How do you fuck something up this badly?

how do you fuck something up this badly?

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By being Sega and not giving a fuck about the quality of one of your flagship IP's ports. This was during the era of Sonic where "if it can be completed by at least one human" was the determining factor in whether or not a game got released.

Ask your mother, about yourself.

why did you post this?

So what the fuck was Chaos? A water chao? Why didn't Tikal appear earlier and prevent all the shit from happening?

Because Sonic Adventure is a far better game than you are a person, eat a steaming sack of dogshit.

the absolute state of sonic fans

I cant tell are you complaining about the base game or the shitty port? I thought the game was fine at the time I mean I dont like 2d sonic but I always liked the character so the adventure games were good. at least the music is pretty damn good in both

He was busy recording Tikal 2000: Judgement Day


how do you make a sonic game that runs at 30fps

the gamecube port, i used its cover in the OP for a reason

How did the port fuck anything up?

have you played it?

A little, nothing stood out.

sonic was never good

You have to be severely autistic to find any problems with this port that weren't in the original.

Took too long for this to get posted

don't get me wrong, the original version of the game isn't very good at all eother, but the DX version is incredibly noticeably worse looking and buggier and harder to play. they made a poor game even worse and then billed it as the best version.

I am slowly realizing that this game has one of the best plots in all of vidya.

>both the hero and the villain are likable and charismatic
>great soundtrack
>has a cool AF final boss
>ending wraps it all up in a neat little package

the music, chao garden and final boss make up for any of the flaws people bitch about. dont care if its nostalgia sa2 was fucking fun as shit. I still remember playing city escape for the first time on a dreamcast demo inside a store

I mean directors cut isnt always the best version. theyve fucked alot of movies going back and editing. I guess same thing happened

For how cheesy it was and how negatively shaped the future of the series, the story was still the better part of the game.

What was wrong with it? It plays exactly the same as the original. What were you expecting out of a port?

It was a cool fucking game. I still remember the shit-talk that Sonic and Shadow had before their fight

Shadow: "How did you activate Chaos Control with a fake emerald?"
Sonic: "I just did m8, what you see is what ya get".

Great boss fight.

>It plays exactly the same as the original

the gamecube port is superior because it runs at 60fps

What are the differences? I asked before and didn't get an answer.

just some few graphical differences, nothing gamebreaking. if you're a sonic autist then the differences will trigger you.

It introduced a shit load of bugs and glitches because they didn't give a single fuck about the port. A quick google search would give you all the info you asked for.

>oh no it looks slightly different and has 60fps
How horrible! Truly ruined forever.

We know all about the graphics, but why hasn't anyone done a hard comparison of the gameplay yet? I see collision get brought up a lot but I haven't seen anything but anecdotes. Something like Emerald Coast would be easy to compare since it has a ton of easily-breakable scripted setpieces.

the bugs and glitches are overexagerrated. you have to purposefully go out of your way to trigger those like going to a specific part of the map, turning on free camera mode, and then moving the camera slightly enough for it to bug out.. if you play normally you won't ever notice it.

Disgusting. Absolute proof that Japan doesn't understand Sonic and should not be allowed to make Sonic media.

it's a straight up port with some texture/lightning differences and a free camera mode system. there won't be any significant gameplay or level design changes besides the game running at 60fps instead of 30. collision is a problem in both games because of the nature of the level design.

Jesus fuck, it's like an autistic underaged DeviantArt retard being protective of his Original the Characters.

Turns out the reason Sonic attracts all the spegs is it was made by the same sort of sperg in the first place.

the reason why sonic even attracts autists is because he's blue and his design is simple. autisitic people can't handle complex colors or complex designs.

>Japan doesn't understand Sonic

Couldn't agree more.

Under Sonic Team, Sonic will never thrive. I have always said this and thought this, but this picture fucking seals the deal. It's over.

It has more glitches and is overall more unstable than the original version.

SA2's a legitimately great game. Underaged faggots hating on it because their favorite e-celeb told them it aged poorly has always pissed me off

is the SA2 port just as bad?
It's still SEGA so I expect them to have at least ruined 1 thing

>worst, most boring character
>has the best theme music

I suspect SEGA/Sonic Team have been fucking with everyone since 1997 at the latest.

The SA2 port is great, think the only thing they changed was the VMU features out of necessity.

Sonic Adventure 2 was a mediocre game in retrospect. All the levels sucked except for Sonic and Shadow. Only real redeeming feature was the improved Chao Garden which they abandoned in all future games for some retarded reason.

SA2 battle is a enhanced port.

Thanks, I'll go play it right now then

The Tails/Eggman levels are fine, they're standard 3D platforming stages with decent set pieces.

The Knuckles/Rogue levels are hit or miss for everyone but I didn't mind them. Liked the environments and thought they made for a good change of pace.

That soundtrack was varied as fuck.
That and the Chao Garden was the only reason I played it to the end.

Treasure hunting is fine as long as you're not trying to get A Rank

fuck you and your bugs and glitches. its people like you who told me not to play soul calibur 3 and that game is fun as shit. everyone just parrots the same shit they here i bet you never even played both versions back to back to form your own opinion.

SA2B is better.
SA2 HD has extremely loud sound effects since they fucked up the channels on surround sound or something

To be fair, this is kind of a result of the whole Ken Penders situation

No, fuck you. I haven't played SCIII, so I can't say anything about it, but I have played both versions of SA1 and I can fully confirm that DX (more specifically the PSN/XBLA/PC ports) sucks donkey dick compared to the original version. The only thing that's better is 60fps and the ability to skip cutscenes. That's it.

Or it could be that it actually aged poorly as standards evolved. When was the last time you played it?