Switch is pure cancer so far

Switch is pure cancer so far.

Not talking about the games im talking about the community surrounding it.

You cant say anything bad about BotW without some autist screaming is the best shir ever or whatever. We are hitting OoT levels of autism from the 00s era

Are you fucking preteens who just discovered vidya and grew up with the wii u?

One could argue that you are just as against the switch as much as the people who are for the switch.

community? do you care about communities surrounding consumer electronics.

lmaoing at you're life, user.

Welcome to NintendoGAF.

BoTW is like a year old. The people bitching about it daily are the cancer. Fucking move on.

By visiting Sup Forums your are not only acknowledging a community based around consumer electronics but actively perticipating in it's online discussions and group opinions

>im talking about the community surrounding it.
Who fucking cares
How does that affect the games

>im going to ignore the topic and decide you hate the switch

DLCs are coming, im talking about the community anyways.

Or maybe you're just boogymanning people who hate cancerous fanbase mentalities. pic related, just replace the word SJW.

>autists vs autists : the post

Not arrogant, just better.

Switch owner here
Breath Of The Wild isn’t groundbreaking at all, I’ve said this before. The reason it gets so much praise is because Open World games have sucked for so long that any major improvement to the genre would’ve been treated like a godsend. They use most of the map for things and the world is beautiful. Horizon hits close to this but there’s still too much empty space in there.
Odyssey should’ve been GOTY, not Zelda.

It takes a while to tell the difference between falsflagging pretenders that are actively shitting up the board to make you think this way and people who want to have a discussion.

Console war bullshit is autistic as fuck, regardless of what console you defend/attack.

One could argue that doesn't matter,

>I hate it because of the community
what community? I'm p sure they got rid of the miiverse thing so you cant really talk to the community anymore and /v isn't the community

>literally every switch thread is full of gay retards like OP trying desperately to get people to stop buying it and trying to paint its community as bad
Sonylets, when will they learn?

>the representative community online isn't the community because i say so!


Never fails.

It's an open world game that has the name "Zelda" on it, Odyssey stood no chance against zeldafags

>/v is the switch community

I think it has more to do with the Nintendo fanbase as a whole. They seem to be really hypocritical these days. Take for example:

>FFVII was called SJW shit by nintendo fans because Cloud crossdresses in it
>now it's okay when Link does it

>Persona is called weaboo shit because it sexualizes women
>Xenoblade magically gets a pass

>cinematic experiences like Uncharted and TLOU get hate for having alot of story and terrible gameplay
>"games" like Metroid: Other M receive universal acclaim

It really gets grating after a while, like dealing with a child.

>Xenoblade gets a pass
No it fucking doesn’t
The only people who liked Xenoblade 2 were weebs and Persona fans. Most Xenoblade fans hate the otaku and weeb pandering and slower combat, like I do.

Unfortunately yours is the minority opinion. Even if I agree with you personally, it's definitely not representative of the 50+ Xenoblade threads we get daily.