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Switch really is the new Vita

Is it bad I kinda liked it? Let's see how it goes.


interest lost

wow the pandering. I wonder how much shitstorm will this cause.

No shit. Now to wait for all the Vita games to be ported over.

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Shitstorm on resetera and reddit. The actual fans won't mind.
I sure don't but I don't play KOF game if they have no K'

Isn't this game sexist?

Or is it empowerement?

I don't even know anymore


Gameplay looks a little party game-ish but fuck it it's Gal Fighters 2!

Holy shit.

>one button auto combos

imagine buying an arcade stick for the Switch

This is garbage.

ash when

why don't kof14 port?

It looks cute, so it's sexist.
Women in entertainment must be uglier than me- I mean as realistic as real-life women, otherwise it's fucking sexist and you deserves to fucking kill your entire family and kill yourself if you so much as to even TRY to disagree with me

>One button auto combos

What is DBFZ?

Yet you're hyped for FighterZ?

Because this is all you deserves switchtard

I know this is ironic, but just the mere thought of women actually thinking like this makes me want to cringe. Some times, games are just meant to be pandering and to escape from reality as much as possible.

Gonna buy the shit out of it but, yeah, shame for not porting XIV.

>SNK heroines
>no Vanessa


Dead on arrival.

no PC version?


Was gonna ask that too. Miss X is the best female character.

>obviously a more fun, less serious party game fighter with tons of fanservice
>Literal no fun allowed try hard elitist tourney fags pour into the thread to denounce it as a "real" fighting game

You're all so fucking predictable and boring.


Honestly I'm mostly just down on it because of NISA being involved. It doesn't look like my cuppa tea but I won't begrudge anybody who is interested.


Actually i'm not really hyped for DBFZ. I play MvCI, the game with autocombos that can be turned off. It's actually sad that DBFZ gets all the attention for a fighting game because muh grafix but what do you expect on Sup Forums?

No Mina no sale, SNK.

They're just localizing right? Who cares

>playing mvci

This is NISA, it will probably get ported 6 months to a year later

I dunno if you've seen previous NISA localizations but I'm not interested in buying something missing half its content or something that's capable of melting my system's CPU.

>realistic as real-life women
Let's be honest, what they really mean is "as ugly or uglier than themselves".

>I play MVCI

>falling for the mvci is bad meme

>function: the game

This. It's a waifu dress-up game made with polished kof14 assets. It's just dumb fun, not a seereeos esports.

Its even getting fucking Ys VIII with the non butchered translation.
I never would have thought I'd see the day.

Who is she?

>SNK filling the gap in the market usually filed by SK


At least it's not canned combo kusoge: the game like DBFZ.

Looks ok. I could pick it up when it's cheap
>NISA published
Well fuck that idea

>Its even getting fucking Ys VIII with the non butchered translation.
But the Vita is also getting that too

Kinda why I'm quietly down for this game. Loved Gals Fighters back in the day.

American trailer already censored

>MCU vs Capcom

>only SNK has the balls to still make games like this
they really are based arent they

To my Dearest SNK,


>people are already triggered


Hoping they add characters like B. Jenet and Rosa from Kizuna Encounter and not just KoF XIV model ports

Yeah, Injustice-fag, we know you want to make people give you (you)s because now almost every game is more popular than >NRS feat Batman and friends, you won't get that from me.

Plus if you legitimately defend the game, you know Capcom and Ike The Kike fucked the game beyong actual buying, and they actually need a free update including X-Men and graphical fixes to ACTUALLY make the game worthy.

OwO who is she?

I love me some fit girls! xoxo

>dbz autists already shitting up unrelated threads

>t-this game is worse so my game isn't also shit

glad to see mvci fans have no defense of their game but deflection.

Wish this was just a straight sequel to Gals Fighters, instead of this weird costume thing, but whatever.

Hope Yuki is in it, she was fun.

Fuck the X-Men, MvCI is in dire need of new characters, only 5 in the base game is fucking unacceptable.

>expecting them to put in effort

fuck fio where's eri

>not naming it The Queen of Fighters


What's your team?

Why are sonyyggers so butthurt about the Switch?

No Ms. X no buy

What? That's stupid, it's not just KoF characters. The title they picked is much more suited for a crossover game.

>KOF without 90% of the characters and weeb fanservice


was that all the characters?

KOF IS a crossover

>durr MvCI is shit because my subjective distaste for the graphics and the shitty function meme proves it

The absolute state of Sup Forums and fighting games.

>Not Queen of Fighters

Damn, Nintendo really put that in direct?
Damn they go all out. Love it.
I hate fightan however

of course not

lmaoing @ ur life

Lien never

Fuck Fio and Eri, where's Dragunov?

Yuri is my wife

I bought both a Switch and a Vita around the same time. Was I being redundant?

Fixed it for you.

>what is other m
Trying too hard, buddy.

Not at all, I also bought a Vita not long ago for the few games it has (and homebrew) but it's a fact that outside a few last game, the Vita is truly dead, with the Switch picking up the work.

anti weeb unsecure cunts btfo

Why is every attack shooting food? What the fuck even is this?

when will nintendo end misogyny in gaming for good?


>cover looks like a mahou shoujo game
It's just Gals Fighters 2

when will they make something that isn't a fighting game?

>Not being able to understand sarchasm.


Why is Kukri on the cover?

SNK died long ago


She isn't a fighter, she is Kyo's girlfriend.

Kukri is a flat chested demi-girl you bigot.

Ms. X 2

14 was great, only issue were the graphics, and this Switch game already has better graphics. They also got Capcom's best gamedesigner

Here's your
>i'm just pretending
>to be

There was a Queen of Fighters on NEO GEO POCKET and had only female characters
Iori was the final boss cross dressing and was called Miss X

It could be based on that comedy manga SNK is posting on their website about Kukri being a hikikomori and kidnapping the girls.