How do you feel about one of the most impactful gaming developers dying?

how do you feel about one of the most impactful gaming developers dying?

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Metzen isn't dying, he posted about his successful spinal surgery




>death claims us all quite literally

you're a funny retard op


What happened?


Metzen is transitioning to an orc, leave him alone.

Go back to Sup Forums if all you wanna do is spread false news/images and circlejerk about it.


"I have a vagina" please

some fag who ruined warcraft

think again, gaylord
>Inb4 le shop

He tried raising a 1,000 pound metal prop hammer above his head, and ended up popping a disk instead.

i hope i can die this smugly

That is even worse, then.
You actually CONTRIBUTED with two other idiots to make and an ""epic combo posts! XD" that will get archived and forgotten by everyone in a few minutes.

And yet in the end, he was the only one who actually cared about it.


I don't think Metzen is strong enough to even try such a feat.

so what, there's nothing to get upset about
you old cunt, get out of here

Because your butthurt post will be remembered for days to come

mmo champion

kys retards

Mad af lmao

dumb frogposter



He was having spine transplanted because he is a spineless faggot.

>1 off


>non 00 dubs on Sup Forums

fuck off newfag


In all honesty, Metzen had little to do with the actual story since Cataclysm, but he was always the one to help push for the Horde. Now that he's gone, Blizzard has largely ignored and just dumped us altogether in favor of Alliance pandering.

Kung Fu Panda 1 is legitimately a good movie, and Kung Fu Panda 2 is one of the best CG animated movies of all time.

>Just fucc my shit up

>in favor of Alliance pandering

Reclaiming rightful clay after all these years.


>Gets knocked down by Saurfang
lmao soyboy

Take your buzzwords to Sup Forums where you belong, until then enjoy the ban.


>using kys in the year 2015+3
t. underage faggot

wait, is this the reason he retired from WoW?

I'm still questioning if I should even bother with that expansion. I'll probably just wait until the end of the expansion, when it's on sale. The idea of Alliance vs Horde being an entire expansion is tiring. Their faction bullshit was one of the reasons I hated Mists of Pandaria.

it was a huge mistake killing off varian.

straight back orcs!

>Their faction bullshit was one of the reasons I hated Mists of Pandaria.
lmao it was muh old godz

He retired because the contract extension that was signed when Activision bought back Blizzard, was going to expire. It's why a lot of the main team left Blizzard at the same time.

this is old news



Came to this thread for this


Well at least he went out in a blaze of glory, unlike some OTHER leader.


A prop hammer, he probably thought it was hollow plastic or made from foam, like all warcraft toys, I mean warcraft weapons usually are. Who the hell makes a giant 1000lb iron prop hammer though, really? It's understandable when you think of it from that perspective. I personally tore a ligament in my left shoulder when a box big enough to fit a PS4 fell, and I didn't know it weighed 75lbs when I tried to stop it from falling with one arm.