'memba when hot chicks, tits, ass, and sexual content in video games was cool and no big deal.
I remember
'memba when hot chicks, tits, ass, and sexual content in video games was cool and no big deal.
I remember
No. You don't. That game was controversial as fuck.
That game was shit.
You didn't play it. Shut the fuck up.
>You have to play a game yourself to know if it's bad or not.
How is sexual content a big deal these days? It's in so many games.
This game is one of the most critically panned in history
I have, it's extremely bad.
more recently in the past few years it's been censoring or as those doing it are calling it. 'Making things more realistic'
I even hear new God of War has absolutely NO nudity in it. A major staple in every single GoW game.
not anymore!
when the tits are two pyramids it's fine
nobody bought that game
Didn't know GoW is a porn game that it needs nudity that badly.
It's not even bad. It's just a Dave Mirra game with a worse soundtrack and tits. And everyone fucking loves the Dave Mirra games.
I remember
That game was absolute dogshit compared to most other BMX games of that time. It was also censored in different countries and I remember Jack Thompson or someone like him bitching about that game non-stop for a solid month or so.
Stop looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses. Yes, there are things about ten or twenty years ago that I liked better than today, but only a moron would think it was an absolute paradise with virtually no trade-offs.
no, moms always have been against sexual things (they need to keep their power, can't have better things out there than real used up pussy) and decent drinks, and fun activities like drinking and driving
Dad rented this for me, it was good. actual nipples was a bonus
>'member when it was legal to release a shitty ripoff with nude kins as a real game and make quick buck off underage virgins?
They still do it in Japan, senpai. I much prefer classy sexualization in my games rather than full on nudity and porn - that's what mods are for.
Everyone made fun of that game though.
>classy sexualization
oxymoron, fanservice is gay, have the balls to go all out
>all over the news
>stores claiming they wont sell it
>gaming magazines writing huge articles about why it sucks and games shouldnt be regulated
hello underage
>classy woman can't be sexy
Well not in your age range, that's for sure.
>it was good
No it wasn't. It was just a fuckload of unfunny cutscenes you couldn't actually watch because you were too busy playing the irrelevant crappy minigames on the bottom of the screen that only exist because it finally occurred to someone late in development they forgot to put any gameplay in their game.
To be fair, I also played it when I was a kid and back then it was good because titties, son. I jerked off to those loading screens many many times and jokes in it were just stupid enough to get a giggle out of 15yo idiot.
Not him, but...yeah? At least in most cases.
It got re-released on Steam
Still waiting for Box Office Bust just for the sake of it.
I haven't played it myself, but a lot of people consider it to the start of how zombified the Leisure Suit Larry series became. Love for Sail was considered to be the "final" game back in 1996 and I remember a lot of people saying it was the best one ever made (even though it retconned most of the past games).
Then you had the gratuitous minigames in Magna Cum Laude, the absolutely bare-bones and buggy shit that was in Box Office Bust, and a decent but ultimately luke-warm reception to the first game's remake. The games were supposed to be funny first, then MAYBE sexy. First game's Game Over state was Larry killing himself because he couldn't get laid, for fuck's sake. The later games forgot how important the writing was and just went all-in on controversy that no one really gave a shit about anymore. Mass Effect's sex scenes are trashy garbage but people are billing that as "emotional" these days. No one's impressed and no one's shocked outside of clickbaiters.
game was a slap in the face to people who enjoyed the original games. love for sail was the fucking shit I dont know how many times i played it. hilarious dialogue and little secrets sprinkled everywhere
Yes nigger
>the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums
if you beat the game 10 times in a row she would take off her top
How was Lawbreakers, user?
The sad part is 12 yo me believed that
Note that it didn't get censored and was developed and actually available to purchase at Electronics Boutique despite protests!
>Sup Forumstard nu-cuck still thinks Tracer's pose was censored
2 years later, you're still retarded.
cow bumps
>it didn't get censored
Newfag underage.
Suprisingly good. Best fun i've had once i got over the memeaddiction. Not as great as ToR or CoD though
How is that any different from when someone posts a hansome nigger or asian here? It's just whites being butthurt at things as per usual, no matter age or gender.
Censorship is just.... Fucking dumb.
We are safely anonymous and come to a consensus. These are bitter women showing the world how awful they are, names proudly displayed, the post won't get pruned or deleted. at least our negative thoughts stay safely here, and you just called niggers handsome you faggot
fapped slightly more to this game than i should have but porn was different. the world was different.
That game was shit and there was a fuckload of controversy
Just because you're underage doesn't mean you get to post dumb shit
You haven't seen the times "anonymous" spergs out and spam comment fields using their facebooks on media sites back when they had comment fields, have you?
Hell, the dumbest ones "proudly" show off they're anons to each other with shitty memes even now.
>Didn't react at asian being called hansome
Ah, the classic manchild weeaboo, we meet again.
They're right, though, she's just your average flatfaced gook?
I use those ending scenes for wank material. Last funny game in the series really, BoB sucked.
I'm guessing its the censored European version on steam right?
It's become Everybody's golf, no more cool for you.
>Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude Uncut and Uncensored
Doesn't seem to be. Fuck man, this getting released on Steam means my pip dream of this games will never get realized.
>Game gets released with optional Maya, Blender, and SFM models of all the main girls in the game you can download so you can finally, FINALLY make proper FUCKING SEX SCENES FOR ALL THE GIRLS WHO DIDN'T GET ONE
Helga is best russian girl, fight me. Nerdy Ione is second.
>You now remember Dave Mirra Shot himself in the head
Life is fucking weird
This game was very controversial when it came. alot of refused to even carry it. And it was barely advertised.
When something that was in all the other games isn't in the newest game, it makes people wonder why. And when it happens at the same time that puritanical SJWs and feminists are at their loudest, it seems like more than a coincidence.
This game was very controversial when it came. A lot of refused to carry it and it was barely advertised.
PA was pretty good back then.
Game had an 'interesting' development, to say the least. One of the devs talked about it on GoG.
>Missed Gameplay Opportunities, Decent Story by Thraxamer
>First, this game was developed by High Voltage Software, not Codemasters. Also, it was published by Vivendi Universal, who purchased Sierra's assets, not Sierra.
>How do I know this? I was the lead designer.
>Now hold off the with torches and pitchforks. Allow me to share a story.
>High Voltage was handed a treatment by Vivendi. We were told to make a game centered on minigames and boobs, using the Larry franchise. "Adventure games are dead," they said. "No one wants an old-fashioned Larry game," they said. "Make Larry relevant to the 19-22 year old set," they said.
>So my fellow team members and I rolled up our sleeves and started to work.
>I fought to make sure we had a great story included in the game. Our talented writers did an excellent job, given our constraints. We all pulled together and added what elements we could to make the game fun, beyond the conversation game and the 12 minigames that made up the rest of the gameplay.
>The voice acting was superb, and the original music was great. We were also able to license some fun music. While on this project, I worked with some of the best programmers, artists, animators, and designers I've ever met in the industry. I'm still very proud of that team and what they did, in the face of a difficult set of requests.
>Enjoy this for what it is: a fun story, a little romp in a Larry-esque universe, a way to add a little risque to your play. It's well worth the price and just might bring a smile to your face.
I remember that game A) being controversial and covered in main stream media outlets B) being total dog shit.
How young is you god damn.
>underage detected
This was controversial and cringy at the time too
Go back to facebook normalfaggot
hear me out user
or there's no titties and fucking biddies cause it doesn't quite fit the theme and story of the game?
It's funny 19-21 year olds today don't know about Jack Thompson and the formation of the ESRB.