>Improved framerate and resolution
>Atorias of the Abyss DLC
Improved framerate and resolution
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Cool. Something pc did over 5 years ago.
If the only improvements on the other versions are graphical shit, then I'm geting the Switch version for sure.
So its the PC version but shittier?
t. sonykek
>improved framerate
Does PC have rumble controls? No. And I'm sick of pcbros thinking they are still the hot shit since early 2010s. Console is best for dark souls.
You nintenbabies dont think things through do you?
>improved framerate and resolution
That's it?
This. Demon's Souls deserves a revival more than Dark Souls both because it's better, but also because they're shutting down the servers soon.
>4k 60fps to 720p 30fps is now an "improvement"
in what way console is ever any better than anything?
user, the base game doesn't support that on PC.
Improved framerate and resolution? Compared to the PC version? They better bring that to PC as well. Also, bring Demon's Souls and Bloodborne to PC.
The servers are still up? I was surprised when I saw the servers up when I played it for the first time in 2015. That's some serious longevity.
pretty much every copy of DS on PC now includes dsfix
>Compared to the PC version?
Yes I'm sure the Switch version is going to run >60fps and >4k
Dont delude yourself, the pc version ran at less than 60 while dark souls 2 ran better
>rumble controls
Why is no one mentioning this is on all other platforms too?
Yes it does, are you retarded?
Just search "dark souls 4k 60fps" on youtube
Kinda pointless to false flag when it's proven it's coming to PS4
>Improved framerate and resolution
>exclusively on PC, PS4 and Xbox One
>real time menuing on the switch controller screen
Dark Souls Remastered for the Switch CONFIRMED definitive PVP version.
>on the switch
hella yeah cant wait for 4fps blight town
Because literally everyone has already played this game multiple times
Only nintenc.ucks still care about it
Because it'll be portable on the Switch as opposed to the other consoles.
Kek, what is it with Nintendo twitter pages making spelling errors.
>He never used DSFix
Switch version is confirmed to be 30fps with 1080/720 resolution and all other platforms will be 1080/60fps.
That’s cool and all but I just don’t care.
So this is the shadow die twice game?
Wake me up when they confirm Lost Izalith changes
>rumble controls
And I don't care that you don't care. You asked why people are specifically talking about the Switch version. I gave you an answer to that.
finally nintendo fans can play the best zelda game
Why are they calling it a remaster when all they're doing is improving framerate and resolution?
Normally a "remaster" would entail some actual redesigns or something.
the leak said all platforms, why are people acting like there was something to falseflag over anyway?
That's a remake
>Game: Remastered
>original came out five years ago
>Sup Forums is eating this shit up because muh based Japs please shit in my face Meme Souls are my favourite games
I can understand nintendobro hype but why would PS4 owners give a shit? Souls has been their meat n potatoes for years.
Dumb frogposter
No a remake entails fundamental changes to the game, like if they re-did the second half of the game to not be shit or something. Remasters are usually texture/model updates or somesuch.
True enough, but it'll be based off of the original console releases. Comparing PC isn't really valid.
Not since the 7th generation. Remaster are just ports for 5 year old games for consoles now.
Do you see any playstation fags (or any other platform that already had the game) giving a shit? Because I don't
I don't have any Sony consoles but I have a PC. Why would I buy it on the Switch when I could pirate/buy it for cheaper on the PC? Besides the portability
What does the thing under dedicated servers say
Mfw DkS1 with the roll fixed
what happened to DeS remaster?
im kinda hype to see ps4 DaS but I already did both endings and a whole buttload of trophies. (magic, miracles, pyro, done, etc)
Why not?
PC has the best version and you can still play it on a modern system without pating for the game again.
I bet they are going to remove the original from Steam or make it so the only way to buy it is by buying the remaster.
I'm glad nintendoodz are finally getting a chance to play Dark Souls. But I fear this might cause some Zelda fans to grow out of the franchise.
Might be a good chance to shake things up tho.
You're right, there's no reason to make the purchase if you exclude the obvious one.
It's too bad you don't own one sonyfag
>reading the bottom
>its a fucking upscale 4K. not actual 4K
>Besides the portability
That's about it. It's a bigger deal for some people than it is for you and me.
>If the only improvements on the other versions are graphical shit, then I'm geting the Switch version for sure
Switch is 30FPS while the other versions are 60FPS and graphical improvements. Enjoy playing in 2004, soyboy.
>graphics matter
so you wont be picking up mhw then
Are they gonna use the bloodborne engine or what? The old engine is broken af at 60fps
>5 phantoms
Forest gankers gonna be worse than ever
Looking forward to it
In 9 months.
but i didnt buy the switch for 3rd party releases so im not that upset
60fps on PS4/Xbone means this isn't going to be a true remaster, most likely the original with some touches like SSAO, new textures, particles etc
I'll do exactly the same thing as I did with the original dark souls. Play with the console version and migrate to the pc version when possible.
>6 online players
fuck no, I hope they don't have the Ds3 gank issue in pvp
>PC has the best version
the version with thea smallest online community and most amount of hackers is not the best version
>improved framerate
*with dips
Its a 3rd person game. Its gonna be fine at 30fps
it will, also twinking isn't possible anymore
>30fps on the switch
>60 on every other platform
soy console as weak as it's fanfuccbois
Camera perspective is irrelevant to fps issues, lower is always noticeably worse.
>all these people mad over the switch getting Dark Souls :^)
>the leak said all platforms, why are people acting like there was something to falseflag over anyway?
Shitposting, duh.
I just hope they don't fuck up the PvP.
You can't possibly know how many people are playing on console, only PC has something like that. Also on PC you can improve your connectivity.
You are just talking out of your ass.
why are there no screenshots or videos?
From 0 fps to 30 fps
There will be DaS amiibos that will give you a new questline for new and exclusive armor/weapons. Also there will be exclusive emotes you can obtain when you use different amiibo. You didn't hear it from me.
There’s some idiots right now that seem to think the remaster is Switch exclusive despite there being a credible leak that it’s all platforms.
The same leaker was ahead of the initial remaster announcement by 2 hours.
Ive got it. Dont buy it on the switch then. Fixed your issue.
If I've never beaten DaS should I just play it on the PS3 or wait for the remaster?
Can i put my link amiibo on there and play as him?
PS3 version is garbage. Get the remaster on the Switch so you could play with your community college buddies.
Wait for the remaster so you can get fucked in real time by the online community
Fuckin finally, I was asking myself if I had to do the post myself.
No. You will get a gesture that makes you yell "HYEAHHHH" and swing your sword around like Link.
Boot up your cdi and play on there
>muh framerate
blighttown on ps3 isn't even that bad tb.h
Haha holy shit the things nintenboys need to put up with.
It runs at half the framerate of the other versions.
Portable is the key
>play with joycons
>left joycon desyncs while you are in a boss fight.
Oooh i hope they use motion controls like in skyward sword
>playable Blighttown on consoles
Demonstratobly incorrect statement.
Will Dark Souls Remastered have smooth 30fps shadows as well?
isn't bloodborne 30fps?