game.

Remake's achievements are pretty depressing though. 18% beat the game as Jill, 12% beat the game as Chris.

That's actually not relevant.
The game becomes too easy if you're doing great. You just think "I have already won, why would I spend next 10 hours pressing Next Turn?"

You might have ADD, you should see a doctor.

>You might have ADD, you should see a doctor.

>playing Total War grand campaign for 50+ hours
>you have ADD

>needing 50+ hours to complete a single campaign

Yes, you need 50+ if you're not playing on kid's difficulty

More than 1/4 of the people that played DD on PC never got to the point where you make your pawn.

Almost 30% of the people who own Skyrim on steam never killed a dragon.

I agree with this guy I rarely finish campaigns. I had to force myself to conquer all of grorious Nippon once for the achievement though. You just know when you have won and can just autoresolve everything with your 6 stacks of walking doom

>Start your journey (You began the game)
>98.7% of players have this

>who own Skyrim
That's not surprising. More to it, I AM surprised that 70% of people even installed the game.

Thats because they heard the game was good only to notice it was glorified console trash with three button combat

>Start the game


Over half of the people who played NV didn't finish the first part of the main quest.

do people just insert discs and then take them out and never start them

All the fury towards MGSV’s ending killed my incentive to play it honestly. Revengeance is the only MGS game I’ve ever even touched.

I still follow the story and think Kojima's a cool guy though.

If he'd made MGSV's ending great it could have converted a lot of PC guys to the series.

>Quit the game
>0.3% of players have this

I had to do some fuckery to get Nioh to work on my computer as well. How is it poor as fuck doujin circles can make games just werk while AAA Japanese studios more often than not just release a nice sushi boat and cover it with shit.

>backlogfags count for Achievement total
Here's your problem.

Well, probably because people tried to play the game like 3 and got raped by deathclaws.

I think you need to at least boot the game once for it to consider you in the achievement percentages.

For once I’m mildly sympathetic to them. Iudex is crazy hard for a tutorial boss if you pick deprived.
I’d done SL1 runs on DS1 and no-death runs on DS2 and he still killed me like 4 times on my first day with DS3.

If someone picked up the series for the first time and rolled deprived on that boss I actually see how much trouble it would cause them.

are you aware that the game disables achievements if you play with mods or console commands and New Vegas is one of those notorious Bethesda games that you absolutely need to install mods and use console commands in to make it somewhat bearable to play

I bought bloodborne during Black Friday sales and haven't played it.

I am one of them

Original Skyrim and NV still give you achivements with mods, it's only Fallout 4 and Skyrim remastered that disable them.

The ironic thing is you can still use console commands. However Because the games are disgustingly buggy it should be important to keep them.
>Play fallout 4 in survival
>Running on fallen highway
>Somehow fall in a hole inside and unable to get out
Thats when I redid the entiree thing and gave myself 300,000 caps and every single weapon and no clip and then turned on survival.

Fuck you Howard.

Specially as Vaars

>playing the savages