Dark Souls Remastered Confirmed for Nintendo Switch - Releasing 25th May 2018



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>being excited about a downgrade

>old game rerelease on a shittier system

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

And for PS4.

I'm glad that Nintendofriends get to experience Dark Souls and Ys 8 as well!

LMFAO just dark souls? What about the entire series? LOL If I were a nintendiaper I'd be fucking pissed.

>Blight Town on the switch

I mean I'll probably pick it up because Dark Souls on the go sounds tight but unless they add some new content that's a bit disappointing if that's all From Soft is doing with the Switch. Give me Cookie and Cream 2 you fucking hacks.

>-30 fps

More like downmastered


Wait a sec, is that in the DaS3/BB engine?

>Blight Town runs as well as the rest of the game

0.2 FPS here we come baby

Does it have new stuff? Even if not it'll be pretty nice to potentially play it on the go I guess, though knowing Nintendo it'll cost a full 60 bucks which is kinda expensive if it has nothing new to it.

>Dark Souls 1: R1Spam/noPoise Edition

I can already see it in my mind.

Too bad no one uses it for games kek

>Switch got a Dark Souls remaster before PS4 and XboneX
>the state of sonygroes

Looks like CGI

What does remaster mean in this context? Just better visuals or does it have different content?

>Not Demon's Souls

Are they finishing Izalith?

720p to 900p on Switch, wow I can't wait.

As an idort, I can say that the first is the only truly worthwhile one excluding DeS and BB.

It's coming to PS4 too dumbass


>FPS so low the game will start running backwards

If this is just a conversion to the improved engine I'm going to be pissed

They damn well better remake half of the game

That’s because PS4 will get the real remaster.

Switch can barely run the PS3 port with downgraded textures.

It's okay, he's just retarded.

>people actually memed Dark Souls onto the Switch
That's funny.

of course itll just be a conversion. maybe a small area or two added

but izalith and all that other shit, theyre staying in


I wonder will the people who already own DS1 on PC get this version for free? I will be so pissed if I have to purchase yet another copy of DS1.


Play it on the subway

how's that a remaster if it's coming for the switch?

>mfw pubg is next

>I will be so pissed if I have to purchase yet another copy of DS1.
It's guarenteed to be worse than the current DS1+DSfix. It'll probably break all of the mods and shit you can do with it now to boot. The only thing that'd make it worth buying for PC players is if they add back in the cut content.

$60 re release? COUNT ME IN!

Can the switch even handle running dark souls?


Are you retarded?

Thank you for being happy user.
I already played it on computer but I'm hype to give it another go

>release the same game with DSFix installed
>ask for $59.99 + tip for it

>No gameplay

Every time.

They did not give SotFS for free so no chance of that.

Remaster (also digital remastering and digitally remastered) refers to enhancing the quality of the sound or of the image, or both.


>not demon
why can't we get a qt remaster for this gem?

If you actually think Dark Souls needs a remaster you are an underageb& who never touched an early 3D game.

That's not what a hack is

Honest question, how do you remaster something for a tablet?

what makes you think it's coming out on PC

doubt it will look any better than the current pc version with dsfix

>demon's souls 2
>demon's souls remaster on bloodborne engine
>king's field 5
>new shadow tower
>tfw never ever

There's no way they'd give it out for free. Remasters are just a cheap way to make more money from an old game.

>Experience the rich world of DARK SOULS in Dynamic 4K resolution when playing on a PlayStation 4 Pro system, Xbox One X, and STEAM
says right on their own youtube page youtube.com/watch?v=YWEk9TzLa50

>The leaker from a few days ago who posted about the DS remastered trailer being revealed on the direct and it being just a giu lighting up a bonfire was 100% correct

Holy shit, did anyone screencap the rest of his post?

can't release it on all platform
less profits

>dark souls remastered comes out on switch
>looks worse than the original on ps3/xbox360

Remasters are just an excuse to sell it on a newer platform at full retail price. There's nothing really wrong with wanting an old game on a newer platform, and if they want to spend that much on it, whatever. Doesn't really effect you anyway, does it?

We'd get fortnite sooner than PUBG

just go screencap it from the archive fucking newfag

They should use this as an opportunity to complete the game which was damn near unfinished in the later areas (Lost Izalith in particular comes to mind). A SotFS for Dark Souls would be incredible.

and if you get pubg it'll be the phone version.

? Switch runs Doom.

Do you think they'll fix lost izalith

Are you actually retarded?

Whats the point? Its 6 years old. Everyone who wanted to beat the PC version to death, now why would people want to pay full retail price for a downgrade?

Doesn't From have a habit of re-arranging the enemies in remasters?

God I hope they add cloth physics

SotFS never did anything like completely redo an area.

>post yfw you will be able to fuck up Ornstein and Smough while taking a shit

Why not remaster a game that isn't readily available on multiple platforms? You can only play Demon's Souls on PS3, it would make more sense to remaster it.

>fromsoftware fixes all the issues the original game had and makes it a true 10/10 game

Because portable and I didn't actually beat the PC version because I was a shitter back then and don't own a decent computer now

>enter Bed of Chaos fight arena
>it uproots itself and chases you all cross Lost Izalith like originally intended
>dragon butts are replaced with actual creative demon enemies
That'd be worth the price of admission alone

Because that would sell less.

>yfw switch version is the only one the pendant does something

nintendo switch and every other console

Bareely. 540, 30 fps with drops and lower than the lowest settings of visuals. Meanwhile, the regular consoles run it at 60 on medium pc settings.

They got kinda close. LI's main problem is that it felt fucking empty and had terribad enemy placement.

But who is going to buy Dark Souls? Nintendo-only children? Anyone who wanted to play it already did so on X360, PS3 or PC.

>ITT retards who still don't understand that Demon's Souls won't go anywhere unless Sony signs on it

If there's ever a Demon's Souls remaster then 1/ you shouldn't buy it because remasters are garbage and 2/ it will be a Sony exclusive anyway.

The portable excuse would work if the battery life wasnt shit and the console not huge. Why is that so important to you? Do you not have a car? Do you need to play games everywhere you go?

with downgraded textures, low resolution, and at an awful 30 fps


>Because portable
LMAO why is it switch owners always say this pretty sad youre looking forward to a 7 year old port

If you choose the pendant, Artorias and Gwyn fight less aggresively in their respective boss fights, and both get bigger parry windows.

I thought this was common knowledge by now

Will the Switch version be the ultimate hardmode edition since it will run sub 20 fps?

so pc, xone and ps4 get a remaster and the switch get a shitty port

>people claiming the switch is unable to hold 30fps in many titles
>tfw want to buy one but know the "new" nintendo switch is right around the corner and will offer guaranteed 60fps on all games

It may come as a surprise to you, but some people don't want to sit at their PC to play a game, yet do want to play said game again. Hopefully it has something new, but if not I'll just play a game I enjoy again.
My assumption would be that remastering DeS isn't as easy due to licensing.

...I am buying a Switch for this. Fuck Zelda. Fuck Mario. This is the best game of all time.


Sony owns Demon's Souls.

Its a remaster not a remake

I have a PS4, so I'm okay with that.

on pc you can lock it to 1 fps if you want. PC wins again! :^)