>everything in this picture

im so hungry for dinosaur tendies right now

>average nintendo fan

The fuck kind of setup is that

>everything in this image
just fucking delete your thread you midget fuck

switch isn't for ants its not my fault you obese snyingger is too fat

10/10 thread

are those dinosaur tendies?

b-b-b-but I can play darksouls in portable
>loses wifi connection

You don't get to call anyone else obese with a full platter of tendies right there, boy

holy shit and I thought it was just a meme
holy shit my sides

Just to reinforce this, remember this is your typical Nintenbro.

yes I do you butthurt faggot, stop crying just because switch already has a better library than every other platform combined


This has to be one of the best threads I've seen on Sup Forums in months

hilarious false-flag user, I'm laughing with you

>that keyboard
>gayming laptop
>taking a picture instead of a screenshot

Shouldn't you have a glass of soy milk to go with that?

Is that a monitor?

We did it!!

>this entire thread

some sort of ipad thing from the looks of it

I seriously love you and all of your posts

>average nintendo fan

>being a co-op fag

damn that switch of yours must reek of dick so much by now

>average fat retarded /v poster

>1080p 30 fps

Lol i didn't think about that.

Souls without messages/ghosts, let alone co-op phantoms, will be absolute ass.

So much for portability

>parents gifting their grown up son a Nintendo console
I mean all presents are nice but still. It's a bit like saying "son, you are a manchild"

You literally forgot

>30 fps

Soyboy gonna cry?

Bottom right looks completely fine

>cheering for a crappy port of almost nine years old game
Well, at least you're going to get a multiplayer, not like the poor mustards and their badly emulated Demon's Souls.

>3rd one opening a ps4
>bottom right is a chad

So does this mean we're gonna see a port of dks2 and dks3 on switch too at some point? Or is this just a proof of concept thing for the switch.

How nintendo won then Vita will have streaming 60fps 720p DaS tho?

>second right on top
so they are as retarded as sonybros?

lol at getting excited for yet another last gen port.

Is not even E3 dickface
[Is was a little disappointed with this Direct]

What the fuck do any of these companies win you insufferable faggot, your neetbux? Thats fucking great now shut that cock chute you call a mouth and talk about videogames instead of sucking some company's dick

>vita has a 544p screen
>720p streaming
sonybros BTFO once again

>Literally showing that he hasn't grown up at all

>DS2 remaster that actually fixes its problems unlike Scrotum of the First Sin
one can dream

>Xbox One (1080p, 60 fps)

> PlayStation 4 (1080p, 60 fps)

>Xbox One X (Upscaled 4K, 60 fps)

>PlayStation 4 Pro (Upscaled 4K, 60 fps)

> PC (Native 4K, all textures 2K unconverted, 60 fps)

> Nintendo Switch (TV mode: 1080p, 30 fps; Handheld mode: 720p 30 fps)

Nintenbros cucked again

>posts whatever he wants because he can
>doesn’t care if some people take it as he looks childish
>not a chad

>Nintendo: portable
>everyone else: couch potatos
Everyone with a life knows who's the actual winner.

I mean who the fuck uses their switch console as a screen

why do you even play video games if you're so ashamed of liking them?

Whatever you say, soyboy.

Because staring at a screen at home for a few hours is not enough

Still better than upscaled 720p/1080p with 30 fps

Only a SOYBOY would respond to that post. What, did the little soyboy get offended? Awww

It gets 30fps when docked, it will unplayable undocked.

This is a speedrun?

Why is he reading the text instead of skipping it?

>Bottom right for contrast

>30 FPS
Why switch, why? Why can you not pull your own weight when you’re at least docked?

>30fps when docked

>implying PS4 isn't the soyboys console of choice

except that is fake
it became a meme as a fake
then some fags made some

I get why Nintendo made the console portable, they can be greedy with the hardware prices.

>nintenbros will continue the mental gymnastics for an objectively inferior experience

Remove bottom right

Nah its real. But it doesn't mean fucking anything. It is just a pride thing for the homos. Who gives a fuck about homos? I will gladly let them buy normie products from Sony so Sony can invest in more bloodborne and gravity rush for me.

>that Goldeneye 64 bundle

nigga where's the ketchup? goddamn you fucked up


it'll definitely still be 30 fps undocked, Just at 720p instead.

Is that you, Mokou/Nestor? You ungrateful piece of shit turbo fatso, die of cardiax arrest already.

Guys I don't get it. Except for the exaggerated amount of calories fried tendies have, what's also wrong with them that could be correlated with nintendo fans?