>that quick
shit game confirmed
Aren't most Kirby games have some level quality though?
development didn’t start today user
>9 months between reveal and release
>"that quick"
So is she just the dragon to the real big bad or what?
>Adaneile returns
>As a copy ability
Fuck you, FUCK YOU!
>there's a new Kirby space waifu
Susie wasn't enough I guess
She is this game's Susie.
so the dragon that will end up betraying the big bad at some point?
Looks great!
This trailer is what I needed, it actually looks like a sequel in the RtDl series instead of like Triple Deluxe that was just "RtDl except on 3DS"
Is that... Marx?
why is this thread so dead you assholes we got new info and new abilities
the last time new abilities excited me was squeak squad
Suplex is back
Didn't we already see spark?
Plasma is back but they killed the plasma wisp
>another floating-Rayman-hands side character, but with extra Kingdom Heats
I miss the character design from older Kirby games. These are seriously starting to look like generic fan characters now.
Oh so they're treating Plasma and Spark as separate abilities then
looks nothing like his wings
choose one and only one
>Suplex is in, with Buggzy as the Suplex Helper
>But also Beetle is in, with Beetley as the Beetle Helper
isn't this a little redundant?
It's two days after my birthday. Awesome.
>that hat
give me Mic but with the robobot abilities translated into kirby
Alright senpai but it's not called Mic, it'll be called Singer
>Still no sign of B.Dee
If he throws food again I'll kill myself
>no online coop
I'm really digging these
>That fucking hat
That lewd japanese artist will have a orgams but i am MAD! Bringe her back!
>caring about a red goomba
They honestly play nothing alike outside of a focus on command grabs
toad would be a better analogy
Waddle Dee as a character > Waddle Dee as a generic mook
So yeah I do care. B.Dee has the potential to be fun af
why is he so autistic
>a tiny paintcia is the art enemy
Paint and Spider allies are cute! CUTE!!!
chuuni borb
I'm surpised no one had edit it to Hype Train yet.
I wouldn't mind if the main villain in a Kirby game was a same size enemy like Meta and Galacta. It would definitely be a breath of fresh air, but maybe the soul version of [FINAL BOSS] will deliver that and not be another Marx clone.
I'm fucking hype. Gonna be even better than robobot
>Time trail mode where you can play as any helper
She's called Vividria, the Spider enemy's name is Como
Watch the trailer again. Kirby is shown suplexing the stone helper and Bugzzy is shown as a helper too
So are we gonna ignore how that giant heart looks like the one from Robobot?
>artist ability is literally an Ado reference
>heart shaped things look similar to other heart shaped things
no shit sherlock
Spider, because it might mean we'll get to see a cameo of best boy Taranza
Holy shit, if they're connected, This could end up being my favorite kirby game. I know, I know. How dare I desecrate the holy SSU? I just liked robobot more, man. end game was legit
>Whispy Boss
>Dedede Boss
>Meta Knight Boss
>Magolor 4.0 Boss
Fucking yawn. It's literally just the cookie cutter defaults
But I want my boy back.
yeah, buff dedede is pretty normal
Robobot is an extremely popular choice of favorite Kirby game
>Planet Robobot got announced 4 months before it got released
>Ended up being great
Any Kirby character with floating hands is not to be trusted.
Of course we only have a few seconds of gameplay to go by, but from what we've seen so far, Artist looks kinda lame.
>spend 5 seconds spawning a brainless hurtbox that just marches along
>generic sprint+B "quick dash" attack that like 10 other abilities have
But Spider actually looks like it will be more unique, and I'm glad that we're getting another ability besides Ice that's able to turn enemies into projectiles. Though I still hope they have more new abilities that they haven't revealed yet.
>dedede is pretty normal
Come to think of it, practically every Kirby Final Boss is connected in a massive web of lore, huh? The only two that aren't connected to the rest somehow are Yin-Yarn and Necrodeus.
The 5 second drawing attack will be able to do more the just summon a walking hurtbox. It's an ado reference, so it'll probably be able to summon food and other stuff
>kirby smiling on the cover
>This could end up being my favorite kirby game. I know, I know. How dare I desecrate the holy SSU?
No one cares what Anonymous #28,747,204's favorite is, stop acting like a self-righteous cunt.
The only one with floating hands that Kirby trusted was Magolor. Taranza, Susie and probably Francisca too start out evil in their first appearence.
i can't believe kirby is a soyboy
I'm going to DL the KBR demo to tide me over until this
Kirby isn't hardcore anymore
Dare I hope for online multiplayer?
Ever since RTD Kirby has been doing a lot of lore for the games, specially related to space shit.
Funny, since the reverse happened with Robobot in that Kirby was edgy even on the Japanese box.
>we get Bio-Spark instead of that generic ninja enemy that showed up in every game since RtDL
How do they keep getting it right?
Wait a sec
>Game about combining abilities
>Squak Squad, 64, and technically Dreamland 3 with its animal friends did this.
>Dreamland 3 had Zero as the final boss
>64 had Zero-two as the final boss
>Squeak Squad had Dark Nebula as the final boss
>Dare I hope for online multiplayer?
Don't get your hopes up. I feel like the focus on allies is to encourage dual joycon play with buddies on the go.
2 years of development don't seem abnormally quick for a Kirby game.
old and busted
Are we going to ignore that this is the same heart from Star Dream Soul OS? Is Haltmann/Star Dream still alive?
Honestly I'm thrilled to see Gim and Burning Leo return when they could have made up a new enemy to give Yo-Yo, or used any of the other existing generic fire enemies instead of Leo.
>dual joycon play with buddies on the go.
That sounds retarded. If you're playing games with people outside of your home then rethink your life
So this game doesn't have ability combining then? It's what made Kirby 64 so damned good.
new hotness
For comparison
i cant tell if she has legs
Will Artist Kirby have crippling depression and an self esteem issues?
It’s six days after mine. Good month.
Waddle dee umbrella!
None of the Magolor clones have legs
have you been watching any of the trailers
it looks like a mix of 64's abilities and squeak squad's mixes
Francisca bullying Susie when?
Satanicly reviving Haltmann with the use of Dark Matter, Marxs blood, The Squeaks treasure and some of Nightmares sweat for good measures. All on top of an Amazing Mirror.
True Final boss is Yin Yarn who pulls a ganondorf and was behind the whole plan.
Reminder that this is the Switch's target audience.
Watch the trailer, they elaborate a little more about the ability mixing there. As expected, it works more like the elemental swords/bombs from Squeak Squad than proper mixing.
And from the get-go, having unique mixture powers is a huge undertaking unless they drastically reduce the total number of base copy abilities in the game (K64 only had seven), and we saw from the start that this game was doing the opposite, since it looks like SA is bringing back tons of abilities and might even have the biggest copy ability selection of any game.
>comes out on the week of my birthday
comfy af lads
I haven't seen the trailer yet because I'm a wagecuck but I saw pics that just showed Plasma and other singular abilities so I'm worried. The E3 trailer looked like the game had ability combining but it wasn't certain I think.
Any online co-op?
>yfw you now realize if she turns into the final boss, she'll become a giantess womanly ice waifu trying to destroy friendship and happiness because that is how Kirby games usually go for arm-less characters
>Magolor clones
>final boss
Her title is "Frozen General" so she's probably only leading the attack rather than being the Big Bad